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Bill Quick, the Daily Pundit, reports on an editorial over at the New York Post&#160 written by Arnold Ahlert.&#160 Misha reports that the Post&#160 apparently doesn’t like being linked to, so go see Bill’s post on the matter.

Current poll numbers – if one gives them any credence, which I don’t, necessarily – show that 58% oppose Bush’s handling of the Iraq war.

I submit to you that a goodly chunk of that number represents people who see this as turning into another Vietnam.&#160 Not because the military has bogged down there – that’s a subject open for debate – but because it’s looking more and more like we’re fighting with one hand tied behind our back, so as not to give certain people (*coughragheadedIslamofuckbastardslikeIbrihimHooperofCAIRcough*)&#160 offense.

With each passing day that we don’t&#160 hear about dozens of sorties of bombers running roughshod over an identified terrorist safe-house or other stronghold, we the American people become more & more disillusioned.&#160 President Linguinispine-ya, without realizing it, is caving in a little more each day to “Shitcan” Sheehan and the Shee-hags down there in the Crawford ditch.

Bush, you need to quit fighting this war as if you’re waiting for the cavalry to come over the hill in the form of an Iraqi constitution.&#160 Our military there is&#160 the cavalry, sir, and it needs to kick ass, take names and send the fucking ragheads on to their 72 goats.

The more you delay, the more your enemies here like the Crawford Ditch Bitch&#153 and her willing accomplices in the TSM are going to make this look like another Vietnam.

Take off the kid gloves now,&#160 Mr. President.&#160 For the good of the country.


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