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Memo to the Cowboys:&#160 Congratulations – you just got beat by the biggest pussies in the NFL.

And yeah, you can quote me.

at Dallas 6, Pussydelphia 10

Not much to say about the game – Romo & company were off all day long, only in small part due to the Beagle defense.&#160 It’s irritating, but it happens sometimes – but, as sportscaster Dale Hansen says, “it better not happen again”.

But it’s the whining on the part of Pussydelphia which is what’s pissing me off.

Case in point #1:&#160 Early in the first quarter, Donna McCrabbs, the World’s Greatest Ever Quarterback Ever In The History Of Ever, Ever™, threw a pass to former TCU tight end Matt Schobel.&#160 Schobel caught the ball, then had his head nearly separated from his shoulders by a wicked Ken Hamlin shoulder hit.

Andrea “Fat Ass” Reid and the rest of the Pussydelphia coaching staff immediately began bleating that Hamlin led with his head.

Talk now is that Hamlin will supposedly be fined.&#160 For a legal hit.&#160 All because of Pussydelphia whining.

Which leads me to the other play.&#160 With about six minutes & change left in the first quarter, Widdle Donna McCrabbs found the heat in the kitchen not to his liking and took off on a scramble.&#160 Roy Williams caught him from behind and dropped him via the back of McAsshole’s collar.

Bammo – 15-yard horse-collar penalty.&#160 Williams got called for the penalty that’s supposedly named after him (and why he doesn’t sue the fucking NFL for defamation, I’ll never know – it’s not like no one else&#160 in the NFL ever tackles by the back of the collar, y’know?>

Here’s the deal on this so-called “horse collar penalty”:&#160 The NFL ostensibly outlaws the practice out of fear of hurting its players.&#160 Yet they continue&#160 to allow the interior cut-block, where an offensive lineman can, within the confines of the box surrounding the line of scrimmage, dive for an opposing defender’s knees.&#160 An AFC team – either Tennessee or San Diego, I don’t remember which – lost a lineman to a blown-out knee two weeks ago due to this legal&#160 blocking technique.

If the NFL is so damned fucking concerned about its players, why in the Hell™ is the cut-block not outlawed?


Uh-huh.&#160 Thought&#160 so…

This week:&#160 0-1.&#160 Overall:&#160 57-18.

The PFW returns Friday, when I tell you exactly why&#160 we have this stupid-assed “horse-collar” rule.&#160 (Here’s a hint – it has to do with Pussydelphia – the biggest bunch of sniveling crybabies in the NFL.)


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