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February 27, 2005

How about thanking  him instead of complaining...?

By now, you guys have heard about the shootings that took place in Tyler last week.  And you've heard about the very brave individual, Mark Wilson, who gave up his life to save that of the gunman's son, through whose head David Hernandez Arroyo was about to put a bullet.

But it's the reaction of the moronic Texas Department of Not Much Safety which chaps my bohiney this morning:  The standard mantra of "leave your protection to us professionals" - invariably given after said professionals have just been caught again  with their collective trousers down around their collective ankles.

"Leave the crime fighting to us," said Tela Mange, spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Public Safety. "There are just all kinds of situations that they can find themselves in that don't turn out well."
Yeah, Mangey, and those "situations" usually occur after you dipwads have failed yet again  to do the job that we, the taxpayers...


...are paying you pretty decent money to do.

Couple weeks ago, one of the local news shows had a story about a woman in South Dallas who had some car trouble, went to a Taco Cabana where she'd spotted a Dallas cop car, knocked on the door - then listened with incredulity as the Dallas police-type person refused to help her.  Seems he'd just started dinner and couldn't pull himself away from it long enough to make a phone call. (Sorry, guys - tried to find the link to the story and couldn't.  Any of you know where it is, email me, mkay?)

Here in Dallas, we've tried that "don't take the law into your own hands, let us do our job" approach.  The result:  Dallas has led the nation in crime the last six years.

Here's a hint to the law-enforcement-donuts-and-coffee crowd:  Put the welfare of the people  ahead of the welfare of your own flabby guts and we might trust you a little bit more.

Until then...Article II of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution is there for a reason.  And if the local gendarmes  can't do their jobs, let them not be surprised when we do.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at February 27, 2005 11:54 AM

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Check your email. I found it for you, and the blogger who put it out.

Posted by: Mamamontezz at February 27, 2005 02:00 PM

Wonderful.  Thanks, Mama.  I'll put it in here in a little bit.

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at February 27, 2005 02:44 PM