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March 04, 2005


You may have noticed some small tweaks since I opened up shop here last week. (Well, besides  the ongoing troubles with the formatting. (grin))

Comments now appear in popup windows.  When I have an unusually long entry - as will happen, sometimes - and I have to use Movable Type's "extended entry" feature, you now can view the extended post on the same page instead of being taken to another page, just by clicking on the "that all ya got" link.

Kinda like the one you just clicked.  :-)

All in my never-ending quest to make my blog at least look  more like Misha's.

(No, Denizens - I'm not trying to be  like Misha - there can only be one Emperor, anyway, and I'm perfectly content being a King & Tyrant.  But there are features of his blog that I've always liked (some of which he didn't carry over when he upgraded (pout)), and I've always thought that I'd like my blog to do those things, too - but could never figure out how to do them in Bogsnot.

Now that I can,  yes - I have no problem incorporating those features into the Realm.  Besides, imitation is still  the sincerest form of flattery. (grin))

The other  thing you might have noticed is this:  I'm actually posting more  than I did as a Blogsplat site.  And on Saturday & Sunday, too - two days which I had nearly always taken off.

What that means for you, one of The Six Or Seven Who Still Read This Blog™, is this:  Don't stop at just the top post!  You're missing out on My Eternal Wisdom™!!! (cough) :-)

Seriously, though, I'm going to try and reverse my long-standing tradition of not giving you Denizens much reason to come by more often.

I'm going to be trying some other things to make your reading experience more pleasureable, and thus give you an incentive to visit more often.

After all, I can't keep going on the Rott and shaming y'all into coming over here, now can I? 

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 4, 2005 01:03 PM

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