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March 28, 2005

First Rule of Murderers:  Destroy the evidence

And in keeping with the countenance of a man desperate to keep people from finding out about the heinous crime he's committed, Mikey Shitstain is now trying to destroy the last remaining evidence linking him to the impending murder of his wife - that being the body.

He wants her cremated, you see.

Michael Schiavo decided to have his wife's body cremated after her parents' lawyers obtained medical records showing she had sustained broken bones, a nurse who cared for Terri Schiavo is now claiming.

"He wanted her cremated after the bone fractures and dislocations were found," nurse Carla Sauer Iyer, who cared for Terri in the mid-1990s while she was at the Palm Gardens Convalescent Center, told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity on Friday.

"He immediately went to court and [said he] wanted her body cremated at that time," she said, "after we got hold of the records that proved there were dislocations and fractures."

Yeah, that really sounds like someone who "did everything he could vis à vis rehabilitation, medical care, etc., until it became hopeless."

Sounds more like someone who keeps ranting about when is that bitch gonna die" to me.

And the conspiracy continues to grow:

Nurse Iyer said she recently contacted Palm Gardens to encourage co-workers who also cared for Terri to speak out - but said they have been muzzled.

"The administrator had gotten them together and they talked about what happened with Michael," Iyer told Hannity. "The people who have worked with Terri who are still there, they cannot talk to reporters - they would be terminated."

If I'm Bob & Mary Schindler, I'm having the best lawyers in the country prepare the largest-ever civil lawsuit.  And it's gonna target not only Mikey Shitstain, but the twin Georgie-Porgy pisspots, Greer and Fellatios Felon Felos, plus  the state of Florida and the nursing homes who keep threatening these nurses with their jobs.

And several people/companies wind up owing me several hundred million dollars before it's all done.  Hey, guys, you've heard of the concept of "wrongful death", right?

I just hope Bob & Mary have the wherewithal left to take these motherfuckers to the cleaners.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 28, 2005 08:53 AM

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Asshat. I hope they get an injunction against the cremation so they can do an autopsy, and somehow pin this whole thing back on him. I hope someone offers the cash to legally charge him with the wrongful death of his wife, complicity in her death, and the attempt to destroy evidence. And then I hope he ends up on a feeding tube for 30 years, capable of thinking but not capable of communicating to the world his torture as diseased orderlies rape his twisted body over and over again.

but, maybe that's just me.

Posted by: og at March 28, 2005 10:32 AM

Idiot. It's over.

And I guess you got what you wanted, didn't you, fuckface?  The murder of an innocent woman, whose only crime was marrying a sick, perverted fuck and now gets to pay for that decision with her life.

Must give you quite the stiffy, doesn't it, asshole?

FOAD, shithead.

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 28, 2005 10:49 AM

Damn right I got what I wanted. To see a bunch of stupid Christians get what's coming to them. Eat it, fucknugget.

Come say it to my face, chickenshit.

5330 Bent Tree Forest Dr,#712
Dallas, TX

Let's see what a big shit you are, if you think your papier-machés  are bigger than pinheads, skank.

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 28, 2005 02:05 PM

"A Time Magazine poll released on Sunday found a majority of Americans surveyed who called themselves born again Christians or evangelicals agreed with the decision to remove Schiavo's feeding tube. The poll was conducted March 22-24."

Oh, yeah - that was the question that started out, "Given that Terri Schiavo's on life support..."

Never mind that she never has been on life support.

But why let details like facts get in the way of syphilitic crack-heads like you, eh, fucknozzle?

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 28, 2005 02:08 PM


Have you seen this?


Posted by: David Hartung at March 29, 2005 05:20 AM

Hello i really like your site!

Posted by: Assparade at August 24, 2006 08:54 PM

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