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March 23, 2005

On Schiavo:  Reaping What We Sow

When you read Scripture concerning end-times prophecy, you find one very interesting tidbit:  Nowhere does it make mention of any entity symbolizing or making mention of the United States.

From that, one can infer that the United States is not a player during end-times.

Having said that...when the United States of America is wiped from the face of the earth without even so much as a "by your leave" during the next world war (the one started by the Antichrist during the Tribulation), it's my opinion that this - or rather, the callous disregard for life behind it - will have played a large role in our demise.

We reap what we sow, people.  We treat helpless life like this, some power's gonna rise up against us and treat us the same way.

Just sayin', is all.

And a special memo to Georgie-Porgie Felon Felos:

A lawyer for Michael Schiavo said he was "very pleased" by the initial appeals court ruling. But he worried that, as her parents ran out of options, either Gov. Jeb Bush or lawmakers might try again to take Terri Schiavo into their custody and circumvent years of court rulings that support the husband's position. Michael Schiavo argued that his wife has no hope of recovery and would want to die.

"They have no more power than you or I or a person walking down the street to say we have the right to take Terri Schiavo," attorney George Felos said in a state court hearing.

You have no more power to starve that innocent girl to death than I have to snap your scrawny pencil-neck, you fucktarded pissweasel.

But if you ever get within five feet of me, see how much good that  does you, Felos, you pathetic shitstain.

UPDATE:  The Florida Senate yesterday turned thumbs down on a bill that would have allowed Terri to be taken into protective custody.

Fuck you, Florida.   There's no way in Hell I'd come down there to live now.  And Disney World and Universal Studios can flat-out forget about my  business.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 23, 2005 03:38 PM

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Typical lawyer. Fight for the bad guy. While lawyers do have a right to make a living. And they do have the right to defend their client. Some of thier methods are getting outside that arena. And it's way off the deep end when the lawyer is defending his client as innocent when he knows for a fact that his client is guilty (my opinion of Garagos and Peterson).
This guy is just messed up. To interested in fame and fortune all from the publicity of helping a pathetic excuse for a human being kill his own wife so he can go on and marry the slut he's been fucking for years anyhow.

George Felatios = loser.

Posted by: JonB at March 23, 2005 06:15 PM

Just imagine if she was an allegedly abused child... the dad would be screaming how they have no right to take her from him and the government and the ACLU would be laughing all the way to the Foster care center.

Posted by: LC The_Scribe at March 23, 2005 07:49 PM

I heard today where Jeb said he was going to try and place Terri in protective custody, and this jism stain Greer, according to the news, "stopped that, too".

FUCK GREER!  Jeb, take your best state troopers, and your best bodyguards down to Tampa and take her by force if you have to!!!   You're the fucking governor,  for Cthulu's sake!  You don't need Georgie-Porgie Greer's okay to so much as wipe your ass!

Get her the Hell™ outta there!!!

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 23, 2005 08:02 PM

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