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March 06, 2005

Say goodnight, John-Boy

Uh-oh.  Talk about sliding into oblivion.

John-Boy F'n Qerry has just received the Official Kiss Of Death™ for his presidential aspirations in 2008.

Teddy (hic!) Kennedy has endorsed him.

Sen. Ted Kennedy has already announced his pick for the 2008 presidential race, and it's the same candidate he backed in 2004.

Asked if he'd be climbing aboard the Hillary Clinton bandwagon, Kennedy told ABC's "This Week": "I'm from Massachusetts. And we have a candidate, I think, probably up there as well."

Yeah.  And he'll lose again, too - just like he did in 2004.

How's that definition of clinical insanity go again?  Doing the same thing over & over, expecting a different result...? 

Asked specifically if Sen. John Kerry had his support for 2008, Kennedy said, "Oh, yes . . My Man's John Kerry."

And what about Mrs. Clinton?

Why do I get the feeling that the Duchess Hilarious put the Hic!-meister up to this, hm???

"I have enormous respect for Sen. Clinton," Kennedy said. "I admire her, I respect her. She's qualified for whatever job she achieves."

That reminds me of the old joke about a campaign ad in which the advertiser called the candidate "not qualified to be dogcatcher".

After the ensuing brouhaha, another ad came out the next day:  "I must apologize and confess:  The candidate is  qualified to be dogcatcher.  Unfortunately, he's running for the Senate." 

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 6, 2005 10:58 AM

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