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March 22, 2005

The Impending Murder Of Terri Schiavo

Add the name of James Whittemore to the list of Horse-Fellating Buttfucked Weasel Bastards™ who have a special place reserved for them in Hell™ over their complicity in the impending murder of Terri Schiavo.

I suppose it hardly comes as much of a surprise, given that this needle-dick on the bench is an appointee of Kaiser Wilhelm von WomanAbuser (Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, call your offices).  But you have to think that at some  point, there's got to be a bona fide  judge who can see for himself just what a travesty of justice this has become, just how many of Florida's own statutes have been violated just in the care (or lack thereof) of Terri.

And we don't even begin  to cover the ever-increasing likelihood that widdle Mikey Shitstain put her in this condtion in the first place.  (Side Note:  No, don't give me that bullshit about how that's merely hearsay.  I have just as much evidence that Mikey Shitstain is responsible for Terri being this way as he does that she'd want to be starved to death like this.  Two can play this "hearsay" game, y'know.)

Whittemore wrote that Terri Schiavo's "life and liberty interests" had been protected by Florida courts. Despite "these difficult and time strained circumstances," he wrote, "this court is constrained to apply the law to the issues before it."

Oh, really, Judge Witless?  Pray tell, how have these laws been applied to this case, other than the fact that said laws have been completely ignored,  you braying anti-life jackass?

George Felos, an attorney for Michael Schiavo, argued that keeping the woman alive also violated her rights and noted that the case has been aired thoroughly in state courts.

Thoroughly micromanaged, you mean, fuckhead.  You know, where you get to parade your multitudes of so-called "experts" in front of a complicit, asshatted excuse-for-a-judge while opposing testimony gets squashed like a bug on a windshield?

"Yes, life is sacred," Felos said, contending that restarting artificial feedings would be against Schiavo's wishes. "So is liberty, particularly in this country."

Unless you happen to be a disabled woman who hasn't been allowed to can't eat food more solid than what Mikey Shitstain has graciously  allowed her to have heretofore.

No, at that point you become chattel, mere property.  Just like in the old days before women had the right to vote, back in the days of the "rule of thumb".

Let's hear it for Schiavo-style liberty,  ladies & gentlemen!!! (Well, gentlemen, anyway - you ladies can go back to being Terri-Schiavo-style property.)

Michael Schiavo said he was outraged that lawmakers and the president intervened in a private matter.

Oh, so beating your wife to death is a "private matter" now, eh, Mikey Shitstain?  Withholding treatment in clear violation of Florida law is now a "private matter"?  Bleating on and on about "when is that bitch gonna die?" is now a "private matter"?

Let's hope that someone has a "private matter" with you  after Terri dies, you son-of-a-syphilitic-bitch.  Preferably with a .357 and a couple boxes of ammo.

"When Terri's wishes are carried out, it will be her wish. She will be at peace. She will be with the Lord," he said on CNN's Larry King Live late Monday.

Fuck you, Mikey Shitstain.  How dare  you invoke the name of the Lord in this, you smarmy little pisspot?

Terri may go to be with the Lord, you perverted little shit, but I think the Lord has someplace different in mind for you - and  for these 20 fascist excuses-for-judges.


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 22, 2005 07:59 AM

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G-d have mercy on us.

Someone has got to say "Hell NO!" to these activist judges who have no accountability to us, the People.

It's gone beyond ridiculous. It's deadly.

Posted by: mrs heather at March 23, 2005 09:34 PM

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