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April 10, 2005

IslamoNazism:  Not the only problem in Spain

Okay, I'm about to offend half my readership, statistically speaking.

If she has the slightest bit of honesty DNA inside that fat ass of hers, Stephanie Dawn Stewart Crager - Her Doublewide Bitchiness - will tell you that the overwhelming majority of housework in that little 1300 square-foot cottage of ours in Forney was done, not by her, but by her long-suffering husband.

Yeah.  Me.

That's right.  The laundry, a good chunk of the vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen - that was the handiwork of yours truly.  Yeah, she did most of the cooking, and she insisted on cleaning the bathroom - but other than that, if there was housework to be done, I was the one doing it.

So you can feel for the poor sap at the Department of What The Hell Are They Smoking Over There™ who brought me this news blurb about the socialist pansy-asses in Spain's parliament.  Damn near tore his head off over this.

It seems that They Who Cower To Islamonazi Pricks Who Bomb Their Trains™ are feeling a mite wimpish these days, and need someone to pick on.  Thus, they're about to pass a law mandating that men...

...are you sitting down?

...do housework.

The draft approved by the Spanish parliament's justice commission says men must "share domestic responsibilities and the care and attention" of children and elderly family members, the London Guardian reported.

The amendment, which has the backing of every Spanish party,

See, that's one of the things that bugs the shit outta me.  Was there not one  party over there who had the balls to stand up and say, "Look, asshats - if there's anything a legislative body shouldn't be micromanaging, it's this.  Housework is an issue to be agreed upon between a husband and a wife - we have no business sticking our ugly noses into this one"???

will be incorporated later this year into the marriage contract at civil wedding ceremonies in a country where it's reported 40 percent of men do no housework at all.

It will be applied in divorce proceedings: Men who don't do their share could be given less time with their children.

Look for an increase in fathers running away with their children if this POS legislation passes.

"The idea of equality within marriage always stumbles over the problem of work in the house and caring for dependent people," said the law's chief sponsor, Margarita UrĂ­a, of the Basque Nationalist party.

"This will be a good way of reminding people what their duties are," she said, according to the Guardian. "It is something feminists have been wanting for a long time."

Which is the one reason it should never have passed in the first place.  You don't give a feminist what she wants, hoping that it'll shut her up.  It won't.  All it'll do is make them scream all the louder for more, more, more.  They're like little children this way.  It's uncanny.

And here we were thinking that the only thing wrong with the Spanish people was that they were cowards.  Now we find out that they're pussy-whipped, as well.

Sucks to be them.

What I  wanna know is how are they going to enforce this pisspot law?  How do they propose to measure the amount of housework a man does in his house?  Who's gonna gauge the percentages?  Are they gonna create a Department of Nosy Busybodies or something to come by each dwelling to conduct investigations?  Are men going to have to fill out housework forms (in triplicate, no less) to document what they're doing around the house?

And what's next for the whipped Spanish?  Are they gonna pass a law forcing men to put the toilet seat down?  Forcing them to keep their mouths taped up when their wives are PMSing out the wazoo?  Mandates that these men will  bring roses home, take their wives out to swanky restaurants once a month, treat them to day spas, "visits" from the cabana boy, etc???  Inquiring minds wanna know!

Stupid fuckheads...

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at April 10, 2005 08:53 AM

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I think that we can safely say that this is a prime examaple of government stepping in where it does not belong.

BTW, you and I share similar experiences concerning our first marriage. The biggest differnce was that I got the kids, both of whom are now grown, productive citizens. :)

Posted by: David Hartung at April 10, 2005 09:30 PM

I'd be more outraged about this if I didn't know something about Iberian culture (Spain and Portugal, for those of you in Rio Linda). Male authoritarianism tends to be stronger in that culture than in others. What starts in the home doesn't stay there - the Iberians didn't invent centralized, oppressive governments, but they did much to refine the art. (Which explains why much of Latin America makes Canada looks like a libertarian paradise by comparison.) And Spain didn't begin to democratize until the mid-1970s.

Iron-handed despotism is now translating itself into whining nanny-statism. The Spanish government doesn't like the chauvinism common to its culture, and in response it resorts to treating its citizens like children. Fighting one type of elitism with another.

Maybe the Spaniards should ask other countries why their male citizens are more involved with housework without their governments forcing them to do it.

Posted by: Alan K. Henderson at April 11, 2005 03:59 AM

Male authoritarianism tends to be stronger in that culture than in others.

Clarification - not all other cultures. Certainly not the one that conquered the peninsula in 711 AD and whose final remnants were evicted in 1492.

Posted by: Alan K. Henderson at April 11, 2005 04:05 AM

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