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April 17, 2005

On Hanoi Jane & J.Lo...

Sadly for everyone with even so much as an ounce of brains, Hanoi Jane Fonda is back.

Sorta like that touch of bursitis that never quite goes away.

It’s springtime for Jane Fonda. After more than a decade pretty much out of the public eye, the 67-year-old Oscar-winning actress has resurfaced to plug the book and a new movie and is receiving the same mix of adulation and outcry that used to dog every step of her very public life.

Well, there are two reasons for that:  One, she's getting the outcry because she's never apologized or sought anyone's forgiveness for her acts of treason in the 1960s, nor has she ever paid any public price worth noting.  You know - like a prison sentence.  That might have something to do with the outcry.

The adulation is, well, because she's still a moonbat liberal, and she just attracts that from the Mindless, Mikey Moore Dick-Sucking Automatons™ who simply have fecal matter where their gray matter should be and just don't know any better.

Fonda’s autobiography "My Life So Far" describes in blunt and painful detail how she made herself over to please her late father, actor Henry Fonda, and three husbands. She talks of arranging sexual threesomes for her first husband, French director Roger Vadim, of a 20-year battle against bulimia and of a few regrets about her highly publicized trip to Hanoi to oppose the Vietnam war.

Why do I get the feeling that one of those "regrets" was that she didn't succeed in "getting her message out" more effectively?  It's the same thing all the time with America's enemies (and yes, Demoscum, I'm looking at you) - whenever they don't get what they want at the ballot box, it's always because they somehow didn't communicate their message well enough.

Here's a clue, dumbasses:  You've been communicating that for which you stand most effectively.  That's why you keep losing.

As letters to newspapers and calls to radio shows have shown over the past few weeks, Fonda remains a lightning rod for controversy. But she says she now understands and accepts her role as an immutable American icon.

Just so you know, Hanoi Jane - Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Mao are icons, too.  Being an icon is not necessarily something to which it's always good to aspire.

"I have to take responsibility for the fact that I represent something to people that is beyond me," Fonda told a small group of reporters in an interview to discuss "Monster-in-Law," in which she plays Jennifer Lopez’ fire-breathing mother-in-law.

Yes.  You represent a traitorous fuck who should've been shot on sight the minute you set foot back on US soil after returning from Hanoi.

"I represent a movement. I represent a set of values. I have to own that and I have to live that ... to not disappoint myself. You have to embody your values."

Such as how you hate what America stands for, and how you wanted to see her brought to her knees.  There's a reason  we call you "Hanoi Jane", you stupid trollop.

"I can’t stand complainers," she added.

Yeah, that's why you went to Hanoi in the first place, bitch - to complain about how the United States was trying to fight Communism in Southeast Asia.  Seems that didn't sit too well with you, did it?

"If you commit yourself to being in the public eye with all the perks, the least you can do is take the ups and downs."

"One thing I have learned the hard way is, it ain’t gonna kill you," she added.

That's more of a testament to our respect for the laws against murder than it is about anything you stand for, "Jane, you ignorant slut".

"You just plow ahead, and if you’re a decent person, people will know it."

Oh, we know about you, alright.  "Indeed", as Glenn Reynolds might say.

Oh, and speaking of J.Lo - who, last month in Blender  magazine said "I'm not a walking soap opera..."

(Memo to J.Lo:  Yes, you are.)

...she has once again proven that all her brains are contained in that wonderfully shaped, oversized ass of hers:

For her part, Lopez said she “had a lot of fun” working with Fonda after overcoming initial trepidation.


She said she asked Fonda how to go about becoming involved in politics if the inclination should strike. “She said there is a time and a way to do things,” Lopez said. “She said when you’re ready ... call me and I’ll tell you what’s right and what’s wrong so you don’t get yourself in trouble.”

Oh, that's rich:  J.Lo getting political advice from Hanoi Jane.  A classic case of the blind leading the blind.

Let's hope that the ditch is narrow enough so that her ass can keep her from falling into it, eh?

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at April 17, 2005 11:23 AM

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I think it's unfair for you to compare Ms. Fonda to bursitis. I like to think of her more as an inflamed rectal boil. You know, one of those ones with a gummy core and thick yellow pus that spurts for twenty feet when they're finally popped.

Jane should do the right thing. Gun, rope, or pills; her choice.

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at April 17, 2005 05:07 PM

I think it's unfair for you to compare Ms. Fonda to bursitis.

Guess I owe an apology to bursitis. (grin)

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at April 17, 2005 06:13 PM

What Jane Fonda is doing is the liberal moonbat version of "getting religion" since she's old and can start to hear the footsteps of the grim reaper in the distance.

Sorry Jane. Your version of "I am moonbat, hear me bleat" won't save you.

You're destined to be endlessly smothered in Hell by a flow of "hot, emphatic, breathing, authentic, vagina-friendly, relational lava."

Have fun!


Posted by: Elephant Man at April 19, 2005 09:30 AM

It is sad that Ms Fonda, the harlot of Hanoi, is still stealing our oxygen, but perhaps that will be corrected in time. But I am at a loss for words when J "do these pants make my ass look too big" Lo considers her to be the political guru to the (used to be) stars. That Jane "I never met a north Vietnamese c-bubble I didn't like" Fonda would willingly accept in becoming her mentor, is not surprising...the lefties have always gone for the mental light weights...when searching for "useful idiots".

Now if someone could be persueded to spray her face with something a tad stronger then tobacco juice....we can only hope.

Posted by: Guy S. at April 20, 2005 05:54 PM