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July 08, 2005

(gasp) They posed! In front of an apartment!!! With guns!!!!!

(NOTE:  I posted this over at the Rott, but what the Hell™ - you guys can read it, too. (grin))

Y'know, LCs, we have a pretty good thing going here.  Even before TypeKey took all the fun out of hunting limp-wristed trolls like Dumb Yeah...

(NOTE TO CASPIAN:  There will be no angst about the words we use or how you were treated as a child on this thread.  I don't want to hear it.  Shut.  Up.)

...we have multiple of you guys here to instruct the poor simps on just how the cow eats the cabbage.  Y'know? (grin)

For example, Sherri over at Straight Up With Sherri has a cadre of anonymous chickenshits that abuse her pretty much at every turn, and accuse her of ducking & running when she can't oversee her blog 24/7 to respond to their crap.

Now, we love Sherri, okay?  She's one of us.  So, when I stepped in to take up for her...ooooh, did that ever make them...angry mad indignant.

A sample exchange can be found here.

Some background:  I had posted one of the Blogfest pictures after one of Sherri's anonymous asshats implied that I was lying about where I lived.

That prompted an exchange like this:

Colonel Measuring Cup said...

Oh, how clever.  How witty.  How boringly droll and unoriginal.  MonkeySeeMonkeyDo much, simp?

Are you attempting to threaten posters here with that picture of you and your (cough, cough) gang?

I'm proving that, unlike you and your fellow anonymous cowards, I'm not hard to find.  Shame you can't say that, huh?

Sherri, you should send all of this guy's posts, including the link to that picture, to the Dallas Police Department

Maybe it's because Sherri knows that the Dallas Police Department has better things to do, and would laugh her off the phone.

They are pointing weapons at one another

OooOOOooooo, a real, live GFW (Gun-Fearing Wussy)!!!  Quick, Misha, get Kim du Toit, Doc Russia and the rest of our gang  together!  We got us a live one here!!! (snicker)

Here's a clue, moron:  Go have your eyes checked.  If any one of us in that group is pointing our guns at another, we have some pretty bad aim.

they have a child present while brandishing weapons

Yeah.  So?  You'll note that the child was in his mother's arms, very well protected, and that none of us were pointing our guns his way.

Do you have a point?  Other than the one on top of your head?

and they are obviously posing in front of an apartment complex (or maybe public housing).

Oh, yeah, the Dallas police really love  cracking down on gun owners who violate the city ordinance against posing for a picture in front of an apartment building holding guns.

There were two pictures total taken - so, at 250 years per count for the Mostest Firstest Degree Felony™...

Or maybe you just have your head up your ass like you do the rest of your comment, huh?

Spatula dude, for your part, you are incredibly stupid to threaten people, and then post a picture of your "family" and your address.

Well, if you wanna get technical about it - I've threatened no one.  (ED. NOTE:  And I haven't - at least, not there. (grin))  I have  invited the cowards who trash Sherri here anonymously to come say it to my face if they had the testicular fortitude to do so.

But I strongly suspect that they're like the rest of the cowards I've challenged - which means that I won't be holding my breath to expect them (or you) to show up.

I could care less what happens to you and the other adults, but you should be thinking of the safety of the children in your clan.

Oh, here we go - yet again, it's FOR THE CHILLLLLLLLLL'RUN!!!!!™

Y'know, that meme died out about the time Gore lost the 2000 election.  You really oughta try something a bit fresher.

Sherri, please ban this guy, for the safety of the children and the innocent neighbors. Let the Dallas PD sort it out.

Are you really that stupid to think that:  1) the Dallas police are going to give a flying **** about words on a blog, and 2) banning me is going to have any effect at all?

Have you started to realize just what a fool you are yet, "Colonel Measuring Cup"? (chuckle)

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at July 8, 2005 11:20 PM

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