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July 03, 2005

"No Justice No Peace" this,  Maxi-Pad!

(NOTE:  Because of yesterday's posting problems - which, by the way, still haven't been corrected (thanks for nothing, Hosting Matters) - I'm putting this one back up top for your reading enjoyment.)

I remember precisely where I was on the day of the LA riots.

I was working for an alarm monitoring company, and I was watching our stores in South Central LA systematically being destroyed by a collection of losers, chickenshits and pussies who thought they were a bunck of Billy-Bob Bad-Asses taking up for one of their "homies", Rodney "I Never Met A Female Cop I Didn't Like To Shake My Naked Ass At" King.

Had it been my call to make, I'd've finished what they started, Napalmed™ the entire region - which, presumably, would have taken the chickenshits out, too - and started over.

Instead, this country was stupid enough to rebuild South Central, and even allow those bastards to send one of their own to represent them:  Maxi-pad "No Justice No Peace" Waters.  Ever since then, she's been a boil on the ass of Capitol Hill, and she was in fine form the other day as she continued to show the country just what a crack-whore-bitch she really is.

Using unusually intemperate rhetoric even for a Democrat, firebrand Congresswoman Maxine Waters is blasting President Bush and Vice President Cheney over their conduct of the Iraq war, calling Bush "a liar" and Cheney "a thief."

After attending a mock impeachment hearing two weeks ago staged by House Democrats, Rep. Waters told cheering onlookers, "Finally Congress has come alive and decided to take on this president in a real way."

Oh, yeah - by having a pretend session of Congress in a basement somewhere and pretending to be the majority showing its pretend balls.  Yeah, that's taking on the President in a real  way, alright. (snicker)

"The president is a liar," she continued. "Dick Cheney, the chief architect of the Big Lie, is not only a liar, he is a thief."

As opposed to you, an uppity bitch.

She accused Cheney of helping his former company Halliburton rake off illicit war profits in Iraq.

Prove it, slut.  Show us the receipts, show us the Swiss bank accounts, show us where Vice-President Cheney has profited one thin dime out of the ordinary from these so-called "illicit war profits".

You can't, of course, because you're a lying skank who's throwing yet another temper-tantrum because your cadre of Communists aren't in power anymore.  Your playtoys have been taken away from you and you're thowing yet another screaming hissy-fit, just like the infantile brats you are.

Waters' comments went unreported by the mainstream press, only to be picked up by the People's Weekly World Newspaper - a Communist publication.

And this surprises...how, exactly?  Cthulu Forbid™ that the Lame Stream Media™ in the Demoscum's back pocket should expose them for the assholes they are, after all.

Rep. Waters declined to respond to repeated calls from NewsMax this week, asking if she disputed the quote.

The California Democrat is a leading member of the House Out of Iraq caucus; a group whose roster includes John Conyers, Barbara Lee, Charles Rangel, Carolyn Maloney, Jose Serrano and other anti-war Democrats.

Speaking alongside Waters, Rep. Lee vowed to apply "street heat" to Congress to bring an end to "this illegal war."

Excuse me, BaaBaa?  "Street heat"???  That sounds suspiciously like a threat to me.  Do you seriously believe that you limp-wristed freaks can pull off in Flyover Country™ what you managed to do in South Central?  Do you honest-to-Maitreya think that we out here in the heartland will just bend over and grab our ankles for you and your fellow tantrum-tossers?

Well, feel free to come out this way and try it, bimbo.  "Bring it on", as the President is fond of saying.  Just be advised - we don't take kindly to petulant bastards going off on their little crying jags around here, so don't be surprised if you and your yellow-assed little mob winde up getting themselves severely "ventilated"...if you know what I mean.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at July 3, 2005 09:43 AM

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I came over at your "request" and you had to have the rantings of this moonbat up! Glad I already had breakfast!

Posted by: maxxdog at July 3, 2005 10:57 AM

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