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September 17, 2005

American airliner fired upon???

(Hat tip to the SpatulaGoddess.)

Charles and the boys over at Little Green Footballs has a breaking story about an America West flight that was reportedly fired upon by a surface-to-air missle.  Michelle Malkin has more.

48-hour rule on this, as always - but it's most disquieting, nonetheless.

UPDATE:  According to Malkin, it's being classified as a "false alarm".

The sighting was reported near Colt's Neck, NJ, which is a major route south out of NY. FAA set up a small temporary flight restriction around the area while checking radar files. Turned out to be nothing more than birds, and [a] big game of "telephone."


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at September 17, 2005 11:45 PM

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