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September 12, 2005

Will this media whore never  shut up...?

Proving yet again that it's all about her, "Shitcan" Shee-hag is now bitching at, of all people, Senator DiFi (Socialist Fuckhead-CA)

The Vacaville woman who made national headlines with a peace vigil outside President Bush's Texas ranch brought her rhetorical guns to bear Friday on one of California's U.S. senators.

Cindy Sheehan — whose son, Casey, 24, was a soldier killed in Baghdad in April 2004 — met briefly with an aide to U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., before telling reporters the lawmaker's reasons for supporting Iraq's ongoing occupation are "very bogus."

And who would know better about bogus  than ol' Shitcan herself, who keeps foolishly trying to convince us that this is alllllllll about Casey - when in fact, it's really all about her.

The Iraqi constitution, supported by the United States, is based on Islamic law and severely curtails women's rights, she said, while Iraqi leaders are "puppet leaders who George Bush put into place."

Oh, do you mean President Bush, backed by about eight million purple Iraqi index fingers?  That  George Bush?

U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers are seen as collaborators and can do little more than fight for survival, and Iraq's crucial infrastructure continues to be eroded by an insurgency fueled by the U.S. military presence, she said.

And of course, Mother Shee-hag's solution to all this is to back all the way out of Iraq now, let the Al-Raghaidas have it all back and force the Shiites and the Kurds back into forced Sunni servitude.

At this point, one can't tell from whose talking points she's reading - Al-Qaida's or the Demoscummic National Committee's.  (Yes, I realize they're one and the same, but that's beside the point.)

Feinstein previously has acknowledged she and other lawmakers were lied to about the reasons for going to war

Ah, yes.  Straight from the New York Slimes'  style book.

You were not  lied to concerning the reasons for the invasion of Iraq, DiFi, you bimbo.  The reasons for going into Iraq were - and are still - valid.  We know that Hussein had chemical weapons - the mass graves are proof that he used them on his own people.  Even your own honeyboys Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister and Ol' Lavender Heart have acknowledged that.  And he violated 17 UN mandates that he comply with the terms of the 1991 Desert Storm armistice.  The United States was absolutely, perfectly justified in going into Iraq, and no amount of moonbat screeching by either you or  Shee-hag is going to change any of that.

And just because most  of the WMDs have not been found yet does not  mean that they "never existed".  Go into Syria and that's where you'll find them.  Bank on that.

and that if she knew then what she knew now, she wouldn't have voted to support the conflict, Sheehan said. "Well, if she knows it's wrong, it's time to bring our kids home," she said.

Well, how fortunate we are that it's not up to either one of you, aren't we, "Shitcan"?

The government's inadequate response to Hurricane Katrina's devastation "has just proven that what George Bush is doing in Iraq is making us less safe.

Okay, so what you're saying, bimbo, is that...let me see if I've got this...is that if YOUR CASEY (sobbbbb!!!!!!)  hadn't been killed by the people you're calling "freedom fighters"...then Nagin and Blanco might have let the Red Cross into New Orleans?

We're so vulnerable right now," Sheehan added, claiming money, resources and National Guard personnel deployed to the war and is, thus, unavailable to domestic disaster victims. "The people of New Orleans are collateral damage to the war in Iraq."

Yes, the people in N'awlins are suffering so because Casey Sheehan re-enlisted of his own free will and volunteered for the assignment that cost him his life.

That makes perfect  sense?  How could I have not seen that before?

Sheehan said she spoke by phone Friday with U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., whom she described as "100 percent supportive" of efforts to bring the troops home.

Well, you know what, Shee-hag?  We all  want the troops to come home.  But those of us who have our heads screwed on straight know that there's a job we have to finish in Iraq first.  That message always seems to escape you for some strange reason.

But you just keep right on bleating like you're doing, trollop.  Nothing like an obvious addle-brained fool parroting Demoscummic talking points, y'know.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at September 12, 2005 12:46 PM

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She will yapp her mouth as long as the press follows her ,Like a lust ridden Basset Hound they trail Cindy as she roams the byways of America preaching her tale of hatred and cowardice.Her fifteen miutes were over three weeks ago and they keep dragging her back.
Piss off Cindy

Posted by: LC.IB NeilV at September 12, 2005 03:39 PM

Mykki's still too much of a coward to come face you. Fuck that faggot.

Posted by: bill long at September 14, 2005 02:36 AM

[Still illegally using the EDS proxy, Cianderella? Gee, now that we've established that you've never worked for EDS, maybe I should report your hacking to EDS Business Security... (snicker)  -LSI]


I've noticed more and more lately, that if you accuse my mommy or daddy of being my parents they become quite angry, as though you've just told them to go straight to hell. They begin to twitch and spasm, their faces turn several shades of red, and on more than one occasion I've wondered if their fury would turn to violence and they'd throw me back in the basement with Gramma again.

Intolerance by my parents toward me hasn't received attention by the Left-Winged asshat media or the blogosphere, but it's there and it has been growing. Take for example the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that laughs at me and calls me "asshole" at every opportunity.

Gee, you're a poster child for tolerance Spatula, except when it comes to tossers like me who don't have an ounce of gray matter between their ears. For that eggregious offence [ED. NOTE: (sp)] there can be no tolerance obviously. Spatula then goes on to display just how rooted his intolerance of wanker pricks like me really is.

That's right, anyone who has my IQ is a silly fuckface just like me. I am so crazed and intolerant that I cannot even accept the fact that I bathe in my granny's colostomy bag and wet my bed every night. But that's not surprising since this is typical of the kind of bullshit you expect from a goat-humper like me.

This intolerance isn't limited to the Blogosphere either. No one likes me in my Romper Room class, either. I guess it's 'cause I dump all my dandruff on my desk. Or maybe it's because I'm a sitzpinkler like my daddy before me.

You see, in the world of the Sitzpinkler, there is simply no room for anyone who is man enough to stand up to pee. We all have to be effeminate little wussies like me and my daddy.

It's clear that I'll never be much of a man, seeing as I'm a little nancy boy that can't stand up to pee-pee, but I for one will not be cowed into standing up to piss by their hatred of candy-asses like me, or their bullying.

[Oh, by the way, coward...when you coming down from Michigan?  Still waiting for your balls to grow past the size of pinheads... (guffaw)  -LSI]

Posted by: GH at September 15, 2005 06:07 AM