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December 14, 2005

EUroweenies mad at Ah-nuld

Oh, now  he's done it.

Administering the Fickle (Pointy (mheh)) Finger of Fate™ to Po' Widdle Tookie seems to have gotten the Pansy-assed Pondscum-sucking Pissweasels™ over in the EUrinal a might pissed off at the Governator.

VIENNA, Austria - California's execution of Stanley Tookie Williams on Tuesday outraged many in Europe who regard the practice as barbaric,

Would that be as oppposed to, say, the civilized practice of forcing tourists to breathe air horribly befouled by Fwench waiters who never bathe?

and politicians in Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's native Austria called for his name to be removed from a sports stadium in his hometown.

Oh, that'll  show him, yes-sirree-Bob!!!

At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI's top official for justice matters denounced the death penalty for going against redemption and human dignity.

"We know the death penalty doesn't resolve anything," Cardinal Renato Martino told AP Television News. "Even a criminal is worthy of respect because he is a human being. The death penalty is a negation of human dignity."

Yeah, tell that to the four human beings that Tookie the Crip Founder offed, willya?

At the risk of alienating a good portion of my readership, this is yet another reason why I severely dislike & distrust the Catholic Church.  The Vatican, starting with Bennie & the Jets, needs to figure out that forgiveness is one thing, pardon is another.  And while the state can forgive  Po' Widdle Tookie, it can't pardon  him - they were compelled to enforce the penalty for what he did, and they did.

And the Catholic Church and the rest of the EUroweasels have a problem with that?  Like I give a flying fuck.


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at December 14, 2005 07:15 AM

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The liberals and idiots in the world are peeing their pants today because their "hero" got executed for executing some innocent people. Ho-hum. Tough noogies. Execute more of the bad guys as a lesson to the wannabees and maybe they'll get the message. Who cares about Europe any way? We should let Germany annex France and turn it into a landfill for the EU.

Posted by: Michael at December 14, 2005 09:02 AM

This reminds me of something I've been thinking about lately. How does a "good" Christian behave? I'm curious about your thoughts on this. I'm not talking about what Christians believe, but how they treat and speak of other people. Is it okay to openly hate some of them and/or wish them dead?

I don't have an ulterior motive by asking this . . . I was just genuinely curious. It is a good season to be thinking of these things, after all.

Posted by: honeydew at December 14, 2005 12:33 PM

Oh, and just to clarify, by "wish them dead" I don't mean people on death row, necessarily (this isn't a quesiton about capital punishment), but people with whom one disagress, politically, religiously, or otherwise.

Posted by: honeydew at December 14, 2005 12:36 PM

"Yeah, tell that to the four human beings that Tookie the Crip Founder offed, willya?"

Not the MENTION the thousands negatively impacted by his co-founding the Crips!

He had (love that past tense!)far more blood on his hands than just the four he was executed for.

Posted by: delftsman3 at December 14, 2005 04:34 PM

I severely dislike & distrust the Catholic Church.

It certanly is because both of my VERY ABORIGINE parents is cathi...cathhe...cadav...Oooooooh, broomsticks & mayonaze...

i only hate them cause they wont let me violating MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!1

[Let that be a lesson to you, fuckhead.  -LSI]

Posted by: Canorkien Gay at December 14, 2005 05:00 PM

I think "honeydew" is maneuvering to play the "Christians are hypocrites" card.

I'll play.

However I'll substitute "Liberal" for "Christian".

This reminds me of something I've been thinking about lately. How does a "good" Liberal behave? I'm curious about your thoughts on this. I'm not talking about what Liberals believe, but how they treat and speak of other people. Is it okay to openly hate some of them and/or wish them dead?

I don't have an ulterior motive by asking this . . . I was just genuinely curious. It is a good season to be thinking of these things, after all.

Oh, and just to clarify, by "wish them dead" I don't mean people on death row, necessarily (this isn't a quesiton about capital punishment), but people with whom one disagress, politically, religiously, or otherwise.

As you can see, playing the "hypocrisy" (even in a polite and roundabout way) is a double edged sword.

Posted by: Elephant Man at December 16, 2005 09:24 AM

Elephant Man, I wasn't operating under the assumption that "Christians are hypocrites." That would be a gross generalization and, as such, would be a fallacy, just as applying the same kind of generalization to liberals (or conservatives or any other group) would be.

You might not believe me, but I was interested in getting the specific thoughts of another person. (And for the record, I think most if not all of us hypocrites at some level. Yes, myself included. I also think that the real or perceived hate on this board sounds quite different from my own Christian ideals--yes, I'm a Christian--but that's why I asked Spatula my question . . .to get his thoughts rather than jump to conclusions and judge him by my own personal standards, which aren't necessarily his.)

Posted by: honeydew at December 16, 2005 11:25 PM

To answer the question posed, in my opinion a good liberal is one who does not wish anyone dead just because that person disagrees with him or her. I also think a good liberal treats people with a fair amount of respect, even if he or she openly disagrees with what someone else says. Now, I'm fully aware that not all liberals hold to this definition, just as not all Christians do, not all conservatives do, etc., etc.

Posted by: honeydew at December 16, 2005 11:30 PM

Elephant Man, I wasn't operating under the assumption that "Christians are hypocrites." That would be a gross generalization and, as such, would be a fallacy, just as applying the same kind of generalization to liberals (or conservatives or any other group) would be.

True. I spoke out of turn so let me rephrase my previous statement.

I suspect "honeydew" is angling to play the "Lord Spatula is a hypocrite" card.

You might not believe me, but I was interested in getting the specific thoughts of another person.

His specific thoughts are pretty evident on this blog. Apparently you take offense to the manner in which he expresses them.

And for the record, I think most if not all of us hypocrites at some level. Yes, myself included.

To quote you, "That would be a gross generalization and, as such, would be a fallacy".

I also think that the real or perceived hate on this board sounds quite different from my own Christian ideals

I think you're confusing hyperbole for hate.

yes, I'm a Christian--but that's why I asked Spatula my question . . .to get his thoughts rather than jump to conclusions and judge him by my own personal standards, which aren't necessarily his.

Fair enough.

I just hope that this quote applies to you:

"Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgement." John 7:24

Rather than this quote:

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3

Posted by: Elephant Man at December 17, 2005 07:45 AM

To answer the question posed, in my opinion a good liberal is one who does not wish anyone dead just because that person disagrees with him or her. I also think a good liberal treats people with a fair amount of respect, even if he or she openly disagrees with what someone else says. Now, I'm fully aware that not all liberals hold to this definition, just as not all Christians do, not all conservatives do, etc., etc.

I see you "got" my point about how your question could be applied to anyone regardless of religion or political beliefs.

That being said, I don't hold to the belief that showing disrespect to people or engaging in some hyperbole automatically makes you a "bad" person.

I have to be treated with disrespect before I show disrespect.

To clarify, "disrespect" comes in many forms from outright name calling, to condesencion and to the insulting of one's intelligence.

I'm an "eye for an eye" kind of person.

As far as Spats goes, you'll have to ask him yourself.

Er, wait, you already did.... *grin*

Posted by: Elephant Man at December 17, 2005 08:01 AM

As far as Spats goes, you'll have to ask him yourself.

Yeah, well, His Rudeness™ is going to have problems finding time to answer questions for the next couple of weeks - if at all.

That particular commodity is about to become even more of a premium for yours truly, and there may even be some days where I can't even find time to hit the Grab-Bag™.

Just sayin', is all.

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at December 17, 2005 08:06 AM

Hang in there Spats!

Playing Santa for your son takes priority over entertaining the denizens of Spatula City......

Of course we'll be expecting some Christmas anecdotes when you have time. *grin*

Posted by: Elephant Man at December 17, 2005 08:17 AM

Playing Santa for your son takes priority over entertaining the denizens of Spatula City

Oh, trust me, E-man - Santa's already taken quite good care of Prince Spatula II.  I daresay that Skip is going to drive his mom and grandparents batty with the present I got him.

Not that that's a bad thing... (chuckle)

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at December 18, 2005 11:34 AM

Hmmm, no reply from "honeydew".

I guess the Matthew 7:3 quote applied to him/her/it after all...

Posted by: Elephant Man at December 19, 2005 11:13 AM

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