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December 12, 2005

Swing 'n a miss!!!,  by the DA...

Things are starting to slide again for the Demoscum.  Elections in Iraq this week.  Economy trucking right along, despite high gas prices.  Bush's numbers starting to go back up.

And now it looks like Rush is gonna walk.

Roy Black, Rush Limbaugh's attorney, issued the following statement regarding Judge David F. Crow's decision today prohibiting prosecutors from asking the talk show host's doctors about his medical treatment and condition or information he shared with his doctors during his care and treatment.

Black said:

"Judge Crow's ruling upholds our argument that the State cannot breach doctor-patient confidentiality just because it has obtained some medical records, and thus the state cannot ask the doctors its questions posed to the court during the hearing.

"Judge Crow's decision prohibits the State from questioning Mr. Limbaugh's physicians about 'the medical condition of the patient and any information disclosed to the healthcare practitioner by the patient in the course of the care and treatment of the patient.'

And without that ability to question those physicians, the local Jabert's case against Rush falls apart like well-cooked ribs from the bone. (snicker)

"We are pleased with the court's ruling upholding the patient's statutory right of doctor-patient confidentiality. We've said from the start that there was no doctor shopping but Mr. Limbaugh should not have to give up his right to doctor-patient confidentiality to prove his innocence.

Lot of us conservatives are pleased with it too, Mr. Black.  Ronnie Earle ought to take note:  Witchhunts against conservatives generally don't work very well.

"The medical records that the State has seized and reviewed now for nearly six months show that Mr. Limbaugh received legitimate medical treatment for legitimate medical reasons. Mr. Limbaugh has not been charged with a crime and he should not be charged."

The guess from here, Roy, is that he won't be.

Warms the cockles, it does.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at December 12, 2005 07:16 PM

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facism wins again!

us progrsives wont allow this travisti of juastice!

Posted by: Um Yeah at December 12, 2005 10:56 PM

facism wins again!

us progrsives wont allow this travisti of juastice!

Well, then, why don't you just come do  something about it, Shitcliffe?  Or "88", or Non-Moron, or whatever other handle you're using nowadays?

Oops - that's right.  You're a pansy-ass; you wouldn't dare.  (snicker)

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at December 13, 2005 05:39 AM

First Limbaugh, next it'll be Libby and Delay "who walks".

Poor Sutcliffe. What's a pickle suit wearing liberal moron to do?


Posted by: Elephant Man at December 17, 2005 08:21 AM