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February 22, 2006

Don't mess with the Marines

Yet another One-Legged Man™ day, guys, so here's yet another offering from the Grab-Bag™.  This came from the old NewsMax forum (may it rest in peace, 'cept for the libtards & the stoners):

Subject: Report from the front lines

A Taliban Army Platoon was on patrol when the commander noticed a single Marine standing on a hilltop in their area. The commander told two of his men to go take out the American, so they dropped their packs and promptly ran as fast as they could toward him.

Just before they got to the top, the Marine ran over the other side of the hill. The two Afghans followed. For the next few minutes there were bloody screams and dust flying in the air. Then as quick as it had started, it stopped and the Marine came up on the hilltop.

He brushed off his cammies, straightened his cap, crossed his arms and stood there looking at the Taliban soldiers.

The infuriated commander called for a squad to go get the American. They promptly ran as fast as they could toward him. Just before they got to the top, the Marine ran over the other side of the hill. The squad followed, and for the next few minutes there were bloody screams and dust flying in the air.

Then as quick as it had started, it stopped and the Marine came up on the hilltop. Brushed off his cammies, straightened his cap, crossed his arms and stood there looking at the Taliban soldiers once again.

The commander was really hot now. He ordered the rest of his platoon to attack the American. Determined that Taliban soldiers were far superior to one Marine, they had blood in their eyes as they ran up the hill. Just before they got to the top, the Marine ran over the other side of the hill. The blood-thirsty soldiers followed.

For many minutes there were horrific screams and dust flying in the air. It continued and continued. Finally, one lone soldier came crawling back to the Afghan commander, all bloody and beat about the head and shoulders. His uniform was torn, cuts were all over his body.

The commander asked for a report. The lone soldier, trying to catch his breath, replied in a forceful and trembling voice:

"Sir,...run,...it's a trick. There are TWO of them!!"


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at February 22, 2006 10:11 PM

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But there was only one actually doing the ass kicking. The other one was just watching.

Posted by: Blackiswhite at February 23, 2006 09:32 PM

AJ's inevitable response in 5...4...3...2...

*ducks and runs away*


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at February 24, 2006 08:40 PM

What?! You mean there's still no response from AJ about this...?! I better smack that boy, he's getting lazy! :-D


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at February 25, 2006 05:17 PM

It was self-evident, so, I didn't bother. Marines kicking the shit out of camelfucking towelheads is nothing new.

Heck, it only took 7 Marines to defeat the ENTIRE Barbary Pirates Army, during the Barbary Pirates Wars. That would be "The Shores of Tripoli" in the Marine's Hymn. It's also when Marine Corps officers started wearing the Mameluke swords they are so famous for.

So, no comment from me on the rather obvious.

Posted by: the Humble Devildog at February 25, 2006 07:16 PM

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