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March 20, 2006

Can't get a straight answer out of 'em

The Department of "Well, duhhhhh!!!" chimes in this week with Fox News' Chris Wallace trying to nail Jello© to the wall - and not getting a whole lot in the way of results...

Repeatedly pressed by "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace to reveal his party's Iraq war plan, Sen. Dick Durbin's answer was that Democrats want to bring the troops home as soon as possible.

As Wallace points out (as you will soon see), fuckin' everybody and their dogs  wanna see the troops come home, Dickhead Turban - so tell me something new, why don't you?

Admitting, for example, that the right-thinkers in this country want to see our men & women come home after they've finished kicking Islamoturd ass up the Arab street and right back down it again - whereas you and your fellow Donktards Murthafucker, al-Qerry, Senator (hic!), Dingy Harry and San Fran Tran Nan just want to cut & run - well, that'd be a good start.

Wallace quoted President Jimmy Carter's national security advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as having accused the Democrats, "his own party, of political desertion on Iraq.

And when you've got a Demoscum  saying this, you have a problem.  And when it's the former NSA for the weakest-on-foreign-policy-in-the-history-of-the-nation saying it...well...

"Democratic leaders have been silent or evasive. They have not offered an alternative to the war in Iraq. It's easy to criticize," Brzezinski said, according to Wallace, who then asked Durbin: "You talk about the lack of an administration plan. What is the Democratic plan? And be specific. What's the Democratic plan for Iraq?"

You would think that not even a Demoturd like Dickhead Turban (D-Fallujah) can evade a direct question like that.

And you'd be wrong.

"I'll be very specific," replied Durbin, D-Ill. "But I can tell you, to start with,

Translation:  "Evasive manuevers, Mr. Sulu!!!"

failed policies such as the one we have in Iraq

Y'know what, Senator Dickhead?  I think I'm getting just a weeeeeeeee bit tired of all this carping about "failed policies" in Iraq.  We kill the Islamonazi ragheaded fucks, we set up a new government in Iraq that doesn't  wanna rain WMDs down on our heads, we move on to the next group of terrorists.  What's so failed about that?

The only thing wrong  with it is that Bush is trying to be too cutesy about it, what with all this "Religion of Peace" crap he's been trying to foist on us for lo these last four years.  In fact, it could very well be argued that he's trying to prosecute this war as if he were a Demoscum - just like Vietnam, with one hand tied behind our backs, instead of just leveling the towns (like Fallujah) that need leveling.

gives us few options. And we understand that. We've been painted into a corner in this situation."

You don't understand shit,  Senator Dickhead.  What we  understand is that you think you can create reality simply by chanting the same things over and over as if they were your personal mantra.  The Bush policies are not  failures, but should they not succeed it will all be because of your constant bitching and moaning in your attempts to regain power.

And if you attempt to fuck up this war on terror for all of us...well, trust me - I don't think you wanna go there.

When Wallace countered that with, "Well, that's criticism, sir. What is your plan?" Durbin waffled, saying "Well, hold on, if you will, please.

"Because I have to drone on and on a little longer in hopes that maybe you'll forget you asked me that."

What we propose and what Senator John Warner accepted as a bipartisan approach in the Senate includes the following.

John Warner is not the Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces, Senator Dickhead.  You'd do well to remember that.

This year, 2006, a year of transition, where the Iraqis take control of their own security and defense.

Gee.  What a novel concept.  Must be why President Bush has been touting that all along.

"Secondly, the Iraqis are put on notice they have to form a government that embraces all of the factions within Iraq so that we can see finally a government of unity leading to some sort of progress for the people of Iraq.

And again.  Damn, it's almost as if Bush has ol' Turbanboy on marionette's strings, y'know?

"And finally, we have to have from this president accountability, clear accountability, where he says every three months what progress is being made.

BZZZZZZZZZZT!!!  No, but thanks for playing anyway, Senator Dickhead.  You gave Bush the authority to prosecute this war any way he needed to.  I think the "accountability" needed here is an explanation why you and your fellow Demoscum have been trying to undermine his efforts at every turn since then.

Looks like you got some 'splainin to do, Dickie boy.

His first report, incidentally, was not an encouraging one. It's an indication that despite all the rhetoric, we have not made progress this year."

Did you read his report, or was that the NY Slimes???

Still looking for an answer, Wallace said: "But saying a year of significant transition, with all due respect, sir, is just a phrase. I mean, you know the situation there. There are 133,000 troops on the ground. Is it the Democratic plan that you could get all of them out by the end of the year, 30,000, get under 100,000? What's the Democratic plan?

And still  Dickhead Turban refuses to give Wallace a simple answer to a simple question!  But, undaunted, Chris presses on...

Said Durbin: "My wish is to bring the troops home as quickly as possible." After Wallace observed that, "Well, that's everyone's wish, sir," Durbin said, "Withdrawing them tomorrow is not realistic.

Your pal Murthafucker seemed to think so.

But I will say this. We believe that if this president has a plan, and I'm not sure that he does

We're not sure that the matter between your ears is fecal, rather than gray, Dickhead - but that's beside the point at them moment.

that it will be demonstrated by the end of the year that Iraqi forces will replace American forces. If they do not, it's further indication of the failure of this administration."

And you base this half-assed conclusion on what, exactly?  Are you expecting Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi and the rest of 'em to go over there and personally oversee the training of each & every recruit?

In addition, of course, to also  overseeing the war effort in Afghanistan, domestic issues over here and having to respond to each and every one of the Left's pissant whines?

In the end, Wallace's question went unanswered.

Which, in the final analysis, should have surprised no one.  Jello© to the wall, guys - remember?


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 20, 2006 04:16 PM

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