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April 08, 2006

I think it's a damned good idea, myself.

Run a picture of President Bush with the caption "Snipers Wanted" and nothing happens.  Make an ass of yourself before a live studio audience and yell that they should go and stone Henry Hyde - zip, zero, nada, zilch, bupkis.

Dare to suggest, tongue-in-cheek, that maybe we should solve our border problems by shooting the illegal bastards the minute the cross our border, and watch the hornet's nest erupt.

Arizona's attorney general and a U.S. federal attorney filed a complaint with the Federal Communication Commission yesterday against a Phoenix radio station and a fill-in talk show host over comments made last month suggesting the solution to the illegal immigration problem was to "randomly pick one night every week where we will kill whoever crosses the border."

In their letter to the FCC, Attorney General Terry Goddard and U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton criticized the March 8 broadcast by host Brian James on KFYI as "dangerous."

Perhaps we should give them more "wardrobe malfunctions" to chase.  Where's Janet Jackson when you really  need her?

"This type of threatening and inciting speech is dangerous and totally irresponsible for anyone, particularly a licensed body using the public airways," Goddard and Charlton wrote. "We are deeply concerned that, given the intensifying conflict over immigration in Arizona, this speech may lead to violence. Tempers are short on both sides and the situation is highly volatile."

No shit, Sherlock.  D'ya think that maybe - just maybe - it's because that your fuckwitted, half-assed counterparts in the INS and their leash holders in the White House & Congress have sat on their fucking asses  for too damned long and allowed the problem to get out of hand, yes?

"At no time during this hour did Mr. James disavow violence or indicate he was joking," the letter claimed.

So?  Doesn't matter.  It's one hellacious idea, IYAM.

The pair also urged the FCC to consider sanctions against the station.

Maybe you bastards should focus on trying to apprehend more illegals, y'think?  You seem to have a helluva lotta time on your hands if all you have to do is whine & bitch to the FCC about an exercise of Article I of the Bill of Rights.

According to a partial transcript of the program – KFYI did not preserve a tape of the broadcast, according to station manager Laurie Cantillo – James was taking suggestions from listeners for ways to end the influx of illegal aliens.

"What we'll do is randomly pick one night every week where we will kill whoever crosses the border," he said. "Step over there and you die. You get to decide whether it's your lucky night or not. I think that would be more fun."

James said he would be "happy to sit there with my high-powered rifle and my night scope" and shoot border crossers, adding the National Guard should be permitted to shoot illegal immigrants and receive "$100 a head."

And the problem with that is...?

Cantillo told the Associated Press she'd never been investigated by the FCC before but if it happened, she believed her station was on solid ground.

"I would look forward to being able to tell KFYI's side of the story," she said.

Ms. Cantillo, all you need do is quote the First Amendment.  I mean, that's what the libtards do, and they get away with it.

James' comments were neither dangerous nor irresponsible, she said.

"We were having a serious discussion about the immigration issue and it was solution-driven. The comments were made in a satirical manner and the listeners who heard the full broadcast understand that," she said.

You can say they were satirical if you want to.  I for one think that once we implemented that particular solution, illegal immigration would shrivel faster than a Blogosphere male's dick at the sight of Debbie Slutsel.

Feel free to go read the rest of the article.  If these AIN asswipes want to be on the front lines when the shit hits the fan for real, I wish 'em the best of luck.

They're gonna need it.


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at April 8, 2006 10:58 PM

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The U.S. fucking Attorney? Anyone can burn the fucking flag, whether or not they are a citizen, and not violate the law, but suggest a method of enforcing the law that federal fucking government has no interest in enforcing, and this constitutionaly protected exercise is dangerous and irresponsible????
Oh I wholeheartedlyfucking agree!!! Now send the fucking Marshalls out to shut down every fucking mainstream media outlet in this fucking country. They've been engaging in dangerous and irresponsible 'reporting' from their soapboxes for quite sometime now! Any public figure who wants to use their celebrity to spout off on political subjects that they don't know dick about should have to attend and pass a combination history and civics class before they can do so. They shoud have to get refresher credits every fucking year, like I do! Gotta stop now. RCOB moment. Gonna have a stroke I keep thinking about this...:shock:

Posted by: Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur at April 8, 2006 11:43 PM

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