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October 02, 2006

Vote?  Why?

No, I didn't have time today to write about anything.  Between the clutch on the Anti-Pimpmobile™ (translation:  it's anything but  pimped up) going toes up on me, and then being required to at least try and do my job despite it all, there's been scant little time to read much of anything about which to blog.

Which is probably for the best, 'cause if I'd read this earlier, it probably would have given rise to an RCOB moment.

As it is, Allahpundit has a great take on it, and by all means don't miss Misha's rant on this subject.

And to think - I just got through (finally!) registering to vote for this cycle.  Nice to see I wasted my time, huh?

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at October 2, 2006 09:24 PM

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