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February 15, 2007

Tim Hardaway:  Another spineless wuss

So here I was, all ready to make Tim Hardaway the new SpatulaHero™.

Then he goes and pisses the hell outta me by recanting.

"Yes, I regret it. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said I hate gay people or anything like that," he said. "That was my mistake."

No, Timmy, your mistake was caving in to whomever got to you and showing one hellacious lack of spine.  Another mistake was letting that fuckhead Danielle Le Bastard label you a "homophobe" and actually agreeing with it.

Memo to the sodomite community:  We don't fear you.  You do not strike the slightest bit of terror in me, or anyone else for that matter.  It's actually revulsion & disgust - not unlike the feeling you get upon finding that you've stepped on a dog turd and tracked it into the house.  I wouldn't exactly call that a "phobia" - more like a gag reflex.

On the other hand, you limp-wristed pussies seem to want to shout down posthaste anyone who might offend those delicate sensibilities  of yours.  Almost as if you're terrified of letting any attack of your lack of character go unchallenged, lest people see that our revulsion with you asswipes isn't such a bad thing to have, after all - as if it makes a helluva lotta sense to despise perversion such as yours.

So who are really the phobics here?  Here's a clue - tain't us, McGee.

Shame that sticks in your craw (not!), but I don't rightly give a shit about that - and you won't find me apologizing to you, ever.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again - it's not tolerance  you faggots want, it's acceptance.  You want me to say that what you do is okay and a perfectly normal "lifestyle choice".

And that ain't happenin'.  Ever.  Suggest you deal with it, nancy-boys.

And Hardaway?  Fuck off.  Come back when you grow a set.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at February 15, 2007 09:43 PM

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Spats, you'll love this. I LMAO'd reading it.


Posted by: Lady Heather at February 16, 2007 06:59 PM

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