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July 18, 2007

World War III™ begins tonight (UPDATED)

Big main event coming up at SpatulaCentral this evening:  Us vs. our daughter.

Tonight, we Lay Down The Law™ to our child, and she will no doubt shriek a la  San Fran Nan Pelosi about it.

If the place weren't so damned small, I'd sell tickets.

UPDATE:  Well, not so fast.

Received a bit of news last night that sort of put things on hold.  If I'm to believe my daughter, the aforementioned pond scum (i.e. the bastard who got my daughter preggers) is history.

(Insert all the happy dances you want here.    )

So we'll put off the battle royal for a bit.  Watch this space.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at July 18, 2007 07:37 PM

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How did things go last evening?

Posted by: David Hartung at July 19, 2007 09:32 PM

From Spats:
Received a bit of news last night that sort of put things on hold. If I'm to believe my daughter, the aforementioned pond scum (i.e. the bastard who got my daughter preggers) is history.

From what you say, this is good news. Congrats.

Posted by: David Hartung at July 20, 2007 08:12 AM


[Yes, Denizens - this is actually what he said.

And I'm not Spatula-izing it because:  a) he actually has a point, for once, and b) it's actually kinda funny.

So congrats, JButtcrack - you actually provided this King & Tyrant™ a bit of a chuckle.

You can stay around a bit longer.  :-)  -LSI]

Posted by: jbeez at July 20, 2007 01:25 PM

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