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(sigh) It’s getting harder & harder to justify doing this…especially if all my teams are going to go in the tank.

Arlington Heights 7, Aledo 84

at TCU 48, SMUT 7

at Liberty 73, Kentucky Wesleyan 7

at Houston 20, Seattle 23 (OT)

Dallas 21, at San Diego 30

Hmmm.&#160 For some reason, what I had here has hit the bit bucket.

Not sure why.&#160 Doubt I’ll ever have time to re-create it, either.

C’est la vie.


Here is a blog post which purports to have quotes from a book by a Secret Service  agent, giving the inside thoughts of the Secret Service about various presidents. It is absolutely interesting, but I urge caution. The quotes are so one sided that I have to wonder just how true it is.

Upon further research I found this. It seems that like many blog articles, this one was a mixture of fact and fiction. Interestingly, with the exception of Obama, the blog article got it right on the presidents. What makes this particularly interesting is that this article shows that the post 1960 Republican Presidents were decent people, while the Democrats have essentially been scum.


Five years ago today, she came into my life.&#160 One year to the day thereafter, we married.

And my life’s been a living hell ever since.&#160

Still love her, though.

Happy anniversary, Mrs. Venomous!&#160


…aka the Pansy-Assed Football League.

Denizens, as we start this edition of the Perfect Football Weekend&#153, we are once again reminded of what a bunch of pussified doucherifles the state of Kalifornication has become.&#160 For now, their infectious cancer has touched youth football.

Usually, when a mercy rule becomes a bone of contention it’s because the policy isn’t instituted soon enough, until after a game is already far out of reach. Yet in one Northern California community the opposite is unfolding, with parents furious about a new rule that they feel is cheating their children and coaches of football and money wasted on fines.

As reported by Sacramento NBC affiliate KCRA, the Northern California Federation Youth Football League (NCFYFL) instituted stiff new penalties for any teams that beat opponents by 35 points or more. Specifically, those teams will be fined $200 and their coaches will be suspended from all league activities for two weeks. The penalty is a drastic change for the league of 7-13 year-olds, which previously issued teams with a warning following such blowouts and required a written description that detailed what the victorious team had done to try and keep scores low.


With the new, harsher penalties, some players have begun insisting that their development is being hurt. One team has stopped attempting any field goals, leaving kicker James McHugh unable to attempt any scoring kicks except points after touchdowns. That’s a problem for a 13-year-old who hopes to serve as a high school placekicker in fall 2014.

Oh, hell&#160 no.&#160 Actually, it’s a problem for any self-respecting human being.

Thankful am I that Skip doesn’t play in such a league.&#160 For if he did, and they passed a fucktarded rule like this, the head of said league would have the term “ass-whipping” re-defined for him.&#160 By me.

And speaking of ass-whippings, let’s get to the football.&#160 It’s my Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets, destined to have their magical oh-fer season extended by the Aledo Bearcats.&#160 It’s Guaranteed Loss Night&#153, and the SpatulaLine&#153 is set at 65&#189 for this one.

Tomorrow morning, it’ll be Gary Patterson’s TCU Horned Frogs playing host to SMUT for the Iron Skillet.

And I shit you not – Vegas has the Frogs as an 18&#189-point favorite at home.

With Trevone Boykin at quarterback.

I think the Shitland Ponies win this one outright.&#160 Look for me to be extremely&#160 pissed come Monday.

Also Saturday, Turner Gill’s Liberty Flames take on Kentucky Weslyan, which is apparently such a small program that they don’t even have an ESPN listing.&#160 Flames win comfortably here.

Sunday finds Houston playing host to Golden Taint and the Seattle Seahags.&#160 If the Tex-annes can’t beat Baltimore without RAYYYYMONNNNND LEWWWWWWISSSSSSSS!!!!!, I rather doubt they’ll beat Seattle.&#160 Vegas doesn’t think so, either – the Hags are a 2&#189-point road favorite.

And for a bonus game, the Dallas Cowboys, fresh off a manhandling of the St. Louis Ewes, travel to Mrs. Venomous’ home of San Diego to take on the “San Dee-ayy-go…Superchar-gers…” (a little Chris Berman lingo, there).&#160 Vegas likes Dallas minus 2&#189, so look for the Powder-Blue-And_Gold to romp.

We’re back Monday with the recap.&#160 In the meantime…dang, I didn’t know OU’s Blake Bell could throw


Oh, this is choice.

A senior police inspector was injured after his service revolver misfired while he was cleaning it on Tuesday night. The incident took place at his home at Bibvewadi’s Vaibhav Society. The injured inspector, Shailendra Shinde, is presently the in-charge of Bibvewadi police station.

Deputy commissioner of police (Zone II) Ramnath Pokale said, “Shinde went home at 11pm on Tuesday. He took out his service revolver to clean it as usual. He had removed five bullets from the revolver and was struggling to take out the last one which had got stuck in the magazine. While doing this, he accidentally touched the trigger and the revolver fired. The bullet pierced through his right leg, hit the cushion sofa and then hit the ground.”

A magazine.&#160 In a revolver

Uhhhhhhh, yeah.&#160 Right.



Item:&#160 George H.W. Bush witnessed – and apparently approved – a lezbo wedding.

Former President George H.W. Bush was an official witness at the same-sex wedding of two longtime friends, his spokesman said Wednesday.

Bush and his wife, Barbara Bush, attended the ceremony joining Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen as private citizens and friends on Saturday, spokesman Jim McGrath said.

Thorgalsen posted a photo on her Facebook page showing Bush signing the marriage license as a witness. She captioned the photo: “Getting our marriage license witnessed!”

Reaction:&#160 I’m now officially sorry I ever voted for George H.W. Bush.


Hellaciously good thing I added the Cowboys at the last minute, isn’t it?

Liberty 21, at Richmond 30

Houston 9, at Baltimore 30

at Dallas 31, St. Louis 7

(Credit:&#160 ESPN) – Michael Strauss threw 20 of 34 for 210 yards and one touchdown to lead Richmond to a 30-21 victory over Liberty on Saturday night.

Coming into the game, Richmond (2-2) boasted the most prolific passing attack in the Colonial Athletic Conference, but it was the rushing of Jacobi Green that kept the Spiders in the lead most of the game. Green had 24 carries for 181 yards and T.J. Moon carried 7 times for 38 yards and two touchdowns.

Dallas would be a legitimate Super Bowl contender…if it could play the St. Louis Ewes every week.

Six sacks of Sam Bradford for the defense.&#160 175 yards of ground for DeMarco Murray, to go with the 253 last time he played StL.&#160 A 137-plus QB rating for El Choko.

I could get used to this.&#160 Keep playing like this, guys, you can worm your way back into the group.

On the other hand…

Gary Kubiak – you laid that egg against this&#160 sorry bunch?&#160 Schaub throws a pick-six? A punt return for a touchdown?&#160 A backup running back&#160 gashes you for 65 yards & a score?&#160 All this despite the fact that they didn’t&#160 have RAYMOND LEWIS!!!!!!&#160 or Ed Reed this time, and that you&#160 were the ones who had Reed?

What is it, the uniforms?

Tell me again why I put you idiots in the PFW?

This week:&#160 1-2 (thank you, Cowboys).&#160 Overall:&#160 7-7

The PFW will return on Friday, when we will discuss guarantees for reals, and decide which Texas team gets to keep going in this soiree.


Something I caught whilst watching the NBC pregame show just now:

The slogan:&#160 “Subway – Where winners eat”.

And whom just happens&#160 to be one of their spokesmorons?



Item:&#160 The Los Angeles Dodgers clinched the NL West title the other day in Arizona – and to celebrate, they climbed the right-field fence and took a dip in the stadium’s open-access pool after everyone had left.

Item:&#160 This act pissed off half-assed excuse-for-a-senator RINO McLame:

“Poolgate” reached the nation’s capital Friday when Arizona Sen. John McCain voiced strong displeasure with the Los Angeles Dodgers’ celebration of their National League West title.

After the Dodgers clinched the division with Thursday’s 7-6 win against the Arizona Diamondbacks, roughly half the team celebrated by jumping into the pool behind the right-center field wall at Chase Field.

The revelry upset many players, executives and fans of the Diamondbacks, including McCain, who took to Twitter with this rant:

John McCain @SenJohnMcCain

No-class act by a bunch of overpaid, immature, arrogant, spoiled brats! “The #Dodgers are idiots” http://www.azcentral.com/insiders/danbickley/2013/09/19/the-dodgers-are-idiots/ …
12:36 PM – 20 Sep 2013

Item:&#160 Dodgers’ relief pitcher Brian “The Mohawk” Wilson had a classic response:

Brian Wilson @BrianWilson38

Senator McComplain knows a thing or two about coming in second and watching someone take a plunge in the pool (I mean poll) #POoLITICS
3:44 PM – 20 Sep 2013



Denizens, as we begin this edition of the Perfect Football Weekend&#153 (and yes – sorry it’s late), we note that Nebraska head coach (and former PFW target) Bo Pelini was forced by the pussy-assed excuse-for-an-administration that is Nebraska U. to apologize for Yet Another Rant&#153.

Oh, did we mention this was one he made two years ago?

Nebraska coach Bo Pelini apologized Monday for a profane rant from 2011 in which he criticized “fair-weather” Cornhuskers fans.

The website Deadspin posted the 2-year-old audio of the Cornhuskers’ coach going off on fans and newspaper reporters after a game.

What was already a bad day got much worse for Bo Pelini, who has some explaining to do to Nebraska fans, writes Mitch Sherman. Blog

Pelini’s problematic Monday came on the heels of yet another brutal loss for the Huskers. UCLA wiped out an 18-point deficit in Lincoln and beat Nebraska 41-21 on Saturday.

The tape caught Pelini speaking off air with Husker Sports Network play-by-play man Greg Sharpe before his postgame radio interview following Nebraska’s win over Ohio State in October 2011. Pelini had been criticized by fans and media in the days leading to the Ohio State game for the Huskers’ performance the week before in a 31-point loss at Wisconsin.

In the audio, Pelini repeatedly uses an expletive to refer to what he calls “fair-weather” fans.

Okay, in the first place, this was two fucking years ago, mkay?

Second, it was a private conversation, awright?

If i have a private conversation with someone two years ago, and some half-assed pussy site like Deadspin broadcasts it to the fucking world, the owners of Deadspin.com best hope I don’t ever find them. At the very least, they’ll be the proud recipients of an eight-digit minimum&#160 lawsuit.&#160 And if I happen to have a certain object in my possession…

Nebraska chancellor Harvey Perlman said he was disappointed by the comments.

“We are taking some time to consider it and what impact it would have on the university,” Perlman said.

Perlman declined to answer whether Pelini was in danger of losing his job.

Athletic director Shawn Eichorst said he talked to Pelini about the rant.

“I am disheartened and disappointed by the 2011 comments published today attributed to Coach Pelini about our dedicated and passionate fans and supporters,” Eichorst said in a statement. “I have spoken with Chancellor Perlman and I have addressed the situation with Bo and expressed our deep concern.”

Now, I’m no longer a Pelini fan (at least, as a head coach), but Perlman?&#160 Eichorst?

You fucknozzles are true douchebags.&#160 This is Yet Another Reason&#153 why Nebraska is no longer in the PFW.

Let’s go to the football.&#160 It’s Guaranteed Loss Night&#153 for my Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets, as they take on the Aledo Bearcats (at least, I think they’re the Bearcats).&#160 That’s Aledo, as in top-25-in-the-fucking-nation&#160 Aledo.

The SpatulaLine&#153 is in place on this one, and I’m setting it at 65.&#160 Don’t argue – Aledo’s that good, and Heights is that bad.

UPDATE:&#160 I’m gonna kill my Intelligence division.

Heights doesn’t lose to Aledo until next&#160 week.

Guess I get to run with three teams this week, after all.&#160 (sigh)

Saturday, Turner Gill’s Liberty Flames travel to Richmond to take on the Spyders.&#160 Richmond’s 1-2, but they should give Liberty all they can handle.

Sunday, Houston travels to Baltimore to take on the RAYMOND LEWIS!!!!!!!-less (as well as Ed Reed-less) Ravens.&#160 Andre Johnson will play this game, or so I’ve been led to believe, so give me Houston & the points (they’re a 1&#189-point road fave).

TCU is guaranteed not to lose this week…why, Wizard…?

MERLIN:&#160 Because they don’t play.


Now, I really need four teams to make this worth my while, so I’m gonna plug in the Cowgirls hosting the St. Louis Ewes Rams Ewes.&#160 Vegas has the ‘Girlz by 3, so that means Dan Bailey will win it in overtime.

We’re back Monday for the recap.&#160 Hopefully.


Okay, now that we’ve had another mass shooting, let’s go through the liberal checklist, shall we?

* White Anglo Saxon Protestant, che…oh, wait.

* Christian, che…oh, wait.

* Teaba…oh, wait.

Due to the excessive availability of guns, che…oh, wait.

Hmmm…looks like the libtard narrative is being found to be somewhat wanting, isn’t it?

Well, leftist doucherifles, you may rest assured of one thing:&#160 You still&#160 can’t have my guns.&#160 Don’t even think&#160 about it.


Conventional wisdom says that if you have two quarterbacks that deserve to start, then you have no quarterbacks.

In TCU’s case, 0 – 2 = 0.

Arlington Heights 21, at White Settlement Brewer 23

#24 TCU 24, at Texas Tech 20, Blind-Assed Fucking Zebras -14

at Liberty 38, Morgan St. 10

at Houston 30, Tennessee 24 (OT)

Heights played Brewer even up, except for a safety.

Liberty QB Josh Woodrum was 9 of 15 for 101 yards and one interception. But it was the running game that gave the Flames (2-1) the winning advantage with 330 total yards rushing. Rice was joined in the backfield by Clifton Richardson who had 86 yards and two touchdowns on 14 carries.

(hat tip:&#160 the four-lettered network)

Schaubbie didn’t have that great of a day – he threw a couple of picks, one of ’em a pick-six to Titan DB Alterraun (Alterraun?&#160 Alderaan?) Verner.

But he had enough to drive the Texans on an 80-yard march and an Arian Foster two-point conversion, then win the game in overtime on a fade to DeAndre Hopkins.

First things first (and with all due respect to the Generalette):&#160 The Frogs got jobbed again&#160 by the fucking stripes.&#160 Two punt returns nullified by zebras’ hankies – one on a phantom fair-catch signal, the other on a phantom clipping call.

That said – one thing is painfully clear:&#160 Trevon Boykin is not&#160 the answer at quarterback for the Frogs.

Two more picks.&#160 A woeful inability to use his arm to move the Frogs down the field.

Not that he’s the only goat.&#160 The TCU defense let a backup freshman quarterback&#160 beat them in the fourth quarter with a TD pass with 3:48 remaining.&#160 Which, given the Frogs’ lack of an offense this year, may as well have been having two hundred yards to go for a touchdown with :01 left.

Aw, shit.

Yet, for all that Heights & TCU failed me, we’re invoking Executive Fiat&#153 and declaring a PFW&#153.

OZY McCOOL:&#160 Huh?

KORRIOTH:&#160 What?

MERLIN:&#160 Do tell.


Central Florida 34, at Penn State 31

Storm Johnson ran for a career-high 117 yards and a score and added a touchdown reception as the Knights (3-0) beat a Big Ten team for the first time in school history. UCF never trailed (emphasis added.&#160 -DV), having its way against Penn State’s defense to give the newly minted American Athletic Conference a shot of respectability.

This week:&#160 2-2.&#160 Overall:&#160 6-5

The PFW returs Friday, when we speak of guarantees.


Denizens, your homework assignment is to read this treatise on this recap of the 9/11 biker rally up in DC PA this week.

PETA Crashes Biker Gathering…

Well, that&#160 was a mistake…&#160

UPDATE:&#160 After a bit of research, I’m believing that this is just a tad apocryphal.&#160 (Shows what I get for not invoking the 48-hour rule.)

What the hell – it’s still a good read.


As we begin this early edition of the Perfect Football Weekend&#153, Denizens, the Department of Dirty-Assed Football Players&#153 is once again bringing our attention to one Ndamukong Suh, former Nebraska Cornhusker and late of the Detroit Bankruptcies Lions, who has yet again been fined for doing what he does best…namely, being the dirtiest player in the game.

Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh was fined $100,000 by the NFL for his hit on Minnesota Vikings center John Sullivan during Sunday’s game but won’t be suspended, the NFL announced Tuesday.

The league said in a statement that NFL vice president of football operations Merton Hanks told Suh on Tuesday that he had been fined.

“Suh was penalized for violating Rule 12, Section 2, Article 5 (a), which prohibits blocks below the waist by players of either team after a change of possession,” the league said in its statement.


The controversial play occurred during an interception return by Lions linebacker DeAndre Levy, who scored an apparent touchdown to give Detroit the lead. But the play was nullified because Suh was whistled for an illegal low block against Sullivan well behind the play. The Lions eventually won the game 34-24.

All he did was try to take out an opposing player’s knee.&#160 Nothing to see here, move along.

Naturally, Suh is appealing.&#160 And claiming complete & total innocence.

Suh said he wasn’t going after Sullivan’s knees Sunday, adding the two talked about it at halftime.

“I spoke to him. We’re good,” Suh said after Sunday’s game. “So that’s all that matters.”

Yeah, right.&#160 Whatever.


Let’s get on with the football.&#160 It’s Gary Patterson’s 24th-ranked Texas Christian Horned Frogs going up against Mike Leach’s Kliff Kingsbury’s Texas Tech Red Raiders.

Last time under circumstances like this, TCU jumped out to a 21-0 lead…then got outscored, 14-70.&#160 Ouch.

Vegas has the Froggies as a 3&#189-point road favorite.&#160 Hate to say it, but I think Tech’s gonna roll here.

Tomorrow night, my Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets get to play the sacrificial lamb over in White Settlement vs Brewer High.

Many moons ago, when I had a fianc&#233 that had attended Brewer (and later jilted me), I’d’ve given anything to see this, because Heights would have destroyed the Bears.

Now?.&#160 Not.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Likely.

Saturday, Turner Gill’s Liberty Flames will entertain Morgan State at home.&#160 Morgan State’s 0-2, with one of those losses being to Army – so while I think it’ll be close, I like Liberty here.

Sunday, Gary Kubiak’s Houston Texans have their home opener vs. the Tennessee Titans and Jake Fucker Locker Fucker.&#160 (D’ya get the feeling I don’t like Jake Locker?)

Vegas has the Texans as a solid 9-point favorite at home, so I like their chances.&#160 I’d wanna watch the game to see how many old Oiler fans scream at the Titans for deserting them.&#160

We’re back Monday with the recap.&#160 In the meantime, I’ll entertain a pool on whether Putin actually tries to carry out the Syrian disarmament plan.


(The following is a column which appeared on my old web site, www.spatulacitybbs.com, on September 11th, 2001.&#160 It is re-posted now in remembrance of then.)

NOTE: This column contains some coarse language. Back out now if such language offends you, please.

I got four hours of sleep last night. I’m fighting the obligatory yearly case of tonsillitis. My throat hurts like Hell ™, my body is racked with soreness, and – not to put too fine a point thereupon – I’m in need of a tube of Prep H.

You get the idea. (sigh)

So here I am on LBJ Freeway in Dallas, plodding my way through traffic, fighting hard the urge to fall asleep at the wheel, literally. I’m listening to our sports-talk/guy-talk station on AM, the Ticket (KTCK 1310), when the sports jocks there suddenly exclaim something to the effect of, “WTF…?!”. Apparently, a heavy jet has veered off course and slammed into one of the World Trade Center twin towers in New York City.

“Wow,” I’m thinking, “they’ll likely stay with this one all day”, and I immediately turn over to the news/talk station here, WBAP 820, for all the coverage. Yes, I admit it – I’m fascinated by carnage.

At that point, though, I’m thinking tragic accident. Somebody’s plane lost its hydraulics and careened out of control, and the World Trade Center, unfortunately, was simply in the way.

That was 7:50. At 8:09, my worldview – and that of 280 million Americans, I would bet – changed radically.

At that point, a second jet slammed headfirst into the other tower. At that point, it’s not just a major tragedy. This looks just a weeeee bit too organized to be a coincidence.

It’s 8:20 when I get to the office, and I meet my buddy and old Wingtip Courier dispatcher as he’s driving up. He hasn’t been paying attention to anything. We get inside the office, and I bring him and our other compadre up to speed on things (he wasn’t listening to the radio, either, which was surprising). I go into my office and try pulling up a video stream for any of this. It’s 8:25.

Fifteen minutes later, the message is clear: America is under attack for the first time in 60 years. Yet another heavy jet has crashed – this one into the Pentagon. Reports are coming in about multiple hijackings. I’ve read a report about a worldwide alert issued last Friday concerning our resident international terrorist, Osama bin Laden, Two & two are quickly starting to come together.

(Side note: Don’t let them tell you they had no warning. I’m not kidding about that worldwide alert concerning bin Laden. They knew. Damned right they knew.)

(SECOND SIDE NOTE:&#160 As I go through the years, I’m less inclined to blame the Bush Administration than I was nine years ago.&#160 Sure, they knew it was possible, but all they had was a general warning.&#160 Nothing specific that said they were going to do what they did precisely on that day.&#160 So the Bush Administration gets a pass from me on this one.

The Demoscum, on the other hand…)

I can’t pull up anything on the ‘Net – and I have a T1 at work. The radio offers some details, but I want to know more. I run across the street to the CompUSSR to scope out the TV images.

And ohmigod – what TV images. I saw the second plane come in behind the first tower, and a plume of fire and deep black smoke explode out the other side. I saw the collapsed side of the Pentagon. I saw both WTC towers collapse – I had to ask someone if they’d collapsed all the way, so incredulous was the scene there. (A third building nearby would collapse six hours later.) I heard reports of yet another plane crash – this one near Pittsburgh. Rumor has it that the plane was headed to Camp David – we’re somewhere around the anniversary of the Camp David accords, so I hear.

Returned to work around 11:00 in a state of near-shock. Twenty minutes later, I received the go-ahead to go home. After a quick stop-off at the school to check on my wife, I arrived home and turned on the TV to Fox.

The images there were even more unbelievable than before. Fox had the direct angle on the second tower hit. They also had better angles on the collapse of both towers – although by that time, there was so much smoke & dust that one could hardly make anything out.

After a quick lunch, I sit down here to gather news stories, and I find this.

That’s right, sports fans. Here are a group of Palestinian squids laughing, dancing and cheering the attack on us, whom they call “the Great Satan”.

Compassionate people, those Palestinians.

Okay, now that I’ve bored you with my day, here’s my analysis: CNN early on was doing everything it could to avoid calling it a terrorist attack. But, Spatulaites & Spatulaettes, it’s too coordinated, too organized to be anything but. These events had to be planned months in advance. Certain people had to be installed at just the right junctures in order to pull this off – our airport security procedures, despite the fact that they’re handled by part-timers making minimum wage, are still way too strict. People who knew how to fly those planes had to arrange for passage on these planes. This would have been a major undertaking for simply one airliner – for four to have been hijacked in this manner and turned into suicide machines screams for the fact that this is more than just a Chinese fire drill.

So. Who’s got the capability to pull it off? Who has the money to train these thugs, place them right where they needed to be placed, and then turned loose? And who among them hates us enough to target us? Not to mention, who’s stupid-assed enough to try it?

If you haven’t figured it out by now, go back to school and take a comprehensive reading course. You think about it, there’s really only one man who qualifies: Osama bin Laden.

There can be no question. The mastermind behind the 1993 bombing at the aforementioned World Trade Center is so consumed with hatred for the United States that it sticks in his craw that he failed to bring us down eight years ago. So he decided to try and finish the job, gambling that we’ll be too chicken-shit to do anything about it.

(Second side note: Yeah, the Palestinians and the Taliban in Afghanistan are denying responsibility. Don’t believe the bastards. This is their baby.)

This is where George W. Bush needs to prove him wrong. Take this one to the bank, my friends: The Bush presidency – whether he believes it or not, whether he likes it or not – rides on how he handles this.

America is screaming for justice. More to the point, America is screaming for revenge. This is nothing short of an act of war. Yes, war. There’s been a formally undeclared one on us now, by most of the non-Israeli countries of the Middle East, for several years now. The Muslims hate our guts. The Syrians, the Iraqis, the Iranians – we’re their enemy. “Death To America” has been cruising at #1 on the Middle Eastern Top 40 for several years. They’re getting bolder, too – because they think we’re too cowardly to fight back. They think we’ve forgotten how to fight.

If George Bush has any balls, now’s the time to prove them wrong.

This is your solution, like it or not: Any country harboring terrorists – that would include Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, et. al. – must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Scramble 30 bombers. Five warheads each – six if the plane will hold it. Bomb the shit out of these countries – get rid of these raghead bastards.

So what if you take innocents out, too? This is war, people. They don’t care about killing our innocents; why should we give a shit about theirs??

And that goes for the Palestinians, too. Let’s do Israel a favor and eliminate those sons-of-bitches from the annals of history, as well. They want to laugh and make merry at our misfortune, they need to pay the ultimate price.

Show the world some balls, George W. Teach them that there’s a price for fucking with America. Demonstrate to them that we have not forgotten how to fight!


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