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The future is Case Keenum.

Okay, Houston – you can stay.

Arlington Heights 54, OD Wyatt 21

TCU 10, at #21 Oklahoma State 24

#15 Georgia 27, at Vanderbilt 31

at Liberty 52, Coastal Carolina 55 (OT)

Houston 16, at Kansas City 17

Dallas 17, at Phuckadelphia 3

Yes, I’ll grant you that they’ll never do this against Aledo, or Granbury, or probabaly even Southwest.

That said, if they can do this against the rest of Fort Worth, I’ll take it.

When Javonte Adams took the first play from scrimmage 76 yards for a Fort Worth Wyatt touchdown, the Chaparrals thought they were putting last week’s 74-point loss to Aledo behind them.

But that didn’t last long.

Fort Worth Arlington Heights scored on its third play from scrimmage and never looked back in a 54-21 rout Friday night at Farrington Field.

Another day, another pathetic performance by Trevone Boykin.

Three more picks thrown by Boykin, to whom I’m now going to refer as The Imposter&#153 – because he’s a poser at quarterback.

Yet another scoreless first half – the worst offensive showing since the Mike Schultz days.

And Gary Patterson is truly in over his head now.&#160 A decent enough minor conference coach, he’s now proven he can’t consistenly win against the big boys.&#160 Put me down once again for favoring his immediate termination.

Liberty took Coastal to overtime before succumbing.&#160 Progress.

Turner Gill still needs to find himself either some defensive talent, or a better defensive coach.

Zebras handed Vanderbilt two half-assed personal foul/targeting penalties that led directly to 14 points.

Georgia lost by four.&#160 You do the math.

That said…the Dawgs fucked themselves over.&#160 A dropped punt snap that led directly to the winning touchdown.&#160 A fumble off a pass reception on Georgia’s final drive.&#160 Letting a fucking redshirt freshman&#160 beat their defense.

Sorry, Georgia.&#160 You’re out of the PFW.

The future of Houston Texan football has arrived.&#160 And much the same way that Romo supplanted Bledsoe when it became apparent that Bledsoe couldn’t do the job any longer, Schaub’s injury has given Gary Kubiak the excuse he needs to begin the Keenum Era.

And if they play like they did against KC, this era will last a while.

Every once in a while, the opposing team’s quarterback can&#160 such worse than El Choko.

Such was the case Sunday.&#160 Ol’ “Woof!” was out, so the Beagles had to go with Nick Foles (who left the game with a concussion in the third) and Widdle Mattie Barkley.&#160 Who promptly threw the Cowboy defense three picks to seal the win.

Romo was okay – he threw for 300+, a touchdown to Terrence Williams, and a pick that likely wasn’t his fault – but at least he didn’t lose the game for Dallas, and that, sometimes, is all we ask for.

I could declare an Executive Fiat&#153, based solely on the fact that Ole Miss thumped Lousy-ana State – but I’ll hold off for now.

Besides, Liberty stayed within the SpatulaLine&#153, so it counts for me.

This week:&#160 3-3.&#160 Overall:&#160 20-19.

The PFW returns Thursday, when we explain why Arlington Heights is 14 points better than Western Hills.


My apologies this morning, Denizens, for not posting this yesterday.&#160 Wasn’t time yesterday morning, and (as usual) once my avoirdupois ass hit the chair last night…zzzzzzz.

Anyway, I had promised that I was going to talk about Bob Costas and the “Redskins” controversy.&#160 And may do that in the next couple of days, if there’s time.

But there isn’t right now, so let’s hit the football.&#160 Arlington Heights trampled OD Wyatt last night, 54-21 (dammit, where was this group against Paschal?), so that’s one for me.

Today, TCU is at 21st-ranked Okie State (for the second straight year – grrrrr), and OSU is a 7&#189-point favorite; they should cover easily.

15th-ranked Georgia is a Vanderbilt today – and if the Dawgs know what’s good for ’em, they’ll more than cover their own 7-point spread.

Liberty hosts Coastal Carolina in a Big South matchup – and, given how CC manhandled the Flames last year, the SpatulaLine&#153 is set at 50.

Houston…well, I know I shouldn’t do this, but since they tapped Case Keenum to start at Kansas Shitty (fuck you, Fatassed Andy Reid, you had no business beating Dallas), they’re back in the PFW this week, even though they’ll likely get their heads handed to them.

As for the Cowboys, they’re up in Phuckadelphia this week, where Mikey “Woof!” Vick is going to take a back seat to Nick Foles, who will probably shred the Girlz’ secondary a la&#160 Peyton Manning.

We’re back Monday for the recap.&#160 Now, if you’ll excuse me…I have to go work up a rant for Widdle Roberta Costas…


NFL coaching legend for the Houston Oilers and New Orleans Saints, Bum Phillips, passed away Friday at age 90.

Prayers and condolences go out to his family, especially the six children including son Wade Phillips.

The rain and colder weather here at the Southern Command add a certain exclamation point to this sullen time. You will be missed Coach Phillips!


Seems that the cupid stunts over at Moron.org have clamored up something possibly resembling a set of soap-bubble cajones and are pushing forth this petition.

An online petition posted this week to Moron.org (edited for clarification – SGR) calling for President Barack Obama to “arrest and try House GOP leadership for sedition” has generated thousands of signatures.

Well, if you spineless weasels insist on going there then you best be watching your own bulbous backsides cause that just opens the floor! I had a worthy retort all lined up and ready to go, but I found this already penned.

I could not care less if they arrest Boehner and Cantor. But, that will not solve the problem. By these pigs saying ‘arrest GOP’, that is like saying; “Arrest ALL Republicans” I told you this would happen and it is.

The fact remains that the only person who needs to be arrested for treason and sedition is Barack Hussein Obama, born in Kenya-his father not legit, making HIM not our president…

Yup, that is it in a nutshell denizens. And don’t forget, Al-Obambi has more than TRIPLED our national debt in just over fieve years to where now it is about to go over $17T. Folks, that “T” for TRILLION. As in the number seventeen followed by TWELVE zeroes, aka 17,000,000,000,000.00. That fact alone is enough to call for treason proceedings in my book. Then add in all of the scandals like Benghazi, EPA, IRS, NSA, Fannie, Freddie, the Gaffmaster, and the flat out lies and utterly complete contempt for the US Constitution by the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, you get to the same conclusion rather quickly and easily as well. Not to mention, Al-Obambi is still actively trying to cram the so-called “Affordable” Care Act on us and all the while still not listening to WE THE PEOPLE when we say HELL NO!

Deniznes, the call for action has gone out time and time again. This time though, more are responding…like those from “The Greatest Generation”, our WWII veterans. Men and women who understand the difference between right and wrong, and what true justice looks like. Stay vigilant.



Item:&#160 Bambi today blamed the recent partial governmental shutdown&#160 on “meddling bloggers and ‘activists who profit from conflict’”.

Reaction:&#160 Where’s my paycheck?


I really have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I never really expected this to end any other way than the way that it has, but at the same time the eternal optimist in me keeps hoping that our elected leaders will see the handwriting on the wall and actually fix our fiscal house. More and more I fear that the day when our entire government and society implodes is not far off.


Y’know, when I added Houston to the PFW, I should have realized that Wade Phillips was a coach on a staff of a team that was starting a backup quarterback.

And didn’t I just leave that party?

Arlington Heights 40, South Hills 16

at TCU 27, Kansas 17

at #7 Georgia 26, #25 Missouri 41

#12 Oklahoma 20, TU Shortdicks 36 (at Dallas)

at Houston 13, St. Louis 38

at Dallas 31, Washington REDSKINS!!!!!! 16

(Incidentally, guys, I didn’t mention that Liberty didn’t play this weekend.&#160 My bad.)

This Deion Hair’Griffin seems to be a find for Phil Young’s Yellow Jackets.

Hair-Griffin completed 14 of 22 passes for 234 yards, including a 20-yard touchdown pass to Davon Davis on the opening drive of the game. Hair-Griffin also ran for two touchdowns, a 1-yard sneak and a 35-yard scamper that put the Yellow Jackets (2-4 overall, 2-1 District 7-4A) up 20-10 heading into halftime.

And he’s only a sophomore.&#160 Hmmmm.

What I Tell Ya&#153 about TCU playing down to its competition?

Boykin throws two more picks, one a pick-six, and the score is tied 10-all at the half.&#160 Fortunately, David Porter bailed Boykin out with a 76-yard catch-and-score on the first play of the second half, and TCU’s defense stiffened just enough to allow the Frogs to pull away somewhat (though they still didn’t cover).

Clearly, Griffin’s been rushed back (he got no preseason work at all), and the rust is clearly there.

But the story of this game was Dwayne Harris.&#160 222 return yards (more than the entire Cowgirl offense), one return for a score and another 90-yarder setting up a Romo-to-Terrence Williams TD catch, pretty much made the difference in the game.

And this time, though Griffin passed for over 300 yards, he didn’t shred Dallas’ defense like the last two times.&#160 (Of course, having a healthy Sean Lee & Bruce Carter helped some.)&#160 Guess America’s Darling&#153 is human, after all.&#160

Georgia?&#160 You let this&#160 mongrel beat you at home?

Say so long to any BCS aspirations, boys.

This, people.&#160 This is why I threw Oklahoma out of the PFW last year:&#160 The inability to win a big game that they should have fucking won.

[Case] McCoy threw two touchdowns, 295-pound defensive tackle Chris Whaley returned an interception 31 yards for a score and the Longhorns (4-2, 3-0 Big 12) ended Oklahoma’s three-game winning streak in the rivalry to give Brown at least a temporary reprieve from all the gloomy talk about his future with the Longhorns.

That’s what happens when you choke, Bobby Stoops.&#160 And I’m starting to thing there’s something fishy about the TCU game, as well.&#160 Again.

They cheered Matt Schaub when he injured his ankle.&#160 Because&#160 he injured it.

With respect to the General…that’s Pew-stun for you.

TJ Yates threw a pick-six, keeping that streak alive at five games.&#160 Coach Stay-Puf’s defense couldn’t stop a baa-baa sheep offense.

The General has made lots of noise about rookie Case Keenum taking over as the starter.

With the Tex-annes’ season plinking into the toilet, I tend to agree.&#160 Keenum gained a college rep as a passer extraordinaire&#160 at the U. of…well, whaddya know…Houston.&#160 So he’s already the most popular man in the city.&#160 And they did run an NFL-style offense in Cougarland.&#160 Why not throw him in & let him see what he can do?

But until they do, I’m done with ’em.&#160 Houston…you’re out of the PFW.

Nevertheless, because it’s the first time Dallas has beaten the Second Coming&#153, it’s an Executive Fiat&#153 type of weekend.

This week:&#160 3-3.&#160 Perfect Football Weekend achieved (4).&#160 Overall:&#160 17-16.

The PFW will return Friday.&#160 And I don’t know what I’m gonna talk about yet (*coughBobCostasthefuckingpussycough*)…but I’ll think of something.


Denizens, every once in a while I venture out of my little mac-and-cheese Comfort Zone&#153 here to partake of the Blogosphere&#153.&#160 One of the sites I frequent is Twitchy, which follows stuff going on in the Twittersphere&#153.

And, every once in a while, I will (ahem) partake in some of the discussions.

(You just know&#160 where this is going, don’t you?)

Anyway, one such “discussion” can be found right here.

And if you go to this portion of the comment thread, you’ll see where I start methodically taking her apart.&#160 Little Missy clearly isn’t terribly experienced in the art of online discussion/argument, and it shows.

Anyway, her latest response to me got caught in Twitchy’s moderation queue (translation:&#160 Bill Amos didn’t cotton well to her calling me an asshole…which, truth be told, didn’t bother me in the slightest), and Disqus generally won’t let you respond to those type comments.

So I have get to take my shot at her here.

Big mistake, Bill Amos.&#160 I’d’ve had to have been nice on Twitchy.&#160 I don’t have to be nice here.

Now then…”Lissa Cakes” (snicker):

If you want everthing to be proper go read a book and get off the internet.

Why don’t you come fucking make&#160 me, you stupid-assed bitch?&#160 I’ve asked you three times now what you intend to do about it if I don’t just go away and leave your skanky, syphilis-ridden ass alone, and you’ve kept your methane-spewing mouth shut all three times.&#160 If you think you’re such a hot piece of ass, why don’t you come make&#160 me “get off the Internet”?

Could it be that you don’t have a fucking clue about how abjectly impotent&#160 you are in this regard?&#160 Seriously, sweetie pie – I’m laughing&#160 at your petulant little whiny ass.

Better yet go play with your so called family!

Why, thank you, bimboid!&#160 Did that just yesterday, as a matter of fact.&#160 Before&#160 handing you your stupid ass on a platter.&#160 ROFL!!!!&#160

Just because you think you are a God does not mean you are.

Newsflash, honeybunch:&#160 I’ve never fancied myself as God, or even a&#160 god.&#160 I’m just a man – nothing more, nothing less.

But I am&#160 a lot more intelligent than you’ve shown yourself to be in this thread of ours over there.&#160 Frankly, I’m not that good at argument or debate, and I just made you look like a fucking-assed fool.&#160 (Now, so did everyone else in the conversation, but that’s beside the point.)

Now, if I can make you look that much like an asshat, either you’re not trying very hard or you’re just not that good.&#160 My money’s on the latter – seriously, you need to shut the fuck up for a while, watch & learn.

You stood up, opened your putrid piehole & got it smacked right back in your face.&#160 Don’t blame any of us if you can’t run with the big dogs yet.

People like you are the reason this country and the people in it suffer so much.

Waah, waah, waah.&#160 I type a few words that get under your skin on a web page, and suddenly I’m supposedly the one who caused bubonic plague.

Do allow me the privilege of calling you a waaaaaaaaahmbulance.

Here’s a clue, sweet cheeks:&#160 People “suffer” because they don’t prepare.&#160 (For that matter, people sometimes suffer even when they do&#160 prepare, but there’s little that can be done to prevent that.)&#160 I’ve had my share of suffering, and in almost all cases, it was because I fucked up somewhere, no one else.&#160 You don’t get to blame society’s ills on me or anyone else, trollop – at least, not if you want to be taken as anything else other than the mental lightweight you are.

Perhaps you will have a little less time to be an asshole once you are spending it in hell. Have a nice life or whatever.

You sound almost as if you want to have a hand in sending me there.

Okay, then.

1415 New Haven St, #1811, Arlington, Texas. It’s about four or five blocks north of AT&T Stadium.

Come spew your bullshit to my face and see what I do about it.&#160 Hell – bring your angst-ridden, alternative-grunge-rock-playing, metrosexual, half-assed excuse-for-a-boyfriend along with you.&#160 I’ll be oh-so-happy to kick his ass, too.

Let’s see whatcha got, Stupid Cunt&#153


Denizens, as we start this very late edition of the Perfect Football Weekend (late because I said I was gonna do it last night, and fell asleep in my Comfy Chair&#153 again), I am reminded of this story about which the Vicar posted about three weeks ago or so.

On Facebook.

(mock glare at the Vicar)

Anyway, he posted about it thusly:

The issue here is not homosexuality, it is the inability of a group of students to conduct themselves in a civil manner at a university event.

(This all ties into the PFW because there were Ole Miss football players in the audience.)

I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate&#153 and respond in kind:

In fact, it is&#160 about homosexuality heterophobia.&#160 Or, to be a little more blunt about it, the constant shoving thereof into the faces of those – yours truly included – who don’t want a damned fucking thing to do with it.

I mean, really.&#160 As I have said time, and time, and time again – the issue with the sodomites isn’t that they want tolerance – I tolerate them sufficiently in that I’ve never given any of them the ass-whipping of their miserable lives.

Leave me be, I leave you be.

No, what they want is for you & me & everyone else on God’s Green Earth&#153 to say that what they do is okay.&#160 Just fine & fucking dandy – in fact, even preferred&#160 in some cases.&#160 Otherwise, why all the parades, the rallies, the beatdowns (sometimes even physically) on people who don’t subscribe whole hog to the blatant heterophobia?


And, as they themselves say in their little “NOH8” screechings…silence is consent.

Now, as I understand it, the Ole Miss footballers were forced, as part of their curriculum, to attend this indoctrination play.&#160 In other words, this was nothing more than “thenthitivity twaining”.

I would have disrupted the damned thing, too.&#160 Hell – I’d’ve kicked the ass of the bastard who assigned it to me.

On to the football.&#160 Phil Young’s Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets got their second win in a row last night, beating the South Hills Scorpions, 40-16.&#160 One for me.

Saturday, Gary Patterson’s TCU Horned Frogs should – I said should – get a gimme game at home against the U. of Kansas.&#160 As we know, Rock Chalk has been spinning its wheels for a few years now, which cost Turner Gill his job.&#160 (Frankly, I was hoping Turner could hang on long enough to coach this game; I was looking forward to going and possibly getting to say hello.&#160 C’est la vie).

Anyway, TCU has this pull-your-hair-out-annoying habit of playing down to its competition.&#160 And Vegas has the Frogs as a near-solid 25-point favorite, so Jaden Overkrom will have to win this one at the gun with his foot.

Also Saturday, seventh-ranked Georgia (See what you guys get for nearly letting Tennessee beat you?) is a 7&#189-point home favorite vs, 25th-ranked Mizzou.&#160 I like the Dawgs’ chances here, but not by too much.

UPDATE:&#160 And just for this one week only, we’re gonna follow the Red River Shootout Rivalry Pink Taffeta Ballet Shootout.&#160 It is, of course, OU-Texas weekend, and since 12th-ranked OU is&#160 a former PFW team…and since I hate Mack Brown & TU with the purplest of passions…

Sunday, the Houston Tex-annes should – again, I say should – end their losing streak against the St. Louis Ewes Rams Ewes.&#160 Hell, Gary Kubiak – if the Cowgirlz can whip them and you can’t, what’ll that say for you…?

Speaking of the Cowgirlz, they get one more chance to stay in this little soiree against the Washington REDSKINS!!!!! (see what I did there, you politically correct bastards?&#160 Suck it.) and Robert Griffin III.

(Yeah, I would go into the Second Coming&#153 bit – but as long as the pussies on the Left insist on making the Redskin name an issue, ARRRRRRR GEEEEEEE THREEEEEEEEEE!!!!!&#160 gets something of a pass.

They say Griffin’s still a bit gimpy.&#160 Yeah?&#160 So was it the case for the last game last season, and how’d that&#160 work out for the Cowgirlz?

We’re back Monday or so with the recap. In the meantime, my question for the Vicar is…what am I paying you for, anyway?&#160


After many years, we’ve finally found the fatal error in Firefox.

Mack Swaringen @mswaringen

Not sure why, but http://healthcare.gov only works with Firefox for me. On Chrome, IE, & Safari, it’s stuck on the waiting page. #obamacare
3:11 PM – 7 Oct 2013

I anticipate a patch no later than Firefox 26.0 Beta 3.&#160 Which, come to think of it, should be just right around the corner…


Thank Cthulhu for Penn State.

Had they not lost to UIndiana Saturday, I might have packed the entire PFW in for the year.

Arlington Heights 55, Trimble Tech 3

Texas Christian 17, at #11 Oklahoma 20

#6 Georgia 34, at UTennessee 31 (OT)

Liberty 17, at Old Dominion 21

at Dallas 48, Denver 51

Houston 3, at San Francisco 34

It was the Deion Hair’Griffin (Deion Hair’Griffin?&#160 What kinda name is “Hair’Griffin”?) show at Farrington Field Thursday night.&#160 12 rushes for 86 (part of a 250-yard night for the Jackets), and 13-20-222 passing as Heights finally found someone they could beat.

There goes my nilo.

Once again, a Turner Gill-coached defense lets his school down, giving up two touchdowns in the fourth quarter to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.&#160 Which is apropos, I guess – Turner’s not a defensive guru.

He kept it within the SpatulaLine&#153 though, so it counts.

Georgia let UTennessee hang around too long, and it almost came back to bite them in the ass.

Fortunately, Marshall Morgan kicked a 42-yard field goal in overtime after a Volunteer fumble.

The other three games were basically variations on a theme:&#160 Backup quarterbacks acting like backup quarterbacks after being thrust into starting roles.&#160 Boykin, Schaub & Romo all leading their teams no-fucking-where.&#160 And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

But it’s still a Perfect Football Weekend, because…

at Indiana 44, Penn State 24

Nate Sudfeld threw two touchdown passes and Tre Roberson ran for two more scores Saturday, leading Indiana to its first win ever against Penn State 44-24.

Thank you, Hoosiers.&#160 You’ve guaranteed at least one more week of the PFW.

This week:&#160 4-3 (Liberty & Penn State count).&#160 Perfect Football Weekend&#153 achieved (3).&#160 Overall:&#160 14-13.

The PFW will return tomorrow, by which time I should have a new archivist to replaced the one…

[SCENE:&#160 A muffled thump is heard in the background…the sound of a body falling, lifeless, to the floor.]

…who just resigned.


Read this.

That’s an order.



Yes, I’m still kicking….just been extremely busy with things at HQ (the electronic intelligence department has had to expand so much recently it required a relocation to a new secret undisclosed location in which required my security clearance to complete), as well as the Generalette and myself completing the requisite training courses for getting our foster home licensure in preparation to welcoming the junior Generalette. Oh, and there was a week in there somewhere that we escaped to visit our Florida cousins Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Goofy, Woody, Buzz, Belle, Beast, Gaston, Cinderella, Ariel, Sebastian, well you get the idea.

But in case you missed it, go check out this and this. Word of warning though, get your JUMBO sized roll of duct tape beforehand because I promise you, your head WILL explode by the time you’re done reading the first sentence….maybe even just the headline!!


Item:&#160 During this refreshing period when at least part&#160 of gummint isn’t busy siphoning non-essential money out of our pockets, US Senator Ted Cruz (R Conservative-TX) is pledging to donate his salary to charity.

Good man.

Item:&#160 Wisconsin Demoscum rep Gwen Moore…isn’t.

Wisconsin Democrat Rep. Gwen Moore has vowed that she will not give up her $174,000 congressional salary during the government shutdown.

A large number of members from the Wisconsin delegation who have either refused to draw their federal salary or who have pledged to donate their salary to charity: U.S. Senators Ron Johnson (R) and Tammy Baldwin (D) as well as Congressional Representatives Ron Kind (D-WI-03), Reid Ribble (R-WI-08) Tom Petri (R-WI-06), Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI-05), Sean Duffy (R-WI-07) and Paul Ryan (R-WI-01).

However, Moore is standing firm — and collecting a paycheck.

“Approximately 800,000 federal government employees have either been forced into furlough leave or are working without pay.” she said in a statement obtained by TMJ4. ”Federal government employees who rely on their paychecks to feed their families deserve a salary. That’s why I am coming to work every day and keeping both my district office in Milwaukee and my Washington, D.C. offices open and fully operational. I am speaking, voting and working diligently to help my constituents through the shutdown and speak on their behalf in Washington to reopen the government. I will not be donating or forgoing my salary.”

And this, Denizens, is the difference between humanity…and sub-humanity.


Well, it’s another Perfect Football Weekend for us, Denizens, and this week’s lead-in has sort of a political dovetail – that being, Roger Goodfella Goodall Goodfella is being the NFL’s designated mob ass again.

That is to say, by denying WASHINGTON REDSKINS!!!!!&#160 (there, you bastards, I said it – what’re you pussies gonna do about it?) cornerback D’Angelo Hall his right to free expression.

Case in point: Washington Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall was laughing, joking and filling up reporters’ notebooks and recording devices with post-game gold after Sunday’s victory over the Oakland Raiders. Hall, when he wants to be, is among the more quotable and colorful players in the league.

But as he talked to a gaggle of media, Hall — wearing a Lacoste logo shirt — was approached by the NFL inspector and asked to stop talking because of his shirt.

michael phillips @michaelpRTD

#Redskins DeAngelo Hall was banned from talking with us by an NFL uniform inspector, who said he couldn’t speak while wearing a Polo shirt.

And they threatened to fine him if he didn’t.

So here we have Roger Goodfella thinking he and the NFL are above the United States Constitution. “Ve can tellink dju vhat zhirt dju c’n vear, und eeef dju don’t likez vhat ve tell dju, dju geevs us djur moneyz, djyessss?”

Hall showed a helluva lot of restraint.&#160 I’d’ve been tempted to take off my Polo shirt, and wrap it tightly around said inspector’s neck.

Actually, y’know what?&#160 No – I wouldn’t have been tempted to do it.&#160 I’d’ve done it.

On to the football.&#160 Phillip Young’s Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets (no way I’m claiming them as mine after that&#160 POS performance last week) have a little easier time of it tonight against Trimble Technical, but I still think the Bulldogs will pull this one out.&#160 (In spades, if you declare that you won’t win a single hand, and manage not to, that’s called “nilo” and you get 130 points for it.&#160 I have my fingers crossed.)

Saturday, Gary Patterson’s TCU Horned Frogs travel up to Norman, to take on a former PFW target team, the Oklahoma Sooners.&#160 Maybe, just for this week, we could call TCU an SEC team.&#160 Bob Stoops has trouble with SEC teams…

Also Saturday, Turner Gill’s Liberty U. Flames are at Old Dominion. The Monarchs get ready for their season by playing the likes of E. Carolina & Maryland – and, well, they looked respectable against E. Carolina.

Vegas never rates Liberty’s games, so I’m gonna invoke the SpatulaLine&#153 and ask Turner to keep the margin within 25.

In addition, recent PFW addition #6 Georgia will visit the Vols of UTennessee.&#160 If the Dawgs can contain the Vols on the ground, UTenn’s passing attack is ranked 112th in the NCAA.&#160 They’re an 11-point road fave, so this shouldn’t be a problem.

Sunday, it doesn’t get any easier for the Houston Texans, as they’re out in San Transexual to face a FairyWhiner squad in desperate need of a win.&#160 The Whiners are a seven-point favorite, and Coach Stay-Puf’s defenses don’t like mobile quarterbacks, so it’s probably a third-straight loss for the Tex-annes.

Before that, though, Peyton Manning and his record-setting passing attack come into the Death Star to take on the NFL’s worst secondary…the Dallas Cowgirls.&#160 Broncos are an eight-point favorite here, and it might get there in the first couple of drives.&#160 Should take off from there, though.

We’re back Monday or so for the recap.&#160 Look for me to be in a snarly mood after I go 1-5.


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