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Earlier today some guy named Steve Crager made a post to Facebook about remembering our uniformed men and women who’s commitment to the defense of our Constitution prevents them from celebrating the holidays with their loved ones. All smart alec comments aside, I have to agree wholeheartedly with this stranger. This year we have retail store employees complaining because they have to go into their urban, or suburban, climate controlled workplaces, on Thanksgiving day, work their 6-8 hours, and then go home to their families. While these folks are busy telling the world how unfair this is, we have other men and women working the same thanksgiving holiday, but they do so in an environment in which anyone they meet might be wanting to kill them, they work in temperature extremes, and live in less than pleasant environments far away from any loved ones. They have n0 guarantee that they will get out of this job alive or in one piece. The amazing thing is that they seem not to complain, they merely fulfill the oath they took to defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Might I suggest that the weenies who work at Walmart and the like need to get a life?


As you may or may not have guessed, Denizens, the PFW is done for the year.&#160 I’ve run out of ways to say that my teams suck.

In addition, the annual Fall Vacation Countdown&#153 isn’t going to be posted until maybe&#160 tomorrow.&#160 If then.

I know I tease, drop hints, etc, about hanging it up every now & again.&#160 This time, though, it’s a major case of burnout.&#160 I’ve been doing this now for over ten years, and I’m tired.&#160 There are only so many ways you can say Bambi & the Demoscum are fucking cowards, only so many ways you can dare them to grow a set and come go mano a mano.&#160 And when they don’t (see “Chickenshit, Mykki), what else is there?

So it’s a “sorta kinda” hiatus for Yours Truly&#153 for a little bit.&#160 (Not that I’ve been writing all that much before, but still.)&#160 I’ll come back when I fucking well feel like it.

When that might be…who the hell knows?


I lied.

There won’t be a Perfect Football Weekend column this week, after all. There just isn’t time.

And that’s getting to be a major problem around here.&#160 Remember how I’ve groused in the past about This Fine Blog&#153 going the route of the original BBS?&#160 Never having time to maintain it and such?

That’s getting to be the case, writ extra-large, these days.&#160 I can’t give this endeavor the time it deserves at this point, and I’m honestly wondering if I want things to continue that way going into 2014.

(For the One Or Two Of You That Still Care About This Blog&#153, yes – that’s an indication that I may be ready to put SCBBS back on the shelf for the time being.)

Watch this space.


[SCENE:&#160 On the near-powerless bridge of ISS Vengeance.&#160 Admiral Darth Venomous and General Korrioth are overseeing a minor refit of the communications module.&#160 Chief Engineer Ozymandias McCool carries a solid-state console module in his arms, awaiting instruction from Venomous.]

VENOMOUS:&#160 Anytime you’re ready, McCool.

OZY McCOOL:&#160 Aye, sir.

[McCool slides the module into the empty slot.&#160 Power comes to life on the bridge – for about two seconds.

Massive sparkage flies from the just-installed module, sending all three diving for cover.&#160 (Well, Korrioth & McCool, anyway.&#160 Venomous merely turns away with a disgusted look on his face.)

Venomous turns & glares at McCool.]

OZY McCOOL (looking very&#160 nervous at the moment):&#160 As I suspected, m’lord.&#160 Major flaw in the J2 circuit.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Fine.&#160 And in whose head is Kor going to sink his bat’leth this&#160 time?

OZY McCOOL:&#160 Personally, I’d start with the union writers.&#160 They’ve got all manner of plot devices up their sleeves, and they’ve had it in for you ever since you beheaded Allan.

KORRIOTH:&#160 Point.

VENOMOUS (chuckling):&#160 Mheh.&#160 That’s what I like about you guys – no foolin’ around, cut to the chase.&#160 Okay, Kor, see to it.

KORRIOTH:&#160 (grunt)

Okay, we’re officially back online here, and all it cost me was my primary keyboard.&#160 Fry’s will be furnishing me a replacement shortly.

In the meantime, we’ll catch up on the Perfect Football Weekend&#153 beginning tonight – Heights will play its annual one-and-done playoff game this evening, and I’ve some thoughts on Incognito-Juanita Martin (and no – that’s not a typo.)

Oh…and anyone who even dares breathe&#160 the number “51” dies.&#160 You have been warned.



I spent eleven years of my life standing in the defence of our nation’s constitution, and I understand that the General served for even longer. That document was written to provide the government necessary for a civil society, and at the same time to protect us from being oppressed by that government. More and more it seems that our government does not care about the document which is supposed to be our supreme law. Read this, and try to keep your temper.

It seems that after a routine traffic stop, the police in a New Mexico town decided that the driver had drugs concealed within his body. They took him to the local hospital, did anal probes, gave him enemas and forced him to defecate in front of hospital staff and the police. All this without a warrant. After finding no drugs, the driver was released and the hospital sent him the bill.

General, remind me again why we served?


This guy agrees too!!

On to more important things….

Seems that the computer storage core maintenance went rather smoothly, and the boys allowed the base to return to normal ops tempo earlier than expected.

We’ll see how long it lasts though….



Attention all denizens. Professor Keenebeane here.

The Department of All Things Informational is pleased to inform you that today, November 2nd is Practice Being Psychic Day. Please promptly do so by determining what Supreme General Rayegun is thinking at this time and then psychically contact our representatives that are willingly standing by.

SG RAYEGUN: Umm Professor, a word please.

PROFESSOR KB: (barely able to speak due to some sort of “force” squeezing his throat) Y…ye (cough)…..yes…sir…(hack, cough, sputter). I’m on my way! (the Professor gulps quite audibly and slowly his face returns to a more normal pallor)

SG RAYEGUN: (to the audience) And you thought Venomous was the only one that could do that!!!

Okay, well on to something less trivial. Vicar, unless we hear from Venomous otherwise that his relocation efforts are completed you’ll get the conn solo as I will also being unavoidably detained later this week as my R&D boys have planned a computer core storage upgrade of the base network so I’ll be offline. Presently they have it planned for Wednesday through Friday, but it could extend into the weekend for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons. Until then though, I’ll be on the bridge hovering like I always do.



If the Core Teams&#153 are gonna suck like this, I gotta wonder why I keep doing this.

Arlington Heights 56, Western Hills 17

at TCU 7, TU Shortdicks 30

Liberty 24, at Gardner-Webb 0

at #4 Ohio State 63, Penn State 14

Dallas 30, at Detroit 31

A playoff spot.

After playing like shit the first four weeks of the season, Phillip Young’s Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets…have secured a playoff spot.

Quarterback Deion Hair-Griffin accounted for 312 total yards, including 123 rushing, and three passing touchdowns, and running back Kameron Hill rushed for three touchdowns.

“After the first win, we told them, we’ve got to practice like a playoff team,” said coach Phil Young, whose team improved to 4-4 and 4-1 in 7-4A. “That’s been our motto. Now we feel like we’re a playoff team.”

Nicely done, Phil.&#160 Nicely done.

Same song, fifth verse.&#160 Frogs get in a hole, spend the rest of the game scrambling to get out, and fail miserably.

Patterson’s let his program get away from him.&#160 Time to hire someone to get it back under control.

Take my comments from Cowboy-Ram, and apply them here.

And after mentioning about Turner Gill’s need for a defense, I’m beginning to wonder if he’s reading me.

Turner Gill…a Denizen?&#160 Stranger things have&#160 happened.

You can’t fault Romo for this one.

And while you could&#160 fault the defense, you have to consider that there were backups of backups&#160 out there, particularly for the final drive.&#160 Scream at Owner Jethro if you must, but when starters get hurt, backups have to play.&#160 And there’s a reason they’re backups.

It pissed me off for the ‘Girlz to lose, sure.&#160 But I’m not sure what could’ve been done about it.

And now, the game that scored me yet another Perfect Football Weekend&#153 – Penn State (hack, spit)&#160 getting the expected ass-whipping.

Ohio State was looking for a lopsided win to impress the voters and boost its BCS numbers. The Buckeyes made Penn State pay the price.

Braxton Miller passed for three touchdowns and ran for two and Carlos Hyde rushed for 147 yards and two more scores to lead the fourth-ranked Buckeyes to a 63-14 victory over Penn State on Saturday night.

“We’ve got to keep our foot to the pedal,” said Miller, who completed 18-of-24 passes for a career-best 252 yards before leaving in the third quarter.

It was the most points surrendered by Penn State (4-3, 1-2 Big Ten) and its worst beating in 114 years.

Music to my ears – especially after the Core Teams&#153 (Heights, TCU, Cowgirlz) go one-for-three.

This week:&#160 3-2.&#160 Perfect Football Weekend&#153 achieved (5).&#160 Overall:&#160 23-21

Next PFW will be in a couple of weeks, as Realm Headquarters&#153 is doing a little bugging out for points north (translation:&#160 we’re moving).&#160 Not far, you understand – but I’m about to take the network down here, and so will be a little incommunicado for a few days.

Vicar, General – you guys have the conn.


How can this possibly make sense? If I read this correctly, all this law does is places the same requirements on abortion providers as are levied on the rest of the medical community.



Okay, Denizens, since everyone else in the world, their dog, and its fleas has weighed in on The Big Hah Skrewl (a little Rush lingo, there) Football Controversy&#153…(sigh)…I s’pose I can, too.

And by The Big Hah Skrewl (a little Rush lingo, there) Football Controversy&#153…I’m talking about Aledo-Fort Worth Western Hills.&#160 IOW, the big 91-0 shellacking of the Cougars by the Bearcats.

Some Western Hills soccer mom helicopter mom Stupid Cunt&#153 of a parent actually went so far as to file a formal bullying complaint against the Bearcat football team – a complaint that was eventually found to be utterly baseless.

A copy of the complaint obtained by The Associated Press quoted a parent, whose name was redacted by the Aledo school district, who said: “we all witnessed bullying firsthand.”

“Picking up my son from the fieldhouse after the game and taking him home was tough,” the complaint read. “I did not know what to say to my son on the ride home to explain the behavior of the aledo (sic) coaches for not easing up when the game was in hand.”

Except, you dumb-assed bitch, that’s exactly what Buchanan did – he started taking his starters out after only 21 plays.&#160 Would it have made you any happier, trollop, had he left them in and ran up 150 points on the Cougars?&#160 Because I guaran-damn-tee you he could have, very easily.

Listen, it’s not like I don’t know where you’re coming from – both OD Wyatt and my Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets got completly blown away by the Bearcats, both by an identical score of 84-7.&#160 You think that makes me&#160 happy to hear of it?&#160 And I don’t even have a kid going there.

But at least I’m man enough to just let it go, and realize that Aledo could give several major college teams a run for their money.

On to the football.&#160 Speaking of my Jackets, they whipped up on the aforementioned Cougars last night, 56-17 – in fact, since that Aledo beatdown, they themselves have averaged over 51 points a game.&#160 Guess they weren’t as bad as I’d first thought (though Paschal still pisses me off).

Tomorrow, the TU Shortdicks Longhorns Shortdicks come a-calling on Gary Patterson’s TCU Horned Frogs.&#160 TCU’s a two-point home favorite according to Vegas, so that means they expect TU to win it on a last-second field goal.

Casey Pachall will likely make his return, but he’ll be facing a defense that can get to the quarterback – and Pachall ain’t exactly Usain Bolt.&#160 This one makes me nervous.

Also Saturday, Turner Gill gets to face the Gardner-Webb Runnin’ Bulldogs again.&#160 Problem is, this time he has to face them with the Liberty Flames, instead of with the UBeefalo Bulls.

On the other hand, G-W got trounced by the same Coastal Carolina squad that barely squeaked by the Flames last week in OT, so no SpatulaLine&#153 here.

Sunday, it’ll be the Battle Of The Men Amongst Boys&#153, as Dez Bryant & the Dallas C’boyz travel up to Detroit to take on the Lions & Calvin “Megatron” Johnson.&#160 I like Detroit in this one simply because 1) they’re at home, and 2) they have Ndomakong Suh & Nick Fairley in the defensive line.

Houston doesn’t play this weekend, so we’ll plug in another college game – and one, I might add, that’ll give me yet another PFW.

And I say this, because the game is Penn State (*hack, spit!) is going to Columbus to take on Urban Meyer and the fourth-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes.

Does anyone seriously&#160 think the Nittany Pussies have a chance?&#160

We’re back Monday or so for the recap.


Just had an exchange on Facebook  with a lady from Texas who believes that Wendy Davis is going to be the next governor. As both of you are based in Texas, what are your assessments?


Denizens, maybe tonight I’ll have a football story on which to rant.&#160 Right now, there’s not time to do diddly-squat.

For now, we have Arlington Heights-Western Hills (I’ll take Heights, you can have Hills & 6, based on common games vs. Aledo (/snark)); TCU hosts the TU Shortdicks; Liberty is at Gardner-Webb; Dallas is at Detroit, and Houston is guaranteed not to lose this week – for the obvious reason.

Recap’s Monday or so; I’ll have more tonight.


Katy Perry’s Firework&#160 really does&#160 sound like fingernails on chalkboard.


Denizens, as you may (or may not) know, I’ve pretty much eschewed Halloween for several years now.&#160 Yeah, giving kiddies candy ‘n treats ‘n stuff is all cool ‘n all (when they bother even showing up) – but I’ve been fairly down on the goblins & spooks and general darkness&#160 October Thirty-Oneth has turned into in recent years.

That said…Great Honkin’ Cthulhu, check out this costume:

It’s been a heck of a day for bizarre and captivating Halloween costumes. But the first prize definitely goes to California photographer Royce Hutain who designed a LED Halloween costume for his daughter that created a startling effect in which the toddler appears to be an animated stick figure.

“She is 22 months old and loves wearing the suit,” Hutain writes on his YouTube page. “I’ll be uploading a video of her in different locations running around and doing her usual funny stuff.”

Is that effin’ cool, or what?


Fox News’ Juan Williams said earlier today that it’s Republicans’ fault that the Bambicare websites utterly failed like they did.

Yes, he really said that.

Yes, he really said that.

He also said that two-thirds of Americans want Republicans to ease up on criticizing Bambi & the Demoscum.

Why the hell&#160 did Roger Ailes ever think it was a good idea to bring this asshat aboard?


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