Welcome to the Realm™ - Version 5.0...

This testimony was given in 1981, just a few short years after Roe, but it is still powerful today. Despite such powerful, and unambiguous statements, our culture still insists that women have the right to kill their unborn children.


[SCENE:&#160 Still in the F’book Nexus.&#160 Lord Darth Venomous is still on a rampage – only now, instead of bodies being dropped via Force-choke, only heads & various limbs are falling, the result of being severed by a whirling dervish of a purple lightsaber.

The blazing blade has come to rest mere inches from the last surviving soul in the vicinity – a Klingon who, ironically, bears a striking resemblence to former shipyardmaster Commander K’tinghe.

A fact that is not lost on His Rudeness.]

VENOMOUS (pointing blade at K’tinghe):&#160 I should’ve known you were involved in this, you vile p’tahk!&#160 How many limbs do you want to lose before I take your head?!?!?!

K’TINGHE (terrified):&#160 M’lord…please…please, m’lord, I—


K’TINGHE (terrified):&#160 (ulp!) Uh, I—

VENOMOUS:&#160 Nexus!!!&#160 Transport me, this Klingon bastard, and the best ship’s computer system you have back to Pegasus!!!&#160 DO IT NOW!!!!!

[A bright light appears and expands to engulf both His Rudeness and K’Tinghe.&#160 As it fills the screen, we cut to…

SCENE:&#160 The bridge of Pegasus&#160 Lieutenant Commander Ozymandias McCool is briefing General Korrioth on repairs to the ship.]

OZY McCOOL:&#160 Not the best news, General. Probably another week or so to bring the main core online. Has anyone notified the Admiral yet?

[At that precise moment, the bridge doors part, and in walks Venomous, with K’Tinghe in tow.]

VENOMOUS:&#160 Ozy, I believe you’ll find the answer to all our difficulties in the main cargo bay.

[Ozy & Korrioth gape wide-eyed at the Klingon, who had previously been thought to have suffered Venomous’ purple blade.&#160 Korrioth, as usual, regains his composure first.]

KORRIOTH (nodding):&#160 Very well, Admiral.&#160 Come along, Ozy.&#160 [They proceed out.]

VENOMOUS (grabbing K’Tinghe by his familial sash):&#160 Now, you effin’ coward, we’re gonna go help them – and then&#160 you get to beg for your life again like you did last time…!!! [He drags the frightened Klingon off the bridge towards Engineering.]

Okay, guys, the Big Box&#153 is back up and running – a 3.6 non-name-brand system board running Ubuntu 10.04.4 64-bit (and the requisite Win7 virtual machine for employing Outlook) with 16 gigs of RAM (and a brand new 2TB drive) out of Mrs. Venomous’ old Acer case.&#160 (The old Big Box&#153 and its eight gigs have been redeployed as the work machine.)

We’ll see how long this lasts.&#160 It had better (casts a menacing look towards K’Tinghe)…


Today, 1/23/13, is the tenth anniversary of what is one of my favorite blog posts ever – so much so that I actually saved it to file.&#160 (Good thing, too – apparently, it’s no longer on the ‘Net.)

It was written by Stephen the Doggerel Pundit, and it’s below the fold for your perusal & enjoyment.

Here’s to Joanne!

Weep with us now for poor Mary O’Leary-
A victim of Seventies sur-naming theory
(The hyphening one), and her daughter Joanne.

The Feminist Movement decided this notion
Was surely the tonic to raise self esteem.
Invoking progenitor names is the potion,
And surely the faultiest sur-naming scheme.

(To cite an example; they can’t get a license,
A 401k or SS supplementary,
Or make application for credit card buys since
All database fields have their limits on entry).

Now, boosting self-worth with a moniker weary?
Nay, let her be known! Let her live with élan!
Not fake self-esteem from a tag like O’Leary-

Of all the solutions since offered by Sages,
The best for a daughter? Mom’s name only showing,
So millions of women live down through the ages
Their whole matrilineal history knowing.

Joanne is a seeker of character flawless,
To raise up her life, stand alone, and she can;
Not caring of names, she’s engaged to young Wallace,
Smith-Hollis-Gomez y Gonzalez—oy, man.

When wedding bells ring our conventions will call us
In toasting her day with raised glasses in hand:
“Ms. Wallace Smith-Hollis-Gomez y Gonzales
O’Leary-O’—hell with it! Here’s to Joanne!!”

Still gets a chuckle out of me, even ten years later.


Got this one from LC Gladiator over on this thread at the Rott.&#160 (And he probably got it from somewhere else, truth be told.)

‘Tis below the fold. Enjoy.

You know you live in a country, state or city run by idiots…

When smoking Pot is legal and widely accepted But smoking Tobacco is treated like a criminal offense.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

You can get arrested for expired tags on your car but not for Being in the country illegally.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions Of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more of our money.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

A seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for calling his Teacher “cute” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class In grade school is perfectly acceptable.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

The Supreme Court of the United States can rule that lower courts Cannot display the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while Sitting in front of a display of the 10 Commandments.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Children are forcibly removed from parents who appropriately Discipline them while children of “underprivileged” drug addicts Are left to rot in filth infested cesspools.


You know you live in Country run by idiots if…

Working class Americans pay for their own health care (and the Health care of everyone else) while unmarried women are free toHave child after child on the “State’s” dime while never being held Responsible for their own choices.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Hard work and success are rewarded with higher taxes and Government intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded With EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid and subsidized housing,And free cell phones.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

The government’s plan for getting people back to work is to Provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work).


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Being self-sufficient is considered a threat to the government.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Politicians think that stripping away the amendments to the Constitution is really protecting the rights of the people.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

The rights of the Government come before the rights of the Individual.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Parents believe the State is responsible for providing for their Children.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you “safe”.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if….

You have to have your parents signature to go on a school field Trip but not to get an abortion.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

An 80 year old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but aMuslim woman in a burka is only subject to having her neck and Head searched.


You know you live in a Country run by idiots if…

Using the “N” word is considered “hate speech” but writing and Singing songs about raping women and killing cops is considered”art”.



In all the hubbub surrounding my suddenly unreliable machine, Bambi’s Civil-War wish with his pathetic attempt at a gun-grab, the ball dropping ‘n all that…

…has anyone noticed that Supreme General Rayegun is now officially one year closer to senility?

(There.&#160 Happy now? (r, d & g))&#160


Denizens, whilst I continue to rebuild my system (read:&#160 while I continue to amass funds to purchase a new Big Drive&#153 and some memory upgrades), your homework assignment is to read this (hat tip:&#160 LC Lobo of the Rott).

“Gird your loins”, as Vice-Perpetrator Hair-Butt Plugs would say.&#160 It’s coming.


Denizens…uh…it’s Mrs. Venomous’ birthday.

Can someone hide me for the next 72 hours? (running, ducking, gnashing teeth)


[SCENE:&#160 Realm&#153 spacedock.&#160 Previously ready to resume her travels, ISS Pegasus&#160 floats, adrift (save for the artificial moorings securing her), mostly powerless.

Cut to the bridge, where General Korrioth busies himself attempting to fix the latest computer crash.&#160 In walks engineer Ozymandias McCool with padd in hand.]

KORRIOTH:&#160 Ah, there you are, McCool.&#160 Report, please.

[McCool is rather taken aback – he’s not used to this cordiality from the Klingon-Vulcan hybrid – but does an admirable job of recovery.]

OZY McCOOL:&#160 Not the best news, General.&#160 Probably another week or so to bring the main core online.&#160 Has anyone notified the Admiral yet?

KORRIOTH (grinning wolfishly):&#160 Oh, he knows, Commander.&#160 He knows…

[Cut to SCENE:&#160 Inside the Facebook energy ribbon from the original “Death” series.&#160 From an empty view, two humans, a Klingon, a Romulan and several Bynars & Jawas crash to the floor, lifeless.

Pan the camera to a hooded figure, both arms outstreched, both hands making a Force-choke gesture.

The figure slowly moves his hands to his hood and removes it, revealing Lord Darth Venomous, whose agitated countenance includes a pair of dazzlingly bright purple eyes.]

VENOMOUS:&#160 Does anybody else&#160 want to try and say it’s not their fault?!?!?!

Okay, guys, the Big Box&#153 is down again – and yes, it’s because the 2TB (that’s “terabyte” to you in the Church of the SubTarded&#153) has crashed once again.

PFW benediction on hold until further notice – but be advised that I’m invoking Executive Fiat&#153 one last time.&#160 (For details, just look below the banner.)



Denizens, your weekend homework assignment is to read this.

J.D. Longstreet nails it in one.


Denizens, now that we’ve passed the new-year threshold…and since, for the first time in a while, I’m finally caught up on most stuff…I intend to do the (what should be) annual “spring cleaning” of the blog.

Meaning, in this case, that sidebar links, etc, will be tested – and those that are found wanting, abandoned, etc, will be summarily removed.&#160 (Yeah, that’ll really show ’em, won’t it?&#160 &#160 )

Anyway, if you look over there, you’ll find two links added – “The Deth Guild” and “TL In Exile”.&#160 Both are exceedingly good reads and well worth your time to go visit.

Once you’ve had your daily dose of My Eternal Wisdom&#153, of course.&#160


Why you might ask?

Because the Senate actually did something they haven’t been able to do for 1200-some-odd days now. Pass a bill even REMOTELY related to money/budget. Now granted, it wasn’t the “actual” budget but it was related to the budget.

Hurrah. Siss boom bam bah.

And for all that, they get a raise and a nearly 3-week vacation.

And let’s not forget that our debt hit the $16.4T (“T” for TRILLION) limit on the last day of 2012. So all this fiscal cliff talk crap ain’t really for anything because no significant spending cuts were done. Spending cuts like FIRING Al-Obambi and Gaffmaster Joe and every one of their damn cronies!!!

About the only one who’s going to have a “happy” new year is the lawyers. Again.

Damn lawyers. I’ll not get started on THAT story though.

It’s January 1st denizens, do you know where your wallet is?



…uh…crappy goo…ear…uhhhhhh…



{Cross-posted from the Southern Command HQ notification system}

Okay all you Southern Command constituents, it’s that time of year to make preparations for the annual New Year’s Day tradition of black-eyed peas.

Here’s a good recipe for the peas.

Now remember, the tradition is

The practice of eating black-eyed peas for luck is generally believed to date back to the Civil War. At first planted as food for livestock, and later a food staple for slaves in the South, the fields of black-eyed peas were ignored as Sherman’s troops destroyed or stole other crops, thereby giving the humble, but nourishing, black-eyed pea an important role as a major food source for surviving Confederates.

Today, the tradition of eating black-eyed peas for the New Year has evolved into a number of variations and embellishments of the luck and prosperity theme including:

•Served with greens (collards, mustard or turnip greens, which varies regionally), the peas represent coins and the greens represent paper money. In some areas cabbage is used in place of the greens.

•Cornbread, often served with black-eyed peas and greens, represents gold.

And finally, some things to remember whilst you go about your celebrating:

•For the best chance of luck every day in the year ahead, one must eat at least 365 black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day.

•Black-eyed peas eaten with stewed tomatoes represent wealth and health.

•In some areas, actual values are assigned with the black-eyed peas representing pennies or up to a dollar each and the greens representing anywhere from one to a thousand dollars.

•Adding a shiny penny or dime to the pot just before serving is another tradition practiced by some. When served, the person whose bowl contains the penny or dime receives the best luck for the New Year, unless of course, the recipient swallows the coin, which would be a rather unlucky way to start off the year.

The catch to all of these superstitious traditions is that the black-eyed peas are the essential element and eating only the greens without the peas, for example, will not do the trick.


And enjoy your celebration responsibly. You are hereby ordered to return to duty promptly on January 2nd. Do I make myself clear, soldier?

Yes? Then DISMISSED!&#153


…and, bah Gawd (a little Jim Ross lingo, there), don’tcha think it oughta be…?

To top off what has probably been the shittiest year in world history…now comes the worst news yet.

The Skank & the Pussy* are gonna have a bastard.

Get ready for yet another Kardashian to keep up with! On Sunday night, Kanye West “announced” that he and Kim Kardashian are expecting a child together when he told the crowd at his Atlantic City concert to “Stop the music and make some noise for my baby mama,” according to a fan on Twitter who was at the show, and then reportedly pointed to his girlfriend in the audience.

Although Kim – who is still married to her husband of 72 days, Kris Humphries – has yet to say anything to her nearly 17 million fans on Twitter, her rep did confirm that the reality star is pregnant. This will be the first child for both Kim, 32, and West, 35, who began dating in the spring of 2012.

Oh, how abso-fucking-lutely lovely.

One thing’s for damned sure:&#160 If Antichrist wasn’t already here…he is now.&#160

*I’ll let you figure out which is which.&#160 They’re fairly interchangeable, y’know.


So now you’ve got a bunch of celebrities – and, well, okay, Widdle Bitchie Eisen too – sniveling about Newtown, and about how enough is enough.

So why is what they’re doing here okay…?

I mean, if they’re such terrified-by-guns dickweeds, should they really be enjoying all the bangie thingies they’re…um…utilizing…as they ply their craft?

Anyone?&#160 Anyone?&#160 Bueller?

Hm.&#160 Maybe these celebretards should&#160 go fuck themselves, y’know?


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