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He’s cooking the fucking books.

Period, end, stop.

And anyone who believes this number should not only have their head examined…they should be prohibited from voting, they’re that stupid.


SAN DIEGO – My brother-in-law & his wife took Mrs. Venomous & me out for some dinner & sightseeing tonight, so I didn’t see but the last 10 minutes or so of the first debate.

But I’ll say this:&#160 If the rest of the debate went like the last 10 minutes…Bambi got his ass handed to him on a platter.


SAN DIEGO – A little something I just wrote in response to a commenter named “CalMark” in this Legal Insurrection&#160 thread:

Limbaugh just moans and groans.

All respect, Cal, but that seems to be what most (if not all) of us are doing – wringing our hands in (mock?) angst and sitting on our lead-laden butts. We’re either too busy with our day-to-day routines, too afraid of having cuffs slapped on us by pro-union-pro-Demoscum cops (and can we admit it to ourselves that a lot of them will not be on our side when the SHTF?)…

…or we’re all going ga-ga over Gaga (as in Lady), or, “Ooooooh, look at Kirstie Alley cut that rug on Dancing with the Stars!!!!”

This is our problem: We don’t fight back. We all want to be “better” than the Left, whatever that means. We want to be “above the fray”. We want to take the “moral high ground”.

Until we stop caring what Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Bob Schieffer and Georgie-Porgie Snuffleupagus think of us, we will always be subservient to them. Until we can tell RINO jackwagons like Bill O’Reilly, Chuckie Krauthammer and Widdle Joey Scarborough to go pound sand, we’ll be under their thumb, too.

What’s going to need to happen first is that some RINOs in key positions in the GOP – and that can either be at the upper levels or down in the precincts – need to be shoved up against a wall with a forearm to their throats (literally, if necessary), and told in no uncertain terms, “Get out of the way.” These are the imbeciles who tell us “oh, this country’s going off the cliff, but we’ll just do it more slowly” (I actually had a RINO tell me this once) – and they’re the ones we need to throw off the cliff.

Only then will we advance as a party. Only then do we have a chance to take our country back.

(Incidentally, I include myself in this – I’ve been far too timid for far too long when it comes to standing for what’s right and what needs to happen – so don’t think I’m throwing anyone under the bus without tossing myself there, as well. I’m as guilty as anyone on this, probably moreso.)

The Second Civil War is coming, Denizens.&#160 Save that the Rapture intervenes, that won’t be stopped now, I don’t think.&#160 Not the way things are going, anyway.

The only question now is…who’s going to fire the first salvo?


Yesterday and today I have been at a conference called “Lutheranism and the Classics”. Among the pieces of trivia I picked up from miscellaneous conversation is the fact that in Great Britain, the Jedi religion is the fourth largest religion in the country.

Go figure!


Denizens, we have a problem over here.&#160 Mrs. Venomous’ mom has passed on at the age of 87.

For the next little bit, I’m going to be incommunicado, trying to book passage to San Diego, arranging for lodging & transportation and whatnot.&#160 As a result, the already-non-existant posting schedule I’ve been busting my ass (?) to maintain is dropping to zero.&#160 There will be no Perfect Football Weekend&#153 posts for the foreseeable future, among other things (although I may post schedules & lines, if there’s time).

Keep the Mrs.’ family in your prayers, and thanks.

Vicar, General – as of now, you have the conn. I’ll let you guys know.


The Demoscum are crowing about how Bambi’s running away with Ohio.

Nice Deb thinks she knows why.

This information came at the very end of the Gravis Marketing/Capitol Correspondent Ohio 2012 Presidential Survey, but I’m going to go ahead and post it right up front:

Survey of 594 likely voters was conducted September 21-22, 2012. The margin of error is +/- 4.3 percentage points. Party ID: 41.4% Democrat; 31.1% Republican; 27.5% Independent/Other. Results from the poll conducted September 7-8, 2012 are in curly brackets. Results from the poll conducted September 2, 2012 are in square brackets. Results from the poll conducted August 27, 2012 are in parentheses.


Huh, indeed, as the Puppy Blender would say.


My teams are running like my car.

In slight need of a good tune-up.

at #17 TCU 27, Virginia 7

at #6 Oklahoma 19, #15 Kansas State 24

at #25 Nebraska 73, Idaho State 7

at Wisconsin 37, UTEP 26

at Liberty 26, Lehigh 28

at Dallas 16, Tampa Bay 10

Against anyone else, this would’ve been an L.&#160 And, had this game been played in, say, December, the Bucs would have won easily.&#160 But this is the Bucs, and their offense sucks, and it sucks worse than does the Cowgirlz’ O.

The offensive line (and lemme tell ya, it is&#160 offensive) continued to fail to protect El Choko, who threw yet another&#160 pick.&#160 Jason Witten, whom I’m convinced is either still injured or has just lost it, dropped another three passes he should have caught, making seven for the year.&#160 (By comparison, he dropped six all of last year.)&#160 He’s becoming the C’girlz’ second coming of Widdle Terri Owens.

El Choko did well enough, going 25-39-283…well, except for that pick (it, of course, led to six for TB).&#160 Not only that, they couldn’t open holes for Demarco Murray, who only ran for 38 yards on 18 carries.&#160 (Take out the 29-yarder for the score, and…well…you see the problem.)

Might be the last gimme game on the schedule, so get ready for a lot of bad&#160 C’girl f’ball.

The Big XII must coat their footballs in butter.&#160 The Frogs lost another&#160 fumble through the back of the end zone, and Pachall threw his first pick of the year.

Fortunately, Kenny Cain and the TCU defense pitched another near-shutout, only getting scored upon when Jason Verrett stupidly jumped up to make a Big Production Number&#153 out of a third interception…only to drop the ball.&#160 Nice.

Brandon Carter caught two TD passes (part of a 21-32-305 day for Pachall), both of the one-handed variety, and Josh Boyce broke the Frog career record for touchdown catches with his 18th.

Matthew Tucker and Trayvon Boykin ran for about fifty yards apiece to lead the Frog ground attack.&#160 Boykin probably ought to be starting at RB – this kid is scary fast.&#160 Put him in, let him stretch the defenses, then let Pachall kill ’em over the top with play-action.&#160 Best way to win the Big XII, IYAM.

Liberty’s getting closer, is all I’ll say.&#160 They had a chance to tie with a minute left against Lehigh, but missed the two-point attempt.

It didn’t start out pretty for Bucky.&#160 UTEP scored the first touchdown off a turnover when Montee Ball got smacked and coughed up the ball.

Fortunately, Devin Smith blocked the PAT, ran it back for two, and UTEP didn’t seriously threaten the rest of the day, although they would hang around the rest of the day.

James White & Melvin Gordon picked up where Ball left off, running for nearly 190 yards.&#160 Joel Stave was a workmanlike 12-17-210, with a TD and a pick in sealing his takeover of the Badger QB spot from Danny O’Brien.

Coming into Lincoln, Idaho State had lost 33 straight road games.

You didn’t really&#160 think they were gonna have a chance in this one, did you?

The Huskers scored on offense.&#160 They scored on defense.&#160 They scored on special teams.&#160 They lead 35-0 after one, 45-0 at half, and 66-0 after three. Rex Burkhead & Imani Cross ran for 119 & 100 yards, respectively.&#160 Taylor Martinez was 9-13-165 with a couple of scores.&#160 Nebraska had 569 yards of total offense, 385 of that on the ground.

Nice little appetizer before Big Eleven Twelve Ten play.

The Oklahoma quarterbacks flat-out gave this one away.

A handful of critical mistakes by the Sooners’ quarterbacks did them in.

Jones’ first big gaffe came as he rolled to his right near his own goal line and was hit by Justin Tuggle, with the ball squirting free. Childs picked it up and scored to give K-State an early 7-3 lead and a big shot of momentum.

Oklahoma was within a yard of pulling even when Blake Bell, Jones’ backup who runs a power set called the “Belldozer,” fumbled away a snap to snuff out a promising drive.

“It’s just bad football when you turn the football over, give (up) a touchdown when you’re inside the 1-yard line on second down and you lose the football,” Stoops said. “It’s just bad football.

“You give up three turnovers and don’t get one, you’re going to lose against a good football team. That’s how it went.”

No kidding.&#160 And Bob – until you can teach these kids some mental toughness & ball protection, you’ve lost your last chance at a national championship for awhile.&#160 It’s a given that you won’t get it this year.

I was tempted to declare another Executive Fiat&#153 week since Rutgers beat Arkansas – but Rutgers is a Division I-A school, so it’s not like it was a complete shock.&#160 The Piggies have lost three in a row, though, and that’s always nice.

This week:&#160 5-1 (Liberty covers the SpatulaLine).&#160 Overall:&#160 17-7.

The PFW will return Friday, when we will guaran-damn-fuckin’-tee a loss for Arlington Heights, and bemoan the demise of Fort Worth high-school football, thanks to the (hack, spit) UIL (hack, spit).


Seems a small apology is in order.

Thursday, as you know, I…uh…had a little disagreement with a company called Chick-Fil-A.

KORRIOTH:&#160 “Little”?

K’HADIBAK’H:&#160 Yeah, and the Titanic only had a small problem with an ice cube.

MERLIN:&#160 Sire, you never&#160 do anything “little”.

OZY McCOOL:&#160 I thought Titanic&#160 was destroyed by an energy ribbon…?

[Korrioth smacks McCool upside the head, Gibbs-style.]

Naturally, the staff chimed in with an advisory that maybe, just maybe I should invoke the time-honored “48-hour rule” – let something sit for 48 hours before diving in with a rant.

And, as it turns out, they were right, and I was…was…wr…wr…w…

RAYEGUN:&#160 C’mon, you can say it.

VICAR:&#160 Really not that hard if you put your mind to it.

VENOMOUS:&#160 …wr…wr…

THE SPATULAGODDESS:&#160 Now, now, hon, you can do it, really.

…wr….wr………wr-not entirely accurate.

ALL:&#160 (groan)


Anyway, as I found a couple days ago…and what Denizen & fellow blogger Alan K. Henderson later reiterated to me…Chick-Fil-A did not, in fact, cave in:

Contrary to reports first made by the gay-activist group The Civil Rights Agenda (TCRA) on Tuesday and later picked up by mainstream media outlets, Chick-fil-A and its charitable-giving arm, the WinShape Foundation, did not agree to stop making donations to groups that support the biblical definition of marriage in exchange for being allowed to open a franchise in Chicago.

“For many months now, Chick-fil-A’s corporate giving has been mischaracterized,” executives said in today’s statement. “And while our sincere intent has been to remain out of this political and social debate, events from Chicago this week have once again resulted in questions around our giving. For that reason, we want to provide some context and clarity around who we are, what we believe and our priorities in relation to corporate giving.

“A part of our corporate commitment is to be responsible stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Because of this commitment, Chick-fil-A’s giving heritage is focused on programs that educate youth, strengthen families and enrich marriages, and support communities. We will continue to focus our giving in those areas. Our intent is not to support political or social agendas.

And this is where the “not entirely correct” aspect kicks in.&#160 Chick-Fil-A has, in fact, given $$$$ to Focus on the Family&#160 in the past.&#160 Before I completely exonerate then, at least, I want to see them give to FotF again.&#160 And I want to see the heterophobic community squeam (squeal/scream), screech & throw a temper tantrum over it.

For now, the boycott is lifted.&#160 And I offer an apology to Donnie Cathy and the Chick-Fil-A management staff.&#160 (And, if you’ll notice, the post in question has been scratched out.)

Provisionally so.&#160 The folks at Focus&#160 could probably use a few bucks…


So here’s a really good question posed by an apparent black Republican, as seen on the FB feed:

Am I expecting an answer from ANYONE in the Al-Obambi administration or campaign?

{crickets chirping loudly}

That’s what I thought. And so should you, cause that ain’t the “acceptable” type of question to ask this president (cough, cough, gag, gag).

Worthless piece of ….oh nevermind, it’ll just put me in another Grumpy General Mood&#153. As if one wasn’t enough.


No wait, since I’m already in grumpy mode…..



Denizens, as we start this episode of the Perfect Football Weekend, I am encouraged by what I see going on at the University of Tennessee.

The University has told a group of militant atheist douchetards to go pound sand.

Tennessee officials defended the pregame prayer ritual at Neyland Stadium, which has drawn protests from one group.

According to the Knoxville News Sentinel, in response to a letter from the Freedom From Religion Foundation urging Tennessee to stop its ritual of pregame prayer, University of Tennessee officials ruled there is no violation of the U.S. Constitution with the invocation.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation argues that it should be discontinued on the principle of separation of state and church.

First of all, I’ll say this for the 746,251st time:&#160 The words “separation of church and state” do not appear in the United States Constitution.&#160 Period.&#160 End.&#160 Stop.

Secondly, this tiny little gaggle of asshats is once again sticking its puny nose where it doesn’t belong, and is trying to horn itself in where it is neither needed, nor wanted.

Such tiny little gaggles, if you ask me (and you didn’t, not that I give a shit), should be taken out back and be severely horsewhipped.

If not ventilated, IYKWIMAITYD.

Let’s get on with the football.&#160 I guaranteed you that my Arlington Heights Yellow Jackets would not lose tonight.&#160 And why is that, Wizard?

MERLIN:&#160 Knowing you as I do, old friend, it’s because they do not play.

VENOMOUS:&#160 Right you are, Wiz.&#160 And watch it with the “old” part.

MERLIN:&#160 Relax, m’liege.&#160 You have my word that you shall not be peppered with the black balloons this annum.

Anyway, no – Heights doesn’t play.

But 17th-ranked (17th-ranked???) TCU does, and it’s another early start for Gary Patterson and the Froggies as they take on the Virginia Cavaliers in the return match from two years ago.&#160 Virginia’s better now, and it shows in how Vegas rates the game – with the Tadpoles only an 18&#189-point home favorite (in previous years, this would’ve been 28, at least).&#160 The Cavs will give the Purple & Black all it wants.

In addition, TCU will be without RB Waymon James for the remainder of the season, as he blew out his knee against Rock Chalk.&#160 That&#160 ain’t good.

It’s the Big XII opener for sixth-ranked Oklahoma as 15th-ranked Kansas State comes calling.&#160 OU has not impressed anyone to start the season, so K-State’s only a 14&#189-point road dog.&#160 This one does&#160 come down to a field goal.

Bo Pelini’s Nebraska Cornhuskers, back in the Top 25 this week at No. 25, gets another serving of squash in the form of Idaho State.&#160 Taylor Martinez might actually get a break in this game.

Bucky thinks&#160 they’re getting a break when the UT-El Paso Miners visit Camp Randall.&#160 But UTEP gave OU all it could handle, if you’ll recall – and though they’re on the road, I look for it to be a replay of the Utah State game.&#160 (So does Vegas – Bucky’s only an 18-point favorite at home.&#160 Ouch.)

Turner Gill’s Liberty Flames host Lehigh of the Patriot League this week.&#160 Lehigh’s 3-0.&#160 The SpatulaLine is set this week at 40.&#160 That’s all I’ve got to say about that.

And on Sunday, the Dallas Cowgirls have their home opener against the Tampa Bay Bucs.&#160 Doubtless the Bucs want revenge for the pasting Dallas gave them last year in Tampa.&#160 And Vegas has decided to make the ‘Girlz a 7&#189-point favorite at home, so gimme El Choko and about 20.

We’re back Monday or so with the recap.&#160 In the meantime, my question for HDD would be…think you&#160 can coach Bucky’s O-line?


Damn.&#160 Fuck.&#160 Shit.&#160 (And if the Vicar weren’t here, I’d say a helluva lot more than that.)

Chick-Fil-A just caved.

Chick-fil-A will no longer donate money to anti-gay groups or discuss hot-button political issues after an executive’s controversial comments this summer landed the fast-food chain in the middle of the gay marriage debate.

Executives agreed in recent meetings to stop funding groups opposed to same-sex unions, including Focus on the Family and the National Organization for Marriage, according to Chicago Alderman Proco Joe Moreno.


The agreement, announced Wednesday, could pave the way for the company to continue to grow not only in Chicago but in other metropolitan areas as well.

They won’t be doing so with any more of my&#160 money.&#160 Guaran-damn-fucking-teed.

Denizens, if you’ve read me for any&#160 length of time, you’re perfectly aware of what I think about people (primarily Christians and/or conservatives) who take a stand for right in public, then back down from and/or apologize for said stand.

To me, it’s simple:&#160 Do right, and fear no man.&#160 Stand up for what you know to be the truth, and to Hell – literally – with those assclowns who would whine about it from behind the comfort & safety of their collective daddy’s pink taffeta hoop skirt.

And now, Chick-Fil-A has caved to a faggot-assed, heterophobic son-of-a-crack-whore-bitch Shit-cago alderman named Joe “Josephine” Moreno.&#160 (Whom, if you ask me, should have a spiked titanium clue bad shoved right up his swishy ass.&#160 On second thought, don’t – he might actually like&#160 it.)

You’ve lost my business, Chick-Fil-A.&#160 And my family’s.&#160 And you’ve lost it permanently.


Felix “Bust” Jones is still on the Cowgirl roster.&#160 This tells you everything you need to know about the franchise.

Arlington Heights 28, Brewer 31

#16 TCU 20, UKansas 6

at Nebraska 42, Arkansas State 13

at Wisconsin 16, Utah State 14

Liberty 14, at Montana 34 (Liberty covers SpatulaLine of 35)

Dallas 7, at Seattle 27

Heights had a 7-0 halftime lead, and traded scores with Brewer in the third, but the Bears wore down the Jackets in the fourth.

Turner Gill’s teams, ever since he left UBeefalo, seem to have lacked something.

In UKansas, it was a secondary.&#160 Here at Liberty, it seems to be a running game.

Montana came up with some big plays on special teams and offense Saturday afternoon in its 34-14 win over Liberty. But it was the defense that drew the most praise from Coach Mick Delaney.

“Anytime you go out and stop a team from being able to run the ball, you should do well,” Delaney said. “I’m really proud of our defense, especially in the first half. They were just tenacious and got some key turnovers.”


“I’m a little disappointed,” said Liberty coach Turner Gill. “I thought we would be able to run the ball a little better.”

The Montana defense held the Flames to 21 yards rushing and harassed quarterback Josh Woodrum all afternoon — sacking him five times.

The most drama from Huskers-Red Wolves Saturday came from the sidelines.

Bo Pelini wasn’t acting like himself on the sideline Saturday, and defensive coordinator John Papuchis could tell something wasn’t quite right with the Nebraska head coach known for being effusive and emotional.

“Not that I knew there was anything wrong with him,” Papuchis said. “He was just a little bit less vocal than he normally is.”

Pelini was taken by ambulance to a hospital while his Cornhuskers were in the middle of a 42-13 victory over Arkansas State on Saturday. He said in a statement after the game that he underwent precautionary tests that “checked out just fine” and that he planned to go to work Sunday. He later was released from the hospital.

When Pelini gets around to watching the film, he’ll like what he sees.

Taylor Martinez threw two touchdown passes to Kenny Bell for Nebraska (2-1), and Ameer Abdullah ran for a career-high 167 yards and two scores, filling in for the injured Rex Burkhead.

Bucky should’ve lost this game.

Utah State’s Josh Thompson missed a 37-yard field goal with seconds remaining, allowing Wisconsin to hold on for a 16-14 victory Saturday night.

Thompson missed the kick wide right, preserving a win for the Badgers (2-1).

And, truth be told, the Ags kicked the Badgers’ collective ass all night long.

Bucky, long known for massive offensive lines and power running backs that can run right through you (ask Gary Patterson), suddenly can’t budge a feather.&#160 They only ran for a total of 156 yards against Utah State, and what does that&#160 tell you?&#160 (Mind you, Bucky generally averages&#160 200+ rush yards per game.)&#160 In fact, Utah State outgained Bielema’s bunch, 308-234.

At Camp Randall.

No wonder the O-line coach got his ass canned.

Honestly, TCU should’ve hung half a hundred on Rock Chalk.

Pachall threw for 335 on 24-30.&#160 Waymon James & Matthew Tucker ran for 152 yards combined, averaging nearly seven yards per rush.

The problem?&#160 The Frogs uncharacteristically coughed up the ball four times.

Pachall fumbled three times for the Horned Frogs, and Matthew Tucker also coughed up the ball, each time as TCU was trying to cap a drive with a touchdown.

“We came out a little flat,” Pachall said. “We were just shooting ourselves in the foot. We felt like they couldn’t stop us, but at the same time, we were stopping ourselves.”

Granted, it’s a young team, and will make mistakes like this.&#160 Needs to grow up in a hurry, though.

He fucked up on the first play.&#160 He fucked up on the last.

Why is Felix “Bust” Jones still here?

On the opening kickoff.&#160 Bust failed to secure the ball, and had it knocked loose around the 30.&#160 The Seahags recovered, though the Cowgirls held them to a field goal.

Second possession, Jason Witten drops a third-down pass that he should’ve&#160 caught.&#160 Next play, blocked punt, recovered, run in for the ‘Hag touchdown, 10 quick points, Cowgirls never recovered.&#160 (El Choko would throw a pick on the very next possession, to give you an idea.)

On the very last play – a screen pass to the back out of the backfield – Bust just trots – TROTS!!! – up the seam…then trips over the Seahags’ 25 yard line.&#160 A pathetic end to a pathetic performance.

Yet, Jones remains on this roster.&#160 As does Witten.

Now, Witten might could be given a pass, due to his injured spleen.&#160 On the other hand, he’s getting old, and he’s not exactly Usain Bolt when he’s healthy.&#160 We’ve got a good rookie tight end named James Hanna who looks like he could be the next Jay Novacek.&#160 The Cowgirlz have to get younger anyway – why not plug this guy in and see what he could do?

Oh, but that’s not the Cowgirl way, y’see.&#160 Not when they’ve got all these dinosaurs who only won one playoff game their entire time here.&#160 They’re just too good, y’know (/sarc).

Owner Jethro’s satisfied with mediocrity.&#160 And that’s what he’ll have going forward.&#160 Doesn’t matter, as long as Cowgirl fans keep handing Jethro their dough.

This week:&#160 4-2 (Liberty covers; counts as win).&#160 Overall:&#160 12-6.

The PFW will return Friday, when we’ll guarantee that Arlington Heights doesn’t lose this week.&#160 See you then.


As Darth was mentioning here (or just look down one post), it seems that the Al-Obambi government is going to give in to Muslim Brotherhood controlled Egyptian government. You’ll likely not see this being talked about anywhere but here. Sure as HELL ain’t gonna see it on (P)MSNBC or the Clinton News Network. They’ll just blather on about how Their Savior is ahead in the polls, but conveniently forget to mention HOW they got those numbers (hint: they are BIASED in their polling).

But back to what I started on….let’s just say that the previous belief that the US government does not negotiate with terrorists has now officially been thrown out the window, under the bus, crapped on, and utterly OWS-ified. And if you HONESTLY believe (like the rest of the administration and lap-dog media) that the rioting that started on 9/11 ACTUALLY started in revolt of the YouTube video — have I got a sweet real estate deal that even includes a historical bridge. Price: dirt cheap! Heck, let’s just call it FREE even!!!!

Folks, this even has got those in the military seriously concerned about the “Bubba Effect” (don’t know that term — Google it, Bing it, use your preferred search vendor). It’s to the point where even the Southern HQ is making preparations. Crap is piling up at an alarming rate and the launchers are pointed directly at the proverbial ceiling fan. As Darth mentioned previously, the End Times seem to be getting closer. And FYI, in case you’re not up-to-speed on your study of Revelation….here’s a hint: The USA ain’t a player. AAMOF, we’re actually even a slave-nation for on of the other ten powerhouses. Don’t believe me, look it up for yourself.

If the State Dept. actually caves in and releases the sheikh (even if they stonewall until after the election), it’s going to be open season on more than just embassies and consulates over in the Middle East. Target #1 is going to be Israel, with us as an extremely close target #2. And with Obambi snubbing a head of state just to campaign on David Letterman, you can even wager that Israel ain’t real happy right now either.

Hey all you 52%-ers out there, this the “hope and change” you so vehemently voted for???

Bet not.

Here’s to praying that enough people have woken up and will do the right thing in November.



Uh, oh.

Battleships, aircraft carriers, minesweepers and submarines from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war.

Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world’s petroleum traded by sea.

For those of you who have studied and are in the know, this means two conclusions can be reasonably drawn, given this and what’s happened with all the Muslim temper-tantrum throwing this past week:

1) Things are about to get real messy, real quick.&#160 (Yes, even messier than they already were.)

2) It’s a good bet that Antichrist is already on Planet Earth.

Won’t be long now, I tend to think.


Denizens, if you’ll take a gander down the right sidebar, you’ll note that all the pics, etc, are back.&#160 (Meaning, I finally got up off my lazy ass and changed a few links in the HTML coding – something the General was on me to take care of earlier this year.)

So I’m a lazy-ass.&#160 Bite Sue me.&#160


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