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Some dumbshits just do not know when to take a fucking hint.


This is a must read!


Hot damn!!!!!

WASHINGTON, D.C.– U.S. President Barack Obama shocked the nation—and the world—by announcing his resignation today, effective immediately. “I am through with this second term,” he declared.

In an emergency session of Congress, Vice President Joseph Biden was sworn in as the Forty-Fifth President of the United States.

President Obama explained what motivated his abrupt departure as he addressed a stunned, silent joint session of Congress. “I want to be perfectly clear, there are four main reasons why I’m doing this. First, as many of you know, I became an Indonesian citizen when I was five years old and my stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, adopted me. By doing so, I automatically lost my American citizenship. Over there in Indonesia, I was a devout little Muslim boy from ages five to ten, and my legal name was Barry Soetoro. In fact, my legal name is still Barry Soetoro, and I am still, well… I’m still technically a citizen of Indonesia. You see, I never got around to applying for naturalization back in the states once I turned eighteen. So you could say I’m an illegal alien—that notion would not be incorrect. And an illegal alien cannot be president. It doesn’t matter whether I was born in Honolulu or Oshkosh, I cannot in good faith serve as your president. It’s unconstitutional. It’s been gnawing at my conscience”

Hurry.&#160 Go read the rest!
Then remember what day it is.



Even before I ripped on Michelle “Malicious” Malkin for her hypocritical photoshop of Rick Perry over GAAAAAARRRRRRRRDDDDDIIIIIIISSSSSSIIIIIIILLLLLLLL – right after she bitched about Spewsweek’s&#160 Tina Brown performing her own “stupid photo trick” (Malicious’ words, not mine) against her honeygirl, Michele Bachmann – there was always something about her that rubbed me the wrong way.&#160 A hunch, if you will.

Well, now I know why:&#160 Malicious Malkin is a fucking stoner.

It’s 9 a.m. on a weekday, and I’m at the Marisol Therapeutics pot shop. This is serious business. Security is tight. ID checks are frequent. Merchandise is strictly regulated, labeled, wrapped and controlled. The store is clean, bright and safe. The staffers are courteous and professional. Customers of all ages are here.

There’s a middle-aged woman at the counter nearby who could be your school librarian. On the opposite end of the dispensary, a slender young soldier in a wheelchair with close-cropped hair, dressed in his fatigues, consults with a clerk. There’s a gregarious cowboy and an inquisitive pair of baby boomers looking at edibles. A dude in a hoodie walks in with his backpack.

And then there’s my husband and me.


Our stash included 10 pre-rolled joints, a “vape pen” and two containers of cheddar cheese-flavored marijuana crackers (they were out of brownies). So far, just one cracker a day is yielding health benefits. Carole [her mother-in-law&#160 – DV] is eating better than she has in three months. For us, there’s no greater joy than sharing the simple pleasure of gathering in the kitchen for a meal, with Grandma Carole at the head of the table.

I don’t give a flying fuck at a rolling donut hole, quite honestly, if she does&#160 claim it’s “medical”. They make THC in pill format.&#160 Her MIL could go the pill route and get the same benefit.

But no.&#160 That’s not good enough for the special snowflake Malicious Malkin. Gotta be the joint, don’tcha know. 1ooo/ (Pretend that’s my left hand.)

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t want to see anyone, not the least of whom is Malicious Malkin’s mommy-in-law, suffer needlessly.&#160 But there are other ways to treat “Grandma Carole’s” condition, better ways, and a joint ain’t one of ’em.

But that’s Malicious Malkin for you.&#160 It’s all about her and her support for pot, both “medicinal” and recreational, to hell with what’s right or proper.

(Or legal, for that matter.&#160 Don’t forget, pot’s still a federal no-no, never mind what the Ayatollah Choomster thinks.)

Just like how she whined about Tina Brown, but felt perfectly justified when it’s her slandering Rick Perry.

Fuck off, Malicious, you effing stoner.


One night late in 1979, an itinerant young physicist named Alan Guth, with a new son and a year’s appointment at Stanford, stayed up late with his notebook and equations, venturing far beyond the world of known physics.

He was trying to understand why there was no trace of some exotic particles that should have been created in the Big Bang. Instead he discovered what might have made the universe bang to begin with. A potential hitch in the presumed course of cosmic evolution could have infused space itself with a special energy that exerted a repulsive force, causing the universe to swell faster than the speed of light for a prodigiously violent instant.

If true, the rapid engorgement would solve paradoxes like why the heavens look uniform from pole to pole and not like a jagged, warped mess. The enormous ballooning would iron out all the wrinkles and irregularities. Those particles were not missing, but would be diluted beyond detection, like spit in the ocean.
On Monday, Dr. Guth’s starship came in. Radio astronomers reported that they had seen the beginning of the Big Bang, and that his hypothesis, known undramatically as inflation, looked right.
If corroborated, Dr. Kovac’s work will stand as a landmark in science comparable to the recent discovery of dark energy pushing the universe apart, or of the Big Bang itself.

That there was a creation event as described in Genesis is indisputably confirmed by this week’s Big Bang scientific breakthrough, an Israeli physicist who is also an Orthodox Jew claims. A secular Israeli professor, unsurprisingly, insists that the Bible and the Big Bang are “not related.”
For believing Jews, the story of the Big Bang resonates perfectly with the story of creation told in Genesis, Aviezer said. “Without addressing who or what caused it, the mechanics of the creation process in the Big Bang match the Genesis story perfectly. If I had to make up a theory to match the first passages in Genesis, the Big Bang theory would be it,” said Aviezer.

According to Genesis, the universe was created from a ball of energy and light that appeared suddenly from nothingness — exactly the same ball of energy and light described in the Big Bang theory. Throughout the centuries, creation ex nihilo was considered impossible, but today it is taken as scientific fact, said Aviezer.
Accepting this has nothing to do with religion, he added; no less a personage than Cambridge University cosmologist Prof. Steven Hawking wrote that “the actual point of creation lies outside the scope of presently known laws of physics.”

None of the above will convince those who deny God, that there is such a thing as God, but once again it seems that the more we learn about the universe in which we live, the more the Bible is corroborated.


480744623799627495673518… Day.

And yes, I HAD to do that.



This is appalling, but thanks to the gutless wonders being promoted to flag rank by our current Commander in Chief, such actions can be expected to continue!

Mikey Weinstein is supposedly a graduate of the USAF academy. it is my guess that he was a marginal performer.

My mistake, Weinstein was apparently a good officer.


Okay, so let me see if I have this right:

We’ve got BambiCare causing all manner of folks to lose insurance they wanted to keep, and to pay more & more to replace it.

Vladimir Putin has invaded the Ukraine.

We have some 270 folks missing that were on a Malaysian Airlines plane.&#160 No evidence of a crash or anything, the plane just went missing.

The Second Civil War&#153 may be just about to start.

And folks are getting the vapors over…thigh gap?!?!?!

It’s been OK to Photoshop since the invention of Photoshop, and perhaps no one has taken more advantage of it than the fashion and modeling industries. But Target’s apparent attempt to give a bikini model a fashionable thigh gap was such a hack job as to elicit a series of apologies from the company.

We.&#160 Are.&#160 So.&#160 Fucking.&#160 Screwed.

Let God’s judgement come.&#160 We’ve fucking earned&#160 it.


Aaaaaaand Rand Paul just lost my support

UPDATE:&#160 Just now caught that this story is a year old.

Bite Sue me.


While the US military seems to be pulling back from international activities, Russia is expanding their range of military action.  As much as I think that the time is long past for us to play world policeman, this truly bothers me.


Five’ll get you a hundred that Philip Seymour Hoffman got his start on marijuana.

Morons in Colorado & Washington State, take note.


This should tell you all you need to know about Windoze.

And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.


The No Fuckingballs League announced the Pro Football Hall of Fame’s 2014 class last night.

Now, it’s bad enough that widdle Mikey “Gap Toof” Strahan gets in.&#160 He owns a “record” for sacks that Brett “Hey, Jenn, lookit my balls” Favre laid down – literally – to give him.&#160 No respect for players like that at all.

But, when Aeneas Effing Williams&#160 of the Phoeniz Cardinals (yeah – that&#160 piss-poor excuse-for-a-football-team) gets in, with zero Super Bowl rings, while Charles Haley (only player in NFL history with (ahem) five) gets snubbed again

Fuck you, NFL writers.&#160 You pissweasels are as irrelevant as the bastards who dish out the Nobel Peace Prize.


Pat Sajak @patsajak

Damn! Just about to settle in for SOTU when I remembered I haven’t watered my Chia Pets. Big collection. Will take time.
7:57 PM – 28 Jan 2014



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