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(Hat tip Supreme General Rayegun.)

Denizens, those of you who know me know that I have plenty&#160 of reason to hate Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Shove.&#160 In addition to Donna McNabb, the Greatest Quarterback Ever In The History Of Ever, Ever&#153 and her his little buddy Terri Owens, there’s also the Gangsta Rap Thug of the NBA, Allen “The Answer” Iverson (must have been a really&#160 stupid question) – and the recent sweep of the baseball locals by the Phillies and that ugly green furball they embarrassingly call a “mascot” has set my teeth on edge, as well.

But this piece of bovine excrement is worthy of an RCOB moment.

City high school students will be required to take a class in African and African American history to graduate, a move that education experts believe is unique in the nation.

It’s unique in that it’s the most insanely fuckwitted idea a school board has ever spewed out its collective piehole, that’s what’s unique about it.

The requirement in the 185,000-student district, which is about two-thirds black, begins with September’s freshman class, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Thursday.

The yearlong course covers subjects including classical African civilizations, civil rights and black nationalism, said Gregory Thornton, the district’s chief academic officer. The other social studies requirements are American history, geography and world history.

Why not American government?&#160 Home ec?&#160 Typing, given that we’re now in the Computer Age?&#160 Personal banking?&#160 Something&#160 that actually has to do with helping them learn skills they’ll need later on in life, rather than this&#160 asinine claptrap.

Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of the Great City Schools, an advocacy group for big city school districts, said Philadelphia appeared to be in the forefront with such a requirement.

“Courses on the subjects are offered as electives in other cities,” he said.

As they bloody well should be.&#160 It is not necessary&#160 to possess a knowledge of the history of a country halfway around the world in order to function as a contributing member of American society.&#160 If it were, how the Hell&#153 did we get by for lo these last 230 years or so, hmmmmmmm???

(*crickets chirping*)

Yeah, I thought&#160 so…

Some parents opposed requiring the course, including Miriam Foltz, president of the Home and School Association at Baldi Middle School.

“There are other races in this city,” said Foltz, who is white. “There are other cultures that will be very offended by this. How can you just mandate a course like this?”

It’s pretty clear to me, Miriam.&#160 The Fookadelphia school district is on their knees to the Revvvvv’r’nnnnnnd Jack’snnnnnnnnn, the Reverend “Hymietown” Sharpton and the rest&#160 of the NAA(L)CP – and it doesn’t have the testicular fortitude to stand up to these asswipes and tell them what to go do with themselves.

While acknowledging it would be better to have courses adequately reflecting all cultures, district officials said African and African American history had been neglected too long.

“We have a whole continent that has been absent from most of our textbooks,” said Paul Vallas, the district’s chief executive officer.

It’s called “world history”, Vallas, you dumbass.&#160 And…(double checks story)…yep – you do have it in the curriculum.

Face it – this is nothing more than your chance to bow & scrape before those angst-ridden assnuggets who hold your leash.&#160 How’s it feel to be on the plantation, moron?

F.E.T.E., as the Imperial Torturer&#153 might say…

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3 responses to “To Hell&#153 with the ABCs; let’s study something they really&#160 need!”

  1. If there’s no similar course requirement for each of the other continents, then it’s unfair.

    And if it covers the slave trade without mentioning all the players – Europeans, Arabs, and African governments, then it’s incomplete.

  2. Whoa…

    What’s with all the Philly-hatin’?

    I live here, you know…and I find plenty to enjoy.

    Sure, I’d like to see Jiverson run out of town on a rail. Sure, TO is a whining asshat for claiming his momma still had to work in a chicken packing plant.
    Sure, our skoolz have been overrun by race-pimping idiots who think the reason their kids are so woefully unprepared for life in the job market is that they haven’t studued enough African history…

    However, we also have one of the best standards of life of any major city, you can walk anywhere you need to go, there’s killer food and music and art at any turn…I’ve lived all over the world including Europe, Asia, and America– and I keep coming back to the place of my birth.

  3. Oh, it’s nothing personal, TNS.&#160 My hatred of Philly has its roots in the Eagles, harkening back to the days of Dickie Vermeil and his team’s abject hatred of the Cowboys.&#160 Donna McNabb just intensified it, that’s all.

    Actually, I do love the Flyers.&#160 More specifically, I’m a humongous fan of their head coach. (Read his bio, ‘specially where he won his Stanley Cup, and you’ll understand why. (grin))

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