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(Hat tip Doug Powers off a buzzworthy from Michelle Malkin.)

The “Down Is Up, Up Is Down” Department, seeing His Rudeness&#153 feeling like crap the last few days, has decided to try and brighten his mood by telling him a funny.

I mean, how else&#160 could you explain Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister going all PotKettleBlack&#153 on us, hm?

Former President Clinton has sent out a fundraising letter on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee under his own name warning that Republicans are trying to “derail’ President Obama’s agenda.

Gee, he says that like it’s a Bad Thing&#153…

Yes, Der Kaiser, but we’re not trying to “derail”-sneer-quotes it, we’re trying to derail it.

Destroy it.

Disrupt it.

Put.&#160 A.&#160 Fuckin’.&#160 Stop.&#160 To.&#160 It.

What specific part of that does your feeble, one-track-only-and-that’s-sex mind not effing understand, hmmm?

Oxford must have been pretty damned desperate to have taken you as a student, lemme tell ya.

Not much unexpected there.

Well, at least someone&#160 at the Post gets it.

But along with the letter, Clinton has included a flyer from the DSCC that’s bound to raise eyebrows.

Okay, Denizens, last warning.&#160 I’m putting the money-quote here below the fold.&#160 Make sure you’re sitting down before you open it up.&#160 MASSIVE SPEW WARNINGS.

“DSCC funds go towards efforts to unseat far-right Republican senators like admitted sinner David Vitter…” the flyer says, referring to the Louisiana senator who admitted patronizing a prostitution service when he was in the House.

“Like admitted sinner&#160 David Vitter…”?&#160 This from Mr. “I did not have sexual relateions with that woman” himself?&#160 The ex-Philanderer-in-Briefs dares&#160 fling boulders at a candidate for office from his microscope-slide-glass-thin bunker?&#160 He whom brother Roger claimed “had a nose like a vacuum cleaner” is accusing someone else, anyone else, of being a sinner?????

Ohhh.&#160 Emmmmm.&#160 Effffff.&#160 Geeeeeee.&#160 (That’s “OMFG” for those of you in the Church of the SubTarded.)

Okay, Department of “Down Is Up, Up Is Down” – you guys win.



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