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March 26, 2005

"Death with dignity", my lily-white cracker ass...

This is painless???  Dignified? This  is what Terri would have wanted, Mikey Shitstain?

Well, pardon me for saying so, but BULLSHIT!!!

Contrary to predictions that Terri Schiavo's starvation death would be painless and dignified, an eyewitness who visited her hospice room early Saturday morning reports that she is now bleeding from the eyes and mouth.

Fox News Channel's "Fox & Friends" reports:

"Barbara Weller, who's is one of the attorneys for the Schindlers, says that the last time she checked in, not very many hours ago, Terri's eyes and tongue were bleeding now.

"Her eyes are sunken and her skin continues to flake off," Weller added.

On Thursday Terri's parents reported that their daughter now resembles "an Auschwitz victim."

Oh, yeah.  That's  "death with dignity".  That's  "painless"???  That's  "what she would have wanted"???

Oh.  Wait - no, it isn't.

Another legal maneuver included a late afternoon filing asking Pinellas Circuit Judge George Greer to order the reinsertion of the tube, claiming Terri Schiavo tried to say "I want to live" when her tube was removed.

Well, so much for the claims of "persistent vegetative state".

Hey, but it's okay, isn't it?  Like you pro-deathers keep saying - Terri's not there anymore; Terri's not a person anymore, she's Mikey Shitstain's property;  he can do with her what he wants, can't he?


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 26, 2005 10:59 AM

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This just makes me want to cry. How one human being can be so cruel to another. Of course man's cruelty to others is nothing new. Just look at little Jessica Lundsford. To say nothing of the hundreds of people who suffer this same fate (starvation) here in this country every year.
I was out earlier and I noticed dark storm clouds gathering on the horizon. My first thought was "maybe God is showing his anger at what is happening...". Then I realized, why would God need to show his anger? He can stop this anytime he wants. This is one of those times one has to trust there is a lesson here God thinks we need to learn. I suppose that's why it's called having faith .

Posted by: wanda at March 26, 2005 01:11 PM

Wanda, it's times like this when it is the absolute most difficult to remember - God is  still in control, no matter what.  His hand is firmly on the reigns, and we, as mighty as we like to think ourselves sometimes, are simply not powerful enough to thwart His mighty plan.

That said...I trust that, all things remaining status quo  (Mikey Shitstain and the two Georges not repenting of this horrific outrage), God has a most satisfying way of having them meet their end.  That's the only way I can deal with the red curtain of blood at the moment.

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 26, 2005 01:36 PM

i think GOD has been trying to tell us that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! life is NO longer valued cuz every damn woman on earth is popping out babies they can't even afford to feed or house! so uncle sam ( as usual) has to bail everyone out! i'm SO sick of this. America is already becoming a 3rd world nation! as the SEX PISTOLS once sa: "NO FUTURE."

Posted by: Honey at July 12, 2006 02:08 PM