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May 26, 2005

Comments, we get comments...!

We interrupt our vacation from posting to inform the Realm™ of a WITY.

Seems that I managed to piss off a Young Skull Full Of Mush™ with my post on those who thought that the words "seniors who did not pass all portions of the TAKS cannot graduate" didn't apply to them. (I think it was the Kendra Rainey mentioned in the original story, but she didn't leave her last name, so...)

Denizens, I must say - here, more than anything, is a picture-perfect People's Exhibit Number One™ of precisely that to which I was referring.  If these comments don't tell you everything you need to know about the abject stupidity of the products of our current education system...then nothing will.

(UPDATE:  We'll also ignore, for the moment, that Kendra was too stupid to post her comment in the correct thread, but anyway...)

Okay, you little twat.  Ready for your English lesson?

Hey let me tell you something you little ignorant- ass bastard

First, it's "Hey, let me...", not "Hey let me..."

Second, it's "ignorant-assed", not "ignorant- ass"

Third:  5330 Bent Tree Forest Dr, #712, Dallas.  Anytime you wanna come get in my face with your bullshit, bring it on.  Let's see what it gets you, bitch.

i challenge you to take

The personal pronoun "I" is always capitalized.  It also qualifies as the first letter in a sentence, which is also always capitalized.

the TAKS since you are so freakin

Even if you're (oh, and do note the correct  usage of the contraction "you are", if you please) using colloquial English...

...uh, "colloquial" isn't too big of a word for you, is it...?

...the word "freakin" should have an apostrophe on the end thereof, to denote the intentional dropping of the letter g.

smart and know everything.

Everything?  No.  But more than you, apparently.

And for your info hip hop music has nothing to do with a test dumb ass

A "test dumb ass"?  What's a "test dumb ass"?  Do you mean, as opposed to a real  dumb ass?

(re-reads) Ohhhhhhhhh...I get it.  You forgot to place a comma between the words "test" and "dumb".  Yet another red mark for you, Kendra, sweetie.

As for the correlation between hip-hop music (as opposed to "hip hop music") having nothing to do with a test...ever heard the saying "garbage in, garbage out"?  Look it up sometime.

and thank you so much for being so ignorant

In the first place...at this point, you're guilty of a major run-on sentence - yet another English error.  You have quite the collection now, do you not?

Secondly - "ignorant"?  You're the one making all the English miscues - miscues that would get you laughed out of any university-level English class - and you call me  "ignorant"?  ROFL!!!!

because if you actually read our GOOD ASS DALLAS MORNING NEWSPAPER

First off - "good-assed", not "good ass".  Or has the Dallas Morning News  (the actual name of the "GOOD ASS DALLAS MORNING NEWSPAPER") suddenly gone the way of the Sun  and started posting Page Three girls?

you would of noticed

"Would of"???  "Would of???"   Which DISD teacher taught you that  bullshit?  Please  tell me so I can bring it to Superintendent Hinojosa's attention and have that moron fired!

that we haven't flunked and are still going to college.

So much for academic standards.

Ha! Laugh on that BITCH!!!!!!!!!

Come say it to my face, ho'. (snicker)

Denizens?  WITY?

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at May 26, 2005 07:06 PM

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Sounds like Kendra The Pouty Prentice Princess needs to go back to school...First Grade, to be exact. 12 years have been obviously wasted on her.


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at May 27, 2005 02:38 PM

My seven year old granddaughter does better than this high school 'graduate'.

Posted by: tweell at May 29, 2005 11:40 PM

Well! Congratulations, Kendra, on outsmarting the system, and graduating in spite of the TAKS. Oh, wait! The TAKS was designed to ensure that you got an education, the first step toward a better life and proving wrong all those bigots who think a young black person can't make it on his/her own. I hope you're proud of yourself. I hope your parent(s) is/are proud of you too. Good luck in life, with your bad attitude to match your poor "edjumicashun." Maybe you can find someone to sue for your shortcomings, and never have to actually work or achieve anything. Way to outsmart us all!

Posted by: Old grouchy at May 30, 2005 01:07 PM