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May 17, 2005

Gee, O Dingy One - you don't say...?

Guys, we have ourselves a slam-dunk winner in the Spatula City BBS! 2005 "No Shit, Sherlock™" award competition.  Nope - no further need to count chads, be they hanging, dimpled, dented, whatever.

I would not have believed it myself, Denizens, had I not read it with mine own eyes.

Dingy Harry Reid actually put together a sufficient number of brain cells to say this:

"The goal of the Republican leadership and their allies in the White House is to pave the way for a Supreme Court nominee who would only need 50 votes for confirmation rather than 60," the number of senators needed to maintain a filibuster blocking a confirmation vote, Reid said.

No.  Shit.  Sherlock.  That is  the magic number for confirmation, don'tcha know, dumbass??? (Actually, it's 51, but we have Cheney, so...)

Great Honkin' Cthulu™, is this bozo ever thick...

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at May 17, 2005 04:04 PM

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