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May 10, 2005

The monkeys still haven't finished the novel...

Awright, so I'm prepping a couple of computers for customers of mine locally (no, sweet Denita, I haven't forgotten about you guys - in fact, your machine's pretty much done, save for a security update here & there), when Nightline  comes on and it's Chapter 21,985 in the Creation v. Evolution fight.

And for the Fox News Channel debate portion of the program - interesting how they've suddenly decided that if they can mimic the format, they think they'll get Fox's viewership, hm? (snicker) - they dust off this evolutionist fanatic from Florida State to go up against this nerd-type from Baylor.  And the fanatic is laying into the nerd, accusing him of having a religious bias and "oh, you can't possibly believe that 'intelligent design' isn't a code word for (gasp) Creationism!!!"

And the nerd is giving it his best shot, but it's clear that Georgie-Porgie Snuffleupagus has carefully (cough) orchestrated this debate so as to make the evolutionist fanatic look like the more suave, the more debonair, the smoother, the more credible of the two.

Memo to the evolutionist morons:  You people - yes, I said "you people"; get over it - have been pushing this evolution bullshit on the masses now for years.  Decades, even.  Ever since Snopes.  And you have demanded  that we believe it because, after all, it must be true!!!!!  Science proves it!!!!!

Yet, for all your blathering and bleating...you bastards still haven't proven jack shit.  You have not shown us the species of animal that suddenly changed itself into a completely different species, for example.  You have not, despite  your natterings to the contrary, shown us what you call "The Missing Link™".  And when you're questioned on the slightest jot or tittle of your screeds, your response is to malign the character of the questioner as being "one of those Creationist fanatics" - as if it were some sort of bad thing to believe in God in the first place.

Sounds to me like you've got this thing called "evolution" to the point where it's, say...ahhhhh...a religion  for you.  Fancy that.

But for all your sniveling on the subject, the fact - yes, the fact  - remains...it's still a theory.  Just as it has always been - a theory.  And just as it will always be - a damned-fool theory.

Because you can't prove it.  You couldn't before; you can't now; you won't be able to in the future.

So.  Given that, for lo these last few decades, you people have been shoving this theory  down our throats...isn't it about time that maybe - just maybe - some other theory had its moment in the sun?

Say, the theory of "intelligent design"?

It's certainly every bit as valid as this bucket of warm piss you people have been advocating all this time.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at May 10, 2005 09:37 AM

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Aw hon, thanks for the update! Just drop us the word when all's ready and the smoked chicken is as good as ready. ;-)

As for the Creationism vs. Evolution thingy, I never understood it. I was an Intelligent Design advocate long before I even knew what that meant! In all my years of reading everything from college textbooks (at the age of six) to National Geographic (forget Dick and Jane, I cut my teeth on NG), it always struck me as Science and Religion are mutually INCLUSIVE, rather than exclusive. There's just too damn many mind-bending biological wonders out there, they can't all be chalked up to "random chance". I view the continual refinement of every living species here on the Earth as the "thumbprint of God", carefully making much the same adjustments to our mortal clay, just like any artist would do.

We're a work in progress, and perhaps the prophecies in Revelation are simply the Creator signing His name upon the finished pieces at last...?


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at May 10, 2005 06:49 PM

I've been around computers too long to believe in the possibility that coded information (such as that in DNA) can spontaneously generate. It's hard enough for intelligent sources to produce information. And DNA is a heck of a lot harder to code than COBOL.

Posted by: Alan K. Henderson at May 11, 2005 12:55 AM