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July 09, 2005

Taking Sherri to task.  Sort of.

Welcome again to the five or six readers of Straight Up With Sherri who have the balls to sign their names/handles to their posts...the dozens of cowardly fucks who hide behind their mommies' skirts and post as "Anonymous"...

...and, hopefully, Sherri herself.

Some background:  As most of you should know by now, a couple of days ago I was running through one of Sherri's comment threads (now since deleted...for shame, Sherri), and decided that I'd had enough of seeing her constantly attacked by cowards who didn't even have the decency to sign their name, and decided to speak up about it.

I employed the standard CSITMF schtick I've been employing for the last two years in the Blogosphere, and before that on the old NewsMax forums.  (Any of you old Forumites who might be traipsing by - remember "sgc284"?  Guess who? (grin))

Anyway, it got the standard reaction from the first-timers (the ones who'd never seen it before) - less-than-righteous indignation, pooh-poohs and the obligatory "he posted 'his' address..." (read:  "oh, he's lying; that's not where he lives...")

So I replied to that  and posted the link to Blogfest Saturday at my place.

Well, that  engendered a whole new round of indignation - "...they have guns there!!!!!  And they're posing in front of an apartment complex!!!"

Almost what you'd expect from old crotchety grandmas at a quilting bee, y'know?

Amongst that  was yet another exchange I've already chronicled, both below and at Misha's.  Suffice to say, it's not good to be an anonymous asshat today. (chuckle)

Anyway, Sherri herself has finally weighed in, so to speak, on all the goings-on of the last couple of days.

(It's kinda long, guys, so back out now if you get bored easily.)


It looks like a playground spat.

No, Sherri, a playground spat  usually involves kids on both  sides.  Here, you've got the kiddies...and then you have me, giving them the paddling of which they've been richly deserving for a while now.

I don't have tolerance for foul language and violence.

Noble.  Naïve, but noble.  Would that you'd have less tolerance for disrespect than you do, but that's your affair.

Anon hit it on the head.

Question:  Which one???  How do you know which cowardly little fuckface you're dealing with on a daily basis?

Anon may not like me- may try and bait me into petty banter- but the people who have come here for any time do know the rules, and follow them.

Y'know what?  That's your right.  It's your blog, and you have the absolute right to run it any way you see fit.  And I have never said otherwise.

Now, I wish you'd be a little more consistent,  but we'll cover that here in a moment...

I have the option of taking away anon posting, or implementing HALO, etc. I don't because I don't want to create any type of barrier that may keep people from sharing their thoughts.

Sherri, I submit to you this:  If such a simple thing as registering with Blogger and posting under a handle...say, like "Right Wing Nut Job" or "Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant"...is a barrier to posting one's thoughts, then said thoughts are not of sufficient worth to post.  If a man is unable to back up what he says and take whatever heat comes his way and be a stand-up kind of man, he is not worthy of my respect...and I further submit, should not be worthy of yours.

I only ask it be clean (intelligent)- and respectful.

Indeed?  As we're about to discover together, you seem to have an odd definition of "respectful"...

One of the anon's tried to bait me into a discussion and defend myself for calling him/her out on degrading JWL's views. Anon knew and I knew that I was really calling anon on the fact that once anon disrespected someone else's views- then they disrespected him/her- they claimed "NOT NICE" (UnChristian). It was the attack then cry victim that I called anon on- not the degrading. He/She knew it- It is just a game that people like to play. I just have better things to do with my time than defending myself against untruths and false accusations. If they don't get it- a hundred posts won't explain it.

If that's the case, then you should adopt yet another policy:  No anonymous post shall be degrading to another poster - said posts will be deleted.  Either be stand-up enough to put your name on such a post or don't expect it to stay online.

Personal attacks don't bug me. I am secure with who I am and my walk.

You may be expecting me to say something pithy here, but I'm honestly pleased about that.

I appreciate you taking the time to call anon on some of the idiotic behavior he/she exhibited- and I got a laugh out of it- but it did get ridiculous.

Sherri, it's not as ridiculous as you may believe.  These are craven cowards with whom you're dealing, and as much as I realize you want to not hinder their expression, they should meet you halfway - "straight up", you might call it - and have the balls to post something resembling a name.

Either that, or they should not be surprised when they get their heads handed right back to them in spades.

I did welcome you- when your language was a bit "hidden."

Sherri, my first post on that now-closed thread did not "hide" anything.  What you saw was the same schtick I've employed now for the length of time I've been in the Blogosphere, and well before that, too.  I knew you might delete it, but I was willing to take that risk to get my point across - and I believe I did so.

You are still welcome if we clean it up. You can be strong and make a point without the foul language.

I question that, Sherri.  Some chickenshits need to be called just that - chickenshits - because that's the degree of cowardice that they've attained.  I am not in the slightest opposed to calling a spade a spade.  And to me, posting in bold and all caps is not my idea of "be[ing] strong and mak[ing] a point", save in extreme (and rare) circumstances.  Get to doing that all the time and the practice loses its impact.

You can debate the issues and use your head- not muscle or pics of guns- I know you can.

Sherri, I'm going to say this only one more time, and I expect you to take me at my word:  The focus of the picture was proving that I live at 5330 Bent Tree Forest Dr, #712, in Dallas, TX.  That's the only picture I currently have of the place that has me in it, thus proving that I live there.

That there were three guns in the picture is - to use a style of text I know you understand - IRRELAVANT!!!!!

If you, or the cowardly little anonymous fuckheads who trash you on your site want to take it as a threat - when no threat has either been intended or even implied - that's really not my problem.

I should have said something about the language right away- but I figured since you coded your language you knew the rules. So - we will count this one as MY BAD. Forgive me for not calling you on it and letting someone else call you out on it.

Thanks for respecting my rules. MY HOUSE- MY RULES!

That's fine, Sherri.  As I've already said, it's your blog, and you have the absolute right to run your blog the way you see fit.

But now we come to the point I've been saving in reserve:  Consistency.

As you've already said,

I only ask it be clean (intelligent)- and respectful.

So now, tell me why I subsequently read this from you:

By the way

The Colonel Measuring Cup name is HILARIOUS! I LOVE IT!

Dang- ya'll add GREAT relief to my day! And I needed it today!!


Sherri, this asshole (who, I'm convinced, would otherwise post as one of your anonymous cretins) used this name in a direct attempt to disrespect the moniker I've used now in the Blogosphere for the last two-plus-years.

And you found this funny?  "Hilarious", even?

Don't get me wrong.  I don't give a fat rat's ass what the prick calls himself; if he wants to demonstrate absurdity by being an asshole, that's fine with me - in fact, his moniker's already been made fun of over at Misha's, and I got a good chuckle out of that.

What bugs me is how you seem to define "respectful".  Seems to be all over the place, and that's something on which I think you need to work.

Anyway, Sherri, this is your blogging lesson for today.  Take it with as many grains of salt as you wish - or learn from it and become a better, even-more-respected blogger.

Your choice.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at July 9, 2005 11:35 AM

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Well, as they say...no good deed goes unpunished. And that name was funny? Huh? I bet they would bowl over in laughter if I called myself Queen Turkeybaster or Mistress Wine Glass or Princess Rolling Pin. *rolls eyes*

Posted by: LC Staci at July 12, 2005 11:18 AM