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August 31, 2005

Well, it's about time

Bill Whittle now has competition.

From time to time, you've seen me post some outrageously good stuff from a guy named Bob Blount.  Herr Blount is a good from from Back In The Days When Spatula City BBS! Really Was  A BBS™, and his essays have never failed to be outstanding reads that provoked thought.  Most of the time, though, it was just stuff he'd email to a host of his closest friends, of which I'm honored to count as one.

Well, Bob's got his own blog now, and you'd best believe it's going up on the blogroll.  For his opening post, he's dug into his own Grab Bag™ and pulled out an oldie but goodie from last year.

You are hereby ordered to go read it.  As in, right now.

Go.  Shoo.  I'll be here when you get back.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at August 31, 2005 06:55 AM

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