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November 28, 2005

Back to work

Yep, Denizens, you read right.  As of 0800 this morning, yours truly is going back to work.  As in, full-time back to work.

It's not the best job I've ever had, and it doesn't pay as much as I've ever made, but it'll keep me somewhat afloat until something better does  come along.

Besides which, the Orange Jack-ass (not to be confused with Professor Jact-ass, who still  hasn't offered any evidence that conclusively proves evolution - whatsa matter, Perfessor, can't just come out and admit that a Creationist handed you your stinky ass on a platter one more time? (snicker))...

...uh, where was I?

...Oh, yeah:  the Orange Jackass has dropped my severance package into my bank account.  Five digits, not as much as I'd hoped, thanks to Uncle Sugar, but at least some credit card companies will like me a bit more now.

The PFW benediction will have to wait until tonight or Wednesday.  I have to finish putting up the Realm™'s Christmas - yes, Christmas  Tree™, and Tuesday night...well, let's just say I'm occupied that night and leave it at that. (grin)

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at November 28, 2005 07:00 AM

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"not to be confused with Professor Jact-ass, who still hasn't offered any evidence that conclusively proves evolution - whatsa matter, Perfessor, can't just come out and admit that a Creationist handed you your stinky ass on a platter one more time? (snicker)"

If my tantrums isn't a good argument for interspecies breeding, I don't know what is!

Posted by: actus at November 28, 2005 12:26 PM