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November 26, 2005

Brand new rest stop in Crawford

A travel tip for all you weary pilgrims down Central Texas way:  If you find yourself near...oh, say...Crawford  - and you...ah...should feel the need,  shall we say - may I...um...recommend a repository for the result of your...ahem...bodily function?

Anti-war demonstrators gathered Friday at the Crawford Peace House for the unveiling of a stone monument with the words "Sheehan's Stand," a tribute to the August protest that drew thousands to President Bush's adopted hometown.

How nice of the Anti-War Whore™ and her limp-wristed minions to offer up a rest stop for the rest of us. (chortle)

Cindy Sheehan, the fallen soldier's mother who led the 26-day protest near Bush's ranch, cried when she saw the 2-foot-high, 4-foot-wide sandstone marker.

And see?  It's even the perfect height.  The Army Corps of Engineers couldn't have designed a better urinal.

On the other side of the rectangular monument is the word "Why!" and names of more than two dozen soldiers whose families were part of the August vigil.

More than two dozen soldiers, we'll once again  remind Mother Shitcan and her horde of cut-and-run cowards, who volunteered for duty.  Probably to get away from you assholes.

"Nobody knew what was going to happen, and we made up Camp Casey as we went along, and it grew and grew and grew," said Sheehan, of Berkeley, Calif., whose son 24-year-old son Casey died in Iraq last year.

Uh-huh.  And nobody knew that you were going to subsequently expose yourself for the stupid-assed lunatic bitch that we all knew you were all along.  I mean, how dare  Hurricane Rita disrupt coverage of the pity party of Little Miss "It's all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!", eh?  And then you had the gall to call it "a little wind and a little rain"???

And you wonder why no one takes you seriously any longer?  Not that any right-thinking individual ever did, of course...

"I feel like this will always be my home...

Doubtless you will, since your husband kicked your skanky ass out of Vacaville...isn't that right, Mommy Shitcan?

But we're here to say that the killing has to stop, that we're not going to justify any more killing on our losses."

Perhaps you might make that suggestion to your beloved, so-called "freedom fighters", eh what, Shitcan, you bitch?

Sheehan announced her protest plans while speaking at a Veterans for Peace convention in Dallas on Aug. 5. The next day, she and about 50 others traveled by bus to Crawford, marched toward Bush's ranch and spent the night in chairs in ditches, without food or flashlights.

She vowed to remain until Bush met with her or ended his monthlong ranch vacation. Two top Bush administration officials talked to Sheehan, but the president never did. Sheehan and other grieving families met Bush a few months after her son's death, but she said she deserves another visit because of subsequent revelations about faulty pre-war intelligence.

Oh, of course - she's privileged, y'know.  Hundreds of families who lost their  loved ones have never met with the President, but because she's  Mommy Shitcan, she thinks she  deserves a second  meeting.

Here's a Clue™, Cindy baby:  Back of the line, bimbo.

The protesters returned to Crawford this week as Bush spends Thanksgiving at his ranch. The group plans an anti-war rally Saturday and an interfaith service Sunday.

Which is how you can pretty much tell that we're on the right side of this:  Anytime they schedule an "interfaith" service - that is to say, one that honors any and every so-called deity except the real  One - one has a pretty good idea it's for an asshatted cause.

The artist who carved the 1,200-pound monument, Ron Teska of Wind Ridge, Pa., drove to Crawford the last week of the protest with the stone slab in the back of his pickup. He spent about 45 to 50 hours carving it.

Shame he didn't stay around.  Would've loved to shove some of those granite chips back up his ass from whence they came.

Hadi Jawad, a co-founder of the Crawford Peace House, said the monument is a testament to Sheehan's courage. The house near downtown Crawford, which opened a month after the war with Iraq began in March 2003, also renamed its garden the Camp Casey Memorial Peace Garden.

Oh, goody!  A place for Pup-Pup to go, as well.  How very  thoughtful of you, Hadi, you ragheaded festering fuckwit.

Juan Torres, who attended the August vigil, said he didn't hesitate to return to Crawford. He said he moved from Argentina to the U.S. for the American dream, but that his dreams were shattered when his 24-year-old son Juan, an accountant, was killed in the war last year.

"I want to say to the president, 'This is not a game. This is the life of our kids,"' Torres said Friday as he started to cry.

Yeah, Juanita, and I want to say to you:  If I were your kid, I'd enlist too - just to get away from your weepy, whiny little ass.

ESGBROFOAD, pissweasels.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at November 26, 2005 06:07 PM

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[And Professor Jact-ass once again attempts to do an end-around and get past my ban of his keyboard methane until he can conclusively prove his evolutionist bullshit.

I think that maybe I'll keep that comment sentry for the time being. (snicker)

As for saying it to my face, Professor - I seem to remember that you yourself have been invited to do just that...and you were found lacking the cojones necessary to do so.  Were I you, I'd just sit there in my little cubbyhole at GWU, sip my latté and STFU about that. (chortle)  -LSI]

Posted by: actus at November 26, 2005 08:26 PM


I've noticed more and more lately, that if you accuse my mommy or daddy of being my parents they become quite angry, as though you've just told them to go straight to hell. They begin to twitch and spasm, their faces turn several shades of red, and on more than one occasion I've wondered if their fury would turn to violence and they'd throw me back in the basement with Gramma again.

Intolerance by my parents toward me hasn't received attention by the Left-Winged asshat media or the blogosphere, but it's there and it has been growing. Take for example the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler that laughs at me and calls me "asshole" at every opportunity.

Gee, you're a poster child for tolerance Spatula, except when it comes to tossers like me who don't have an ounce of gray matter between their ears. For that eggregious offence [ED. NOTE: (sp)] there can be no tolerance obviously. Spatula then goes on to display just how rooted his intolerance of wanker pricks like me really is.

That's right, anyone who has my IQ is a silly fuckface just like me. I am so crazed and intolerant that I cannot even accept the fact that I bathe in my granny's colostomy bag and wet my bed every night. But that's not surprising since this is typical of the kind of bullshit you expect from a goat-humper like me.

This intolerance isn't limited to the Blogosphere either. No one likes me in my Romper Room class, either. I guess it's 'cause I dump all my dandruff on my desk. Or maybe it's because I'm a sitzpinkler like my daddy before me.

You see, in the world of the Sitzpinkler, there is simply no room for anyone who is man enough to stand up to pee. We all have to be effeminate little wussies like me and my daddy.

It's clear that I'll never be much of a man, seeing as I'm a little nancy boy that can't stand up to pee-pee, but I for one will not be cowed into standing up to piss by their hatred of candy-asses like me, or their bullying.

Posted by: actus at November 27, 2005 11:12 AM

I'm getting my ass handed to me all over this fine right-wing blog.

These betters of mine are getting away with dissing Ted Rall and making me look like the limp-wristed fool I is. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!

Posted by: actus at November 28, 2005 02:14 PM