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November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving, Denizens

I first penned (penned?) this screed (g) on 11/17/01.  I thought it appropriate, it being Thanksgiving and all, to jot down a list of those things for which I was thankful.  This year, the tradition continues, below the fold, again with only a few minor tweaks: 

First of all, let me once again apologize for not blogging as much as I wish I could.  Ideally, I'd be cranking out two or three posts a day.  There's certainly that much going on in the world, and it tears at my gut to be missing the opportunities to write about these things.  Pains me even more to think that you, the Denizens, are missing out on my great wisdom.  (rolling eyes, grin, chuckle)

The fact is that I simply have not had time to do one of the things that I enjoy more than I ever thought I would - writing.  I never for a moment, sitting in my first ever English Composition college class taught by a guy I believed to be an idiot twenty years ago, thought that I would ever come to the point that I actually got a kick out of slapping thoughts on page.  Amazing how things change.

But, I digress.  There's not been enough time.  I've been swamped at work, and that's when I'm not trying to renew a certification.  This is taking me away from the chores I need to be doing - keeping the house clean, doing the laundry in a timely fashion, cleaning the kitchen, picking up dog crap off the carpet, those sorts of things.  And when I do finally get around to those things, they keep me from doing stuff I like to do - like surfing the Web and writing these columns.

Which brings me around to the topic at hand.  Thanksgiving's today, and it's a good time to kick back and tick off the things for which your obdt.  svt.  (a little Blackie Sherrod lingo, there) is thankful:

God.  The God of the Bible.  The God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, David and Solomon.  That  God.  Not Allah, not Muhammad, not Cthulu, not crystals and/or chakras and/or trees.  God.

His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the work He performed on the cross that allowed me to receive His salvation.  (An aside:  Yeah, in case anyone didn't know - I'm a Christian.  Not anywhere close to being the best example thereof, to be sure, but I'm still being worked on, and you're just gonna have to be patient.)

Being an American, and free to worship as I choose.

My current home - a two-bedroom jobber I share with a chow/schnau(zer) and a huge yellow lump that masquerades as a cat.  Not the cozy cottage in Forney, but at least I have an office again from which to pen (pen?) these screeds.

My son - Stephen Geoffrey "Skip" Crager, Jr.  (although his doublewide-assed mother insists on calling him "Geoffrey").

Friends & family, some more than others.  Even the ones who are diametrically opposed to me in their beliefs.

Employment.  Make that "pending employment".  Specifically, mine as a desktop technician, where I get to play with computers all day long - in effect, getting paid to practice my hobby. 

Note:  Since the last time I ran this column, Cingular Wireless (as you all know by now) dropped the guillotine on my head.  Fuck you, Cingular.

Thankfully, I start a new gig on Monday, for a company known to me and only to me - since I know  pussies like Cianderella Tierney, who bitched long and loud about me being a NetKKKop before having his ass exposed as a lying skank that doesn't work at EDS, would love to find out where I work and try to get me fired...

Okay, where was I...?

MP3s.  The ability to take all my all-time favorite songs, regardless of format, and transfer them to something I can listen to in my car.  Fuck you,  Hilary Rosen.

Turkey.  Lots of it, preferably drumsticks.

Leftovers.  Turkey sandwiches with lots of mustard.  YEAH!

(Well, hold the bread on that.  I have got to-got to-got to  start paying more attention to Atkins.)

An American President who, though he is still not completely trustworthy in my eye, is at least giving the impression that he is, at least, trying - which is a damn sight better than what we could have had, hm?  And at least this guy understands that the Presidency isn't just one big frat party.

The election which he won handily on November 2nd.  Thank you, America.

The military which he commands.  Peepz, these men & women do a helluva job protecting you and yours and the freedoms you enjoy, and they do it for pretty much next to nothing.  Next time you see one, take a moment to say, "Thank you".  (Another aside:  When I first posted this, I left out one very important group of guys:  the Coast Guard.  Unconscionable, since one of my readers served in that very branch.  Mr.  Slagle, my apologies - and my thanks.)

My car:  A 2005 Chevy Cavalier.  Quick, cozy, and twice the gas mileage of my old truck.  In this day and age, that's important.  For $10 more per month, I get all that, plus a 5/50 warranty.  Good stuff, that.

A seafood restaurant chain here locally by the name of "Ole Whiskers".  Catfish, chicken, ribs, stuffed crab, onion rings, and a host of other great stuff.  Catfish topped with Tabasco™ sauce has become a staple.

My current box - a Pentium 2.66-GHz with 2 gigs (yeah - gigs) of DDR RAM.  Two 21" monitors so that I don't have to squint anymore when I write these things.  (Well, not much, anyway - at 1280x1024, things are still awfully small.)

The aforementioned crap-on-the-carpet dog - she's still a precious little lapdog, and she captures the heart of anyone that meets her.  My cat - the aforementioned yellow lump - who has finally developed a sense of affection for his master.  :-) Even my brother's little min-pin, Mindy - one of the most affectionate dogs you'll ever see.

Ham.  Not as much as a turkey drumstick, but leftover ham does go good with eggs.

Any college football team that severely thrashes the Texas A&M Aggies.

Any college football team that severely thrashes Nebraska.

Any college football team that severely thrashes Miami.

Any college football team that severely thrashes Arkansas.

Any college football team that severely thrashes Texas.  (Unless it's Arkansas.)

TCU's Horned Frogs.  Good job this year, Gary Patterson.

Any college football team that severely thrashes SMUT.  Especially since TCU didn't  this year.  (grrrrrr)

Any pro football team that kicks the crap out of Donna McNabb and the Philthydelphia Beagles - something the Cowbows did this year.  Twice.  (snicker)

Drew Henson.  There's the future of the Cowboys, Denizens.  (Well, if he can beat out Tony Romo, who's a damned good QB in his own right, from what I've seen.)

Jerry Jones - for trading for Drew Henson (grin)

Southern Baptist churches that aren't afraid to call themselves "Baptist"

An occasional road trip - maybe to go fishing, or even if it's work-related.  I love staying in hotels where I can crank up the AC at night, and not have to worry about the electric bill (grin).

Microsoft.  No, all you morons at the federal judiciary - Bill Gates does not  run a monopoly, and you damned well know it.  What he does  do is run an extremely successful company, one that you bastards tried to shake down for $$$$, and failed.  It's not a secret that the tech sector crashed simultaneously with Janet El Reño's baseless attack against Microsoft.

Spanish-language television channels.  You will not find a better-looking collection of major babes anywhere on Planet Earth.  And they don't mind letting people know that they're women either, dammit.  Take that, NOW.  :-)

Mashed potatoes.  With a ton of gravy.  (Atkins be damned on this one.  (grin))

Ranch-style beans™.

Sweet tea - even though, being a Type II diabetic, I can no longer drink the stuff (make mine Sweet 'n Low, 3 packets per 40 ounces, please).

Hooters' hot wings.  Scenery's not bad, either.  (big grin)

Dueling-piano bars.  Picture two baby-grands.  Picture two players with crass senses of humor.  Picture some of the raunchiest lyrics ever conceived - sometimes on the fly.  Picture yourself laughing your ass off.  Try it sometime.

Rush Limbaugh.  Sean Hannity.  Glenn Beck.  Michael Savage.  Michael Reagan - and, in case I've not mentioned it before...his dad, too.

Ann Coulter.  Michelle Malkin.  Laura Ingraham.

The Blogosphere™.  Specifically, Misha and Alan Henderson - for getting me into this blogging thing.

My new hairstylist.  In all my lifetime, I've only found three people who could fully understand what I wanted done to my hair, and do it right in a minimum of time:  one retired about 15 years ago.  This new one's is just as good as the second one - and she's a major babe, too.  (grin)

Broadband.  Forney didn't get it on a widespread basis - but I have a DSL modem now, and even though it's not as good as my old Comcast cable modem I still  rock.  Some.  (grin)

And finally (though this list is by no means complete) - you Denizens who keep coming back to the site in hopes that I've updated it.  Without you guys, why am I doing this?  Thanks very much for being here.

And Happy Thanksgiving.  Remember from Whom the blessings come...

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at November 24, 2005 08:45 AM

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Have a great Thanksgiving!

Posted by: Elephant Man at November 24, 2005 09:19 AM

Amen, Spats, amen (from another ragin' Baptist).
Let's finish Master Ken's doxology...
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!

Posted by: Sig94 at November 24, 2005 10:22 AM

The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord let his face shine upon you
And be gracious unto you,
The Lord lift up his countenance unto you
And give you peace.

Posted by: Horrabin at November 24, 2005 02:54 PM

Bit late, but, Happy Thanksgiving, Spats. May the Lord be with you and Bless you and all of yours this day.

Posted by: LC Wil at November 24, 2005 06:21 PM

[Well, well, well - look what we have here.  Ol' Cindy thinks that hacking into my comments is as easy as hacking into EDS' site.

Not that easy, is it, asswipe?

But let's see what ol' Real Cunt has to say, shall we??? (snicker)  -LSI]

" since I know pussies like Cianderella Tierney, who bitched long and loud about me being a NetKKKop before having his ass exposed as a lying skank that doesn't work at EDS, would love to find out where I work and try to get me fired..."

wow, still exposing my swishy ass for what i am ( gay, a coward, a netKKKop)

Between the pair of us there's only one crap talking yellow-elephant who threatened to tell an employer - me.

p.s. could you please tell EDS that I don't work for them, they really haven't gotten the message yet. They still pay me and expect me to turn up every week day (the cheek!). Well, it's the least they can do for me after i lick all their loos clean.

Still, I'm sure once you've explained how one of you moron mates has discovered that Im just a sanitation contractor they'll remedy their mistake. He just checked outlook didn't he? Silly boy - janitors dont have emails at EDS.

What a wanker I am. (no, that's not right, ah yes dipshit, that's the word I was looking for)

[Actually, Cinderella, we might use the word tosser for you.  Much more descriptive, don't you think? (chuckle)  -LSI]

Posted by: RC at December 1, 2005 09:08 AM

[New address, chickenshit:

18959 Lina St, #601, Dallas, TX

Just STFU and bring it, pussy boy.  Quit hiding behind your mommy's skirt and be a man for once, Cinderella.  -LSI]

Hacking into your comments? Others call it posting, but in my case it's usually just called spewing methane. Considering my laughib...laffab...funny level of computer skills I'm sure people wonder how I manage it without wetting myself. Just like you think banning an IP-spoofing skank like me is a difficult task. No wonder EDS wouldn't hire me to do anything but wax floors.

Point is I'm your bitch, I haven't the balls to face you (or anyone for that matter ) in person or even try and argue, all i can do is diddle with balls I wish were there. What a sad excuse for a man I am.

Anyway, I'm now working remotely on a project for a customer in Texas (I shan't give you the name 'cuz they'll deny I work for them). Still don't understand what they want with my broom and the mayonaise packets...

If I'm really unlucky they might ask me to pop over, but don't worry, I'll give you enough notice so you can make 1. preper...preppar...plans for my hospital stay 2. up excuses for me as to why I won't be able to make it

Dammit! I just pissed my pants again!!! MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

Posted by: GH at December 2, 2005 07:22 AM