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January 27, 2006

Donks:  Desperately hoping something sticks...

Y'know, for a party (even if it is  a half-assed excuse for one) supposedly soooooo  confident that it's going to retake Congress this year and the White House two years hence...they surrrrre seem to be showing more than just a modicum of desperation lately.

Take, for example, this screeching diatribe laid down by Dingy Harry Reid (D-Al Jizzera) to the US Conference of Mayors today.

Cities are at risk because the Bush administration is too preoccupied with its political problems to properly prepare for another natural disaster or terrorist attack, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid told mayors from around the country Friday.

And what "political problems" would those be, O Dingy One?  Would that, perhaps, include the sniveling of you and your fellow Demoscum over the President trying his damndest to intercept communications to or from here from your homies at Al Qaida in his efforts to prevent another 9/11?

Or maybe it's your party's blatant obstructionism, trying desperately to get in the way of finally getting Samuel Alito onto the Supreme Court and giving Sandy Ditz O'Bint the retirement this country wishes she'd taken years ago?

Mayhap it's your party's constant bellowing about Jack Abramoff and this so-called "culture of corruption" of which you keep accusing the GOP.  Conveniently forgetting, of course, that there are just as many Demoscum who have taken money from him, too!!!!!

Has it ever occurred to you, you moronic assclown, that if you people would SHUT THE FUCK UP and quit trying to get in the President's way, maybe - just maybe  - he could get some work done on these so-called "preparations" about which you keep bitching?

And I won't even mention how it's not the Feds' responsibility to prepare the cities for anything like that, but that of the cities themselves  - nah, I'll just save that for another day, Harry, m'boy, when your one-third remaining brain cell isn't overly taxed...

"Any one of your cities and towns could be the next New Orleans," Reid said at a meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

I really tend to doubt that, Your Dinginess - not unless a town has managed to fall asleep at the switch and elect themselves another Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin.

Do note the desperation in Dingy Harry's words, though, Denizens.  Note how he's just trying to throw something against the wall, hoping against hope that it sticks.  It'd be pathetic, if it weren't so damned funny.

"The federal government owes it to you and your citizens to be prepared the next time disaster strikes."

What the federal government owes me, Reid, you dumb fuck, is to get out of my way and out of the way of the cities and let us determine our own  needs in this regard.  The day that Washington, DC can better figure out local needs than the locals can is the day we all had best run up the white flag.

The Nevada lawmaker said efforts to find out what went wrong after Hurricane Katrina illustrate how the administration's priorities are wrong.

Governments at the federal, state and local level have been harshly criticized for a slow response to Hurricane Katrina, which devastated coastal areas of Mississippi and Louisiana and flooded New Orleans. Yet the White House has been slow in helping Congress investigate what happened at the federal level, Reid said.

Yeah, Reid, you shit-for-brains...we'll just go ahead and ignore the terrorists wanting to fly planes into our buildings and come across our unprotected borders (while you bastards want to give them amnesty) and drop everything we're doing and cater to your every childish-assed whim.  Would that make you happy, Reid, you asshatted prick?

Reid said the investigation must be completed - not to fix blame but to learn what needs to be done to avoid a repeat of the post-Katrina problems.


Bullshit flag.  Lying through the teeth, minority party, Mr. Reid.  Telling an obvious lie about not wanting to "fix blame" when that's all he ever fucking wants to do.  Fifteen yards, automatic first down.

Reid said the poor choices of the administration and Republicans in Congress are also evident in steps securing the nation after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Oh?  And precisely how many more attacks have we had here (no thanks to you and your fellow fuckwitted fellating obstructionists in Congress)?  How many again?


Uh huh.  Thought  so...

Efforts to spend more money for emergency workers in cities were rejected as well as efforts to restore money for extra police, he said.

Oh, really, Dingyass?  And just where, again, were those 100,000 new cops that your honeyboy Kaiser Wilhelm von Slickmeister kept promising to us Americans all during the '90s?

(more crickets)

Maybe, Harriet, you might like to enjoy a nice steaming cup of STFU right about now...?

Reid also said many steps recommended by a commission examining national security after the terror attacks have not been taken, such as strengthening security for ports and rail transportation.

And no wonder.  Every time we try to take any action in that regard, Harriet, you and your fellow fuckwits on the left start howling about "racial profiling".

We really would get so much more done if you people would shut your collective piehole.  Then again, you're Demoscum, so it's a pipe dream, I know, but...

He questioned spending billions on Iraq and tax breaks for the wealthy rather than for security improvements in cities.

"If we can spend $2 billion every week to protect the Iraqi people, we can do more to protect our people at home," Reid said.

I can protect myself just fine, thank you, dumbass.  Gimme a gun and a few hundred rounds of ammo.

And it might help if you'd remain still for a few seconds, too...

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at January 27, 2006 08:04 PM

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I'm not a partisan from the party of no new ideas!!! I'm not!!! I'm not!!!

Posted by: Blackiswhite at January 28, 2006 11:06 AM

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