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January 18, 2006

Great Honkin' Cthulu™, he can't be serious...

Gotta admit, Denizens - I've been in somewhat of a crappy mood all day long.  Not much reason to crack a smile about anything.

Then I saw this.

It's gonna take all my willpower to keep from busting out in a guffawing fit...

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle is once again weighing a possible run for the White House.


The South Dakota Democrat considered running for president in 2004, but decided instead to seek a fourth term in the Senate – only to lose to Republican John Thune.

Uh, make that "only to get his saddened,  skanky Demoscum ass handed to him by John Thune. (snicker)

According to The National Journal, Daschle said he was "taking a look at” entering the race for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

The primary factors influencing his decision "would be my family and our mutual decision to consider the rigors of a campaign and re-entry into public life,” Daschle told the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

Tommy-boy, you might want to throw something called "level of insanity" into that particular mix.  As in, is yours high enough that you'd even want to consider  discovering how despised you are outside of Pierre? (snicker)

After Daschle’s loss to Thune in 2004, he said he probably would never run for office again.

But he told the Argus Leader about a White House bid in 2008: "I have received a lot of encouragement,”

Probably from his spousal unit, who very likely is tired of the bozo constantly getting underfoot.

although he added that he has "no plans at this time to run for national office.”

Translation:  "I'm very afraid that not enough people have forgotten who I am yet."

Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, doesn’t see Daschle as a leading contender for the Democratic nod in 2008.

"I wouldn’t call him the favorite, or even second or third,” Sabato told the Argus Leader.

I think the phrase you're looking for, Larry, is "not even an also-ran". (chuckle)

But he added: "It’s not an overpowering field, and Hillary Clinton is more vulnerable than people think because of the electability question.”

And if HILLARY!!!!! isn't electable, Daschle honestly harbors delusions that he actually could  be?????

Must...resist...urge...to...to...aw, hell with it.


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at January 18, 2006 01:17 PM

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OMG, I so hope he runs. Republicans for Daschle!! Bwaaahhahahaha

Posted by: LC Staci at January 18, 2006 01:42 PM

I can just see the fur fly when clintoon sets her claws into him.

Posted by: Scott at January 20, 2006 01:06 PM

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