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March 30, 2006

Don't threaten us, GOP

Denizens, I dunno 'bout you, but this sounds suspiciously like a threat.

A top Republican pollster has a warning for GOP congressional candidates in 2006: distance yourself from President Bush at your own peril.

Oh, really?  Speaking as a constituent  - you know, those of us who put you Congresscretins where you are today? - I have a warning for you to which you might pay more attention:  Do what we  want, or it won't matter where  you are in relation to Shrubya.

In a memo to RNC chairman Ken Mehlman, Jan van Lohuizen said the link between President Bush and Republicans in the House and Senate is too strong to break.

"The president," he wrote, "is seen universally as the face of the Republican Party. We are now brand W. Republicans."

As long as President Take-It-Up-The-Ass-From-Vinnie-Fox insists on this half-assed "guest worker" program, that's not exactly a designation I'd embrace, y'know?

As a result, he said, Republicans tread on dangerous ground when they criticize the White House.

"Attacking the president," he continued, "is counter-productive for all Republicans, not just the candidates launching the attacks. If he drops, we all drop."

Then get your shit together in time for the midterms, or you all fucking drop.  Starting with HR4437.

The veteran pollster also argued that results in the 2006 mid-term elections would be driven primarily by voter turnout. He is concerned Republicans will not be able to rally as large a turnout as Democrats.

You sure as Hell™ won't if you keep acting like the Party of Stoopid™ and running with tail tucked between legs from every illegal alien group that thinks they have a right to tell us how to run our country!

"Anything we do to depress turnout, by not running as a unified party for instance," he said, "could very well lead to serious consequences in November."

Only if you're unified in favor of yet another  illegal-alien amnesty program.

You spineless bastards have been warned.  We're pissed, and we're under no moral compulsion to vote for you, or even to come out and vote at all.

Govern yourselves accordingly.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 30, 2006 10:05 PM

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