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March 31, 2006

The Empire Strikes...well, it retaliates, let's just say that

Denizens, don'tcha just wonder what the pro-American-flag-burning crowd is thinking about this Right About Now™?

Tensions over immigration reform heightened in the Phoenix area's East Valley Thursday when students raised a Mexican flag over Apache Junction High School — and then other students yanked it down and burned it.

Good on 'em.  It's about time these fucking snot-noses had it shoved up their collective ass that the universe doesn't revolve around them and their illegal excuses-for-parents.

"I know (they) shouldn't have burned the Mexican flag," said Jacob Stewart, a 16-year-old sophomore. "I heard it was raised above the American flag and that just irked me."

As well it should irk any  citizen of these United States, young Jacob.  I'll stand you to a beer...soon as you're old enough.

He said the turbulence was tied to debates going on in the state Legislature and Congress, where ideas ranging from offering illegal immigrants a chance at citizenship to making them felons are being floated.

Freshman Chelsea Garcia, 15, and junior Brittany Ramage, 16, said the unrest had more to do with long-running racial tensions at the school.

The week's events might have sparked some anger, Ramage said, "but kids aren't too deep about that stuff."

It matters not.  What's important is that we're starting to decide we've had enough of these bastards.

The Hispanic student who brought the Mexican flag said he was responding to a remark directed at him Wednesday. The flag-raising, flag-burning, and shoving match that followed happened before most students arrived at school.

Damn - wish I'd've been there.

Six students — three Hispanic and three white — will be disciplined, Principal Chad Wilson said.

If young Jacob's parents have any sense about them, they're talking to their attorneys right at the moment.  This assclown Wilson ought to have a lawsuit shoved up his skanky, Mexi-ass kissing hide any time now.

Wilson did say in a letter sent home to parents that there would be "increased supervision, including additional police officers, on the campus over the next couple of days."

How about some INS and Border Patrol agents while you're at it, Chaddie, boy?  Or will that not set well with your butt-buddies at LULAC?


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at March 31, 2006 02:32 PM

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