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May 25, 2006

GOP commits political suicide

Denizens, it's difficult tonight to know where, or how, to start expressing the outrage.

The Imperial RINO Senate told the American people to go fuck themselves today.

If Limpdickya signs their piece-of-shit bill (that is, assuming it makes it out of committee), 20 million illegal alien fucktards will walk.  And so will the fucking bastards who employ them.  Bastards whom you should be boycotting even now.  Tyson Foods and Cargill Meats, for starters - and I can probably dig up a few more if you ask.

The GOP has given away the Senate for a very long time to come.  The House may not be far behind, especially if they crack:

Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, the House majority leader, said today that he was hopeful that the Senate and House could reach a compromise. But when asked what form that compromise would take, he acknowledged he did not know.

Here's your "compromise", Boehner, you goat-felching tosser:  You go along with the Senate on this, you lose your jobs.  How's that for a "compromise"?

And the White House is all but assured to go back to the Demoscum in '08, unless we get a Tancredo-style or George Allen-style conservative as the candidate.  Certainly McCluetard (RINO-AZ) has all but killed his chances two years hence.  And for you Bush-loving imbeciles...don't even think  of Jeb getting into the White House.  To paraphrase Pappy, "Nope...ain't gonna happen...nope..."

Congratulations, Grand Ol' Pissants.  It's not many political parties that can go from having their collective foot on their opponents' collective throat to being completely swept out of power in a four year span.  But you shit-for-brains Rockefeller Republicans are about to pull it off cleanly.

Fuck 'em all,  the end.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at May 25, 2006 10:29 PM

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The Constitution party is looking better and better.

Posted by: David Hartung at May 26, 2006 05:52 AM


Afer mulling over your erudite comments, I have come to the conclusion that things are not as bad as they seem. The facts are simple, no matter how badly the Republicans are screwing up, the Democrats are screwing up even more. From what I am seeing, the only way the Republicans will loos the Congress this year, or the White House in 08, will be if some third party get's it's act together.

For more on this see:

Posted by: David Hartung at May 26, 2006 07:10 PM