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May 21, 2006

Seniors tell bench-jockey to shove it up his ass

Mheh.  Someone up in southern Kentucky must be reading me. (No, I don't really  think so, but it's fun to imagine they do.)

If you'll recall, an ACLU-dick sucking, black-robed, tinhorned excuse-for-a-judge had forbidden a member of the senior class of Russell County "Hah Skrewl" (a little Rush lingo, there) to pray.  And, if you'll recall, I advised those seniors to ignore the pointy-headed bench-jockey.

And lo & behold - they did.  Boy, did they ever:

The senior class at a southern Kentucky high school gave their response Friday night to a federal judge's order banning prayer at commencement.

About 200 seniors stood during the principal's opening remarks and began reciting the Lord's Prayer, prompting a standing ovation from a standing-room only crowd at the Russell County High School gymnasium.

The thunderous applause drowned out the last part of the prayer.

As well it should have.  Memo to Joseph "Stalin" McKinley, the tin-plated, asshatted, black-robed tyrant poser:  This  is what happens when you get too big for your federal-bench britches and try to tell people that they can't do what the Bill of Rights specifically tells them they can.  You get it shoved in spades right back up your skanky ass.

Learn the lesson, moron.

The revival like atmosphere continued when senior Megan Chapman said in her opening remarks that God had guided her since childhood. Chapman was interrupted repeatedly by the cheering crowd as she urged her classmates to trust in God as they go through life.

The challenge made the graduation even better because it unified the senior class, Chapman said.

"It made the whole senior class come together as one and I think that's the best way to go out," said Chapman

Precisely, Megan.  And you & your class learned a valuable lesson - that the will of the majority still reigns supreme over that of the minority, even if that minority wears a black robe and tries to ride herd from the federal bench.

ACLU attorney Lili Lutgens said she was pleased with the judge's order and "very proud of my client for standing up for the Constitution." Lutgens said prayer would be unconstitutional because it would endorse a specific religion and religious views.

"He did not feel that he should have to sit through government-sponsored prayer just to receive his diploma," Lutgens said of the student.

In the first place, Lili, you Cupid Stunt™, it wasn't government-sponsored, since it was student led.  The principal refused your snot-nosed client's request because he was constrained by law to remain neutral - meaning he couldn't endorse it nor prohibit it.

You, just like all your fellow Constitution-shredders from the Ass-sniffing Caliphate Lickspittle's Union, failed yet again to realize that, along with that Establishment Clause you like to try to pound over the American people's heads, there's also a Free Exercise Clause right there next to it that prohibits you from doing just that.

Your pathetic ilk has only survived for so long because you've had Activist Assclowns™ in black robes accepting the blow-jobs you're giving them and agreeing with you on all things Constitutional, rather than reading the document for themselves and coming to the realization that you mouthbreathing bastards are full of putrid shit.

Secondly, Lili, you moronic skank, let's be clear about your client here:  If he can't sit through a 45-second prayer in order to walk across a stage and receive the award it took him twelve long years to achieve, then he's probably going to need  God's help in that little thing we of the Right-Thinking Brigade™ call the Real World™.  You know - the one where a lot of us work 50- to 60-hour weeks for years at a time, just to receive a pretty little pink piece of paper when our companies get bought out by corporate conglomerates?

And I don't give a flying fuck whether you - or he - thinks it's fair or not.  Welcome to Life 101.  Deal with it, bimbo!!!

Before the graduation ceremony, some students said they weren't upset with the classmate that brought the legal challenge, just disappointed that there wouldn't be a sanctioned prayer during the ceremony.

"There's no hard feelings toward him whatsoever. That was his opinion and it was something that he felt," graduating senior Mandy Chapman said.

Mandy, hon - that's the problem.  This snot-nosed brat felt  - he didn't use the intelligence God gave him upon his birth.  The little shit was thinking with the head on his dick instead of the one on his shoulders.

Gabe McNeil said during a rehearsal on Thursday, other students booed the student suspected of filing the challenge when he walked across the stage.

"They've been giving him crap," McNeil said.

Most appropriate.  The dumbass should probably thank whatever deity he does  worship that it was just "crap", instead of the ass-whipping he deserves.

At any rate, Russell County Senior High Class of '06, congratulations on your commencement, and for providing the example from which America should learn.

These are our  lives, and no black-robed, tin-horned son-of-a-bitch tyrant on a bench is going to tell us how to live them.

Good on ya.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at May 21, 2006 11:43 AM

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I am curious to see if the American Communist Lovers Union will have any comment.

These kids should be applauded for their action.

Posted by: David Hartung at May 21, 2006 05:57 PM

Well, somebody in North Central Tennessee reads you, so why not KY?
I'm glad these seniors stood up for their constitutional rights. Everybody loves to talk about "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" (which does NOT mean 'wall of separation'), but conveniently forgets that it also says "nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

Posted by: Tennessee Budd at May 22, 2006 09:47 AM

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