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August 10, 2007

Allowing a church to set its own rules:  Void where prohibited by sniveling assholes

Item:  Guy dies.  Church agrees to make its facilities available to host the guy's funeral.

With me so far?  Okay.

Then the church finds out that the dead guy was a flaming heterophobe.  And  that said flaming heterophobia was going to be a central theme at the funeral.  Whereupon the church immediately withdraws the invitation to host.

My question:  Why is this news?

An Arlington church volunteered to host a funeral Thursday, then reneged on the invitation when it became clear the dead man's homosexuality would be identified in the service.

The event placed High Point Church in the cross hairs of an issue many conservative Christian organizations are discussing: how to take a hard-line theological position on homosexuality while showing compassion toward gay people and their families.

Excuse me for saying so, but "compassion" doesn't mean allowing this heterophobe's "friends" (many of which, I'm guessing, are flamers themselves) to come and flaunt their "lifestyle" in a house that worships a God who clearly condemns such behavior.

I mean, let's pretend for a minute they legalized weed, mkay?  That doesn't mean that I'm going to allow it in my house, and if you bring it over in any case, you'll be shown the door, and rather rudely.

But the dispute between High Point Church and the friends and family of Cecil Sinclair has left confusion and hard feelings on both sides.

Too.  Effin'.  Bad.  For the family, that is.  Next time, leave the intimate photos where they fucking belong - on the bulletin board at the bathhouse.

Mr. Sinclair, 46, died Monday. He was a native of Fort Worth, a Navy veteran who served in Desert Storm helping rescuers find downed pilots

And that's not the issue here.  Nor should it be.  That the liberal assed scribe of this screed, Jeffrey Weiss, bothered to mention it at all in an attempt to gin up sympathy for the heterophobe, is a little bit...


...okay, a lot disingenuous.  While we're grateful for the soldier's service to the country, that's beside the point of all this.

When Cecil Sinclair became ill with a heart condition six years ago, church members started praying for him out of love for his brother, Mr. Simons said Thursday. And when Mr. Sinclair died of an infection, a side effect of surgery intended to keep him alive long enough for a heart transplant, a member of the church staff was immediately sent to minister to the family, he said.

Which is exactly what the church should have done.

Both the family and church officials agree that the church volunteered to host a memorial service, feed 100 guests and create a multimedia presentation of photos from Mr. Sinclair's life.

But the photos that the family selected alerted church officials that there might be a problem with the service, Mr. Simons said.

And it's here I blame the family.  They couldn't have provided photos showing his Navy service and his particpation in the Turtle Creek Chorale?  And limited it to just those photos?  I mean, even though the Chroale has a certain reputation around here, it's not like they're all macking each other in one giant orgy all the time, right?

No, they apparently had to include a lot of photos with Sinclair doing a lot of "hugging & kissing".  I'm willing to go out on a limb here and guess it wasn't "hugging & kissing" of the platonic type.

But that's just me.

"Some of those photos had very strong homosexual images of kissing and hugging," he said. "My ministry associates were taken aback."

And then, he said, the family asked to have its own people officiate the service. "We had no control over the format of the memorial," Mr. Simons said.

Which means, in effect, the church was caught in the position of giving the fox the keys to the henhouse.

And the heterophobic swishers wring their hands in angst and wonder why the church wasn't so gung-ho with that idea. 

Family and friends discovered the church had withdrawn its invitation Wednesday evening, when Lee Sinclair called to tell his mother, she said. Ms. Bowers said that her older son is developmentally disabled, with hearing and vision problems.

Yet another lame-assed attempt to gin up support for the heterophobe's family, who apparently didn't have the balls to tell their son that what he was doing was wrong.

Some "compassion".

Nobody from the church called her or Mr. Sinclair's partner, Paul Wagner, to discuss possible changes to the service, Ms. Bowers said.

"We could have reached a compromise," she said. "That was never attempted."

Why should they?  Unless he was paying for the funeral, it's not like he was immediate family or anything.  Owning the ass into which a flamer gets his rocks off doesn't automatically entitle one to any special privileges, y'know.

Now maybe  they might have called the mother, but would that have avoided any of this?

Somehow, I tend to doubt it.

At least some theological questions could have been worked out, she said. For instance, the family was willing to allow the church to issue an "altar call" asking people to accept Jesus at the end of the service.

As long as they would have condoned the faggotry, that is?

But it's not clear where the two sides could have found common ground on the central issue.

Weiss, you moron - that's because there is none.  To a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church, homosexuality has always been wrong, is wrong now and always will  be wrong.  You tell me where a family that apparently condones the practice would find the common ground with that...?

After the church decided it would not host the funeral service, it offered to pay for another facility, Mr. Simons said. The family declined and found a local funeral home to hold the event Thursday night.Even so, the church sent over food and the video – minus the images church officials found to be offensive.

And that, right there, was the church going above and beyond the call.  And Sinclair's family still finds reason to piss & moan about it.

The sad thing is that 30, 40 years ago, this half-assed excuse-for-a-family would have been ridiculed right out of town.  That they're being portrayed as the protagonists now is nothing short of outrageous.

But it goes to show how far our society has slipped in just a couple of generations.  Not to mention that it serves as a warning as to where we're headed in a couple more.

If  we get that far.

Fuck you, Widdle Jeffy Weiss.  Fuck you, Dullest Moaning Snooze.

And fuck with extreme predujice the family that decided to go whining to the media about this.


Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at August 10, 2007 02:45 PM

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It's a no-brainer. Funerals honor the deceased and that which was good in his or her life. Homosexuality is a psychological disorder and is thus bad. Thus the church cannot honor that aspect of the deceased.

Posted by: Alan K. Henderson at August 11, 2007 03:04 AM

The issue is a simple one. Should a Christian Church be asked to do something which is in violation of Holy Scripture? The answer is a definite no! High Point Church should be commended for taking a scriptural stand, and taking it in love. They could easily have just canceled the whole thing, and told the family that they were on their own. Instead they offered to pay for an alternate location, and to pay for the food , and to provide the video presentation.

What thanks did the Church receive? The family is now trying to drag the Church through the mud, and to advance the cause of the radical homosexuals.

I hope that the people of Arlington tell this bunch to go fly a kite.

Posted by: David Hartung at August 11, 2007 07:29 AM

As an avid reader and commentor on the blogs, I tipped the Dallas Morning News of this, which broke the story yesterday. Since then, a lot more details have come to light, including a comment on the DMN Religion Blog from Cecil's family. I'm sure you won't be all that surprised by Paul's response, and I hope it gets at least as much coverage as did the church's attempt at justification.


Posted by: AngelSong at August 11, 2007 01:31 PM

Sorry, AngelSong, I'm not buying. I'll sooner trust the word of a church than that of a heterophobe.

(And to whomever might disapprove of my usage of that terminology:  Tell your fellow swishies to get rid of the term "homophobe", then we'll talk - until then, sod off.)

Posted by: Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at August 11, 2007 01:48 PM

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