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August 08, 2007

On Captain Steroid and his so-called "record"

Prior to last weekend, the major-league baseball record for career homeruns was held by Hank Aaron, with 755.

Today, the major-league baseball record for career homeruns is held by...Hank Aaron, with 755.

Yes, I've read last night's news.

No, I don't give a shit what it says.

As far as I'm concerned, the number of career homeruns off the bat of one Barry "Captain Steroid" Bonds is whatever he hit prior to his juicing up...say, about 300 homeruns or so ago.  Steroids are responsible for the remainder of them.  In other words, this overgrown (literally, thanks to 'roids) assclown cheated  to get where he was today.  He broke the rules to gain an unfair advantage, which got him in the position where he now finds himself.

(Not terribly unlike a certain fat-assed redhead bitch about 90 minutes east of here, but that's another rant for another post.)

And what's even more ludicrous is his claim that "he didn't know they were steroids".

WTF?  Denizens, neither you nor I so much as pop a sesame seed in our mouths without knowing full well what's in it, and El Freakboy claims he didn't know what he was taking?!?!?!

Fuck that.

Ergo, this blog and this scribe categorically refuse to honor or recognize any homerun record laid claim to by Barry "Captain Steroid" Bonds.

F.E.T.E, as the Imperial Torturer is wont to say.

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at August 8, 2007 07:42 PM

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While I gave up on MLB during the first strike, it has been almost impossible to not hear something about this little bit of trivia.

At best, this should be recorded with an asterix on the entry... Barry "The Juicer" Bonds hit X* home runs, BUT...

In an ideal world, he would be D/Q'd from being able to lay ANY claim to the record. Either do it the old fashioned way, on beer and hot dogs, or don't bother...

Posted by: LC MOMinuteman at August 9, 2007 01:00 PM

I refuse to acknowledge this as well. Hank Aaron did it clean, and was humble about it. He's a great man, Bonds is not.

Posted by: jaybear at August 12, 2007 02:16 PM

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