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May 08, 2005

Open mouth, insert feet...

Denizens, in addition to the Donks being craven cowards, remember how I'm always telling you about how they constantly accuse conservatives of the very things of which they themselves are guilty in spades?

(Note to the black community:  Yeah, I said "spades".  Deal with it.)

Well, that point was once again driven home Friday by Senate Minority  (Great Honkin' Cthulu™, it still feels great to say that (grin)) Leader "Dingy" Harry Reid.

In the course of a discussion on filibusters and Senate rules

...something in which you just know  General Gridlock has just a ton  of experience...

Washington's top Democrat gave the 60 juniors a lesson in partisan politics, particularly about the commander in chief. "The man's father is a wonderful human being," Reid said in response to a question about President Bush's policies. "I think this guy is a loser.

"Loser", eh, O Dingy One?

Let's look at the evidence:

2004:  Bush defeats Demoscum Kerry, 51-48.

2000:  Bush defeats Demoscum Gore, 48-47.  Gore throws temper tantrum in court; Supreme Court slaps his sorry ass down.

1998:  Bush defeats Demoscum Mauro, 69-31 in Texas gubanatorial.

1994:  Bush defeats Demoscum Bitchards, 53-45 in Texas gubanatorial.

Yeah, that's some "loser" you've got there, Dingy, ol' boy. (snicker)

"I think President Bush is doing a bad job," he added to a handful of chuckles.

Moron, the only time Bush does a bad job in this country is when he doesn't do things the way his conservative base wants him to do them - in short, when he does things your  way, O King of the Failed Bit™.

"He's driving this country into bankruptcy," Reid said, referring to the deficit.

Now see, Dingy, on that  you have a point.  We don't like the out-of-control spending, either.

Trouble is, he's spending money on programs for which you  people have been screaming - stuff like so-called "prescription drug benefits" which are just as present in the Constitution as the words "separation of church and state".

Take out that and the latest building du jour  in West Virginia named for Robert "KKKKKKKKKKKKK" Byrd, and we might be able to cut into that deficit a little bit, eh?

"He's got us in this intractable war in Iraq where we now have about 1,600 American soldiers dead and another 15,000 injured."

Well, I realize you'd just as soon cave in to Al-Qaida, the Taliban and Saddam Hussein - but really, dumbass, we  prefer not having any more Islamonazi fucks fly our planes into our buildings, mkay?


After the statement was released, Reid phoned the Review-Journal to acknowledge he thought he crossed the line.

He thought???   He THOUGHT?!?!?!?  Gee, No Shit, Sherlock™???

"You know the president is in Europe, probably sleeping," Reid said in an interview this afternoon. "But I called (Karl) Rove and apologized for what I said."

Yeah, shows what a stand-up guy you are, Dingy.  Real brass cojones  you got there, chump.


UPDATE:  Imperial Torturer™ BC makes an excellent point - one I'd've made myself had I not been in a hurry to get to church:

Wasn't it a mere 13 years ago, back in 1992, that your party of "winners", Dingy Harry, owned all three branches of the Federal Gummint?  House of Reps, Senate, White House - all in the hands of Democrats.

Well, at least you still have the House Senate White House...uh, wait a minute...

What was that you were saying about "losers", Your Dinginess? (snicker)

Posted by Lord Spatula I, King & Tyrant at May 8, 2005 11:06 AM

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Trouble is, he's spending money on programs for which you people have been screaming - stuff like so-called "prescription drug benefits" which are just as present in the Constitution as the words "separation of church and state".

Uhhh, Spats - is that next to the "right to an abortion" I have been hearing so much about the last 35 years? I can't seem to quite "lay my finger" on that one, either.

After the statement was released, Reid phoned the Review-Journal to acknowledge he thought he crossed the line.


The revolution comes, Friends. Buy ammo now. It may be too late to stock up on the guns.

Posted by: LC Wil at May 8, 2005 05:48 PM