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April 30, 2005

One more reason to dislike Wisconsin Madison

While perusing this thread on the Rott the other night, I came across a comment from Vockerman that referenced this site.

Seems the pansy-ass running the site, a limp-wristed douchebag named Nicholas Wind of Madison, Wisconsin, doesn't like the fact that we right-thinkers down here are keeping (throwing?) his butt-buddies out of office.

Fuck the South. Fuck 'em. We should have let them go when they wanted to leave. But no, we had to kill half a million people so they'd stay part of our special Union.

You might consider yourself fortunate that the North did  win the War Between the States, little Broken Wind.  Otherwise, we might have taken out the cumstain that was your great-great granddaddy - and where would that have left a steaming pile of putrid shit like you, hm?

Come to think of it, there's another  consequence of losing that war.

Fighting for the right to keep slaves - yeah, those are states we want to keep.

The fight, if you'd bothered to learn your history, Broken Wind, was over the states' rights not to have the Federal Gummint ride roughshod over their rights as guaranteed them by Articles IX and X of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution?

You remember that little document, don't you, Brokie?  The one that applies to all  of us, not just you fuckfaced simps who are pretending to be from the Northeast while hiding behind your mommy's cheesehead skirt?

Slavery, it might interest you to know, was already on its way out as an institution; it very likely would've ended inside of 10 or 15 years, with no blood shed and our Constitution intact and not under assault from centralized-government-loving socialist bastards like you.

But then, leftist dicklicks like you never gave two shits for our Constitution, did you?

And now what do we get? We're the fucking Arrogant Northeast Liberal Elite? How about this for arrogant: the South is the Real America? The Authentic America. Really?

Yes, asswipe, that's exactly right.  After all, we're not the ones hiring butlers to make our PB&Js for us like your butt-buddy John-boy Fuckface Qetchup-ass.  Remember him???  The one who married into the late Senator John Heinz' money after giving himself 3 Lavender Hearts over in Vietnam? (Oh, did you know Botox Boy served in Vietnam?  Are you as shocked as I am about this revelation?)

Cause we fucking founded this country, assholes.

No, colostomy bag, you  didn't found shit.  Men of courage who knew the definitions of honor, duty, freedom and liberty founded this country, and pissweasels like you aren't worthy to lick those noblemen's boots.

Those Founding Fathers you keep going on and on about? All that bullshit about what you think they meant by the Second Amendment giving you the right to keep your assault weapons in the glove compartment because you didn't bother to read the first half of the fucking sentence?

English isn't your first language, is it, sport?  If it were, you'd instinctively understand that the first clause in that article is the reasoning  behind the second clause, which is the action phrase.  In other words, Short Bus, it wouldn't matter if the first clause had read "Clowns with fake guns that actually say 'bang' being necessary to the entertainment value of a circus" - the part about "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" would mean the exact same thing - the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

May I suggest a course in remedial English?  It does, after all, seem that you were "socially promoted" through school to keep from embarassing the pisspots who allegedly tried to teach you anything.

Who do you think those wig-wearing lacy-shirt sporting revolutionaries were? They were fucking blue-staters, dickhead. Boston? Philadelphia? New York? Hello?

Ah yes - Boston & Philadelphia.  Places that abhorred leftist government intrusion into their lives before jackasses like you came in, dying to suck on the government teat.  "Uncle Sugar!!!  Help!!!  Save my skanky ass 'cause I can't do shit on my own!!!"

Think there might be a reason all the fucking monuments are up here in our backyard?

Yeah - because ships can't traverse land as well as water - and, having come from England, your toxic-waste-laden coast just happened to be in the way.

But that's how it is with you leftist shits, isn't it?  Always trying to pat yourselves on the back for something over which you had no control.  What pathetic losers.

No, No. Get the fuck out. We're not letting you visit the Liberty Bell and fucking Plymouth Rock anymore until you get over your real American selves and start respecting those other nine amendments.

I'll come visit the Liberty Bell, the fucking Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials, the White House, and anywhere else I want to visit - and what do you think you're  going to do about it, chickenshit?

Seriously.  You think you have the balls to mess with us?  You don't even have the cojones  to spew this bullshit in public like a man, nancy-boy, so how do you think you're going to stop us?

Who do you think those fucking stripes on the flag are for?

I'll tell you this much - they're not for cowardly shitheels like you, punk.  Those are for real  men - ones who put their life on the line every day instead of whining about how their Botox'd excuse-for-a-presidential candidate was having his ass handed to him by George W. Bush.

But then, yours are papier-maché,  so what would you know about courage, dumbfuck?

Nine are for fucking blue states. And it would be 10 if those Vermonters had gotten their fucking Subarus together and broken off from New York a little earlier.

Get this through your thick-assed head, fucktard:  They weren't blue states before you and your honeyboys at Martha's Vineyard began to fuck things up, capíce???

Get it? We started this shit, so don't get all uppity about how real you are you Johnny-come-lately "Oooooh I've been a state for almost a hundred years" dickheads. Fuck off.

Why don't you come and try to "start this shit" with me and see what happens to you, little cowardly fuck?  Might be because you know what'd happen to you if you tried it, and you don't have enough diapers to deal with the resulting mess.

Arrogant? You wanna talk about us Northeasterners being fucking arrogant? What's more American than arrogance? Hmmm?

How about being able to back it up, Broken Wind?  Betcha I can back up my  BS sooner than you can back up yours - eh, yellow-ass?

Maybe horsies? I don't think so. Arrogance is the fucking cornerstone of what it means to be American. And I wouldn't be so fucking arrogant if I wasn't paying for your fucking bridges, bitch.

All those Federal taxes you love to hate? It all comes from us and goes to you, so shut up and enjoy your fucking Tennessee Valley Authority electricity and your fancy highways that we paid for.

Why do I get the hunch that you aren't paying for shit, but rather sucking on Mama Government's big welfare tit, eh?  Why do I get the feeling that the highest position you've ever had is chief fry cook at Burger King?

And the next time Florida gets hit by a hurricane you can come crying to us if you want to, but you're the ones who built on a fucking swamp.

Yeah?  So?  What if they did? Still better weather down there that what you've got in Madison - your lame attempts to fart in order to raise the temperature a half-degree notwithstanding... (snicker)

"Let the Spanish keep it, it’s a shithole," we said, but you had to have your fucking orange juice.

You never said anything of the sort, asshole, so take your opinion of Florida and  its orange juice, turn it sideways and shove it up your roody-poo candy-ass.

The next dickwad who says, "It’s your money, not the government's money" is gonna get their ass kicked.

"It's your money, not the government's money."

5330 Bent Tree Forest Dr, #712
Dallas, TX

Put up or shut up, chumpzilla.  You think you're such a bad-ass, wussy-boy, let's see whatcha got.

Nine of the ten states that get the most federal fucking dollars and pay the least... can you guess? Go on, guess. That’s right, motherfucker, they're red states. And eight of the ten states that receive the least and pay the most? It’s too easy, asshole, they’re blue states.

Can we help it we know how to handle our financial affairs better than you do?  Maybe you should try putting your money into IRAs and 401(k)s rather than into bottles of Rotgut.

Or - in your case - Rotgut and crack.

It’s not your money, assholes, it’s fucking our money.

No, shit-for-brains, it's fucking my  money, and I'd just looooove  to see you come down here and try to take it from me.

Please, do.  Grow some balls and try.  My buddies Glock & Ruger will be waiting to greet you.

What was that Real American Value you were spouting a minute ago? Self reliance? Try this for self reliance: buy your own fucking stop signs, assholes.

Denizens, this is how I can tell that it's Rotgut and crack in his case.  Down here, we make  our stop signs - we don't buy  them.

Let’s talk about those values for a fucking minute.

Yeah, let's talk about the one where a real  man can stand up and speak his piece, rather than hide behind his mommy's skirt up North and bitch & moan about Southern values.  Let's talk about how I'm man enough to stand up and tell you where I am, but that people have to snoop around to find out that you don't even live  in the Northeast, but rather in Wisconsin.

Oh yeah, you're reeeeeeeeeeal brave alright, limp-wrist.

You and your Southern values can bite my ass

If your testicles ever grow past the size of pinheads, I and my Southern values will kick  your ass, motherfucker - not just bite it.

because the blue states got the values over you fucking Real Americans every day of the goddamn week. Which state do you think has the lowest divorce rate you marriage-hyping dickwads? Well? Can you guess? It’s fucking Massachusetts, the fucking center of the gay marriage universe.

Down here, we might divorce our women, but we don't drive 'em over the fucking Chappaquiddick bridge and drown 'em, now do we, buttmunch?

Yes, that’s right, the state you love to tie around the neck of anyone to the left of Strom Thurmond has the lowest divorce rate in the fucking nation. Think that’s just some aberration?

How about this: 9 of the 10 lowest divorce rates are fucking blue states, asshole, and most are in the Northeast, where our values suck so bad.

And where are the highest divorce rates? Care to fucking guess? 10 of the top 10 are fucking red-ass we're-so-fucking-moral states. And while Nevada is the worst, the Bible Belt is doing its fucking part.

How the fuck do you expect to have that many divorces, when most of you aren't even bothering with marriage, but just shacking up?  At least we have the cojones  to make it legal.

Ah, there we go, back to the testicular fortitude issue again.  Sucks to have your ass handed to you so often on that, doesn't it?

But two guys making out is going to fucking ruin marriage for you? Yeah? Seems like you're ruining it pretty well on your own, you little bastards.

Ah, now we come to the heart of the matter:  Little Nickie "Broken" Wind is pissed off because we oppose him playing rump-ranger with the rest of the boys at the bathhouse.  Here's one of the ones who aren't just shooting for "tolerance", but rather are insisting upon and demanding our unconditional acceptance for their preferred practice of sticking their dicks in each other's asses (among other things).

They'll never get that acceptance, of course, and it just sticks in the collective craw of little anal-retentive ass-pustules like Nickie "Broken" Wind.

Oh, but that's ok because you go to church, right? I mean you do, right? Cause we fucking get to hear about it every goddamn year at election time.

That's right, asshole:  We do  play a huge part in deciding most elections - by whether we decide to go vote or stay home.

Whassa matter, little poofter - getting tired of having your candidates have their asses handed to them every cycle?  Awwwwww, po' widdle babeeeeeeeeee... (snicker)

Here's a clue, asshat:  We are every bit as much American citizens as you claim to be.  And we have the right to cast our votes and make our voices heard.

If you're sick and tired of being outvoted all the time, because your candidates are nothing but crap warmed over...then TOO FUCKING BAD.  The suggestion from here is that you FUCKING DEAL WITH IT.

Yes, we're fascinated by how you get up every Sunday morning and sing, and then you're fucking towers of moral superiority.

Y'know what?  I'll stack our morality up against your sorry-assed excuse-for-same any damned day of the week.  And I'd be willing to bet that our values are  superior to yours - especially given how shitty you're proving yours to be.

Yeah, that's a workable formula. Maybe us fucking Northerners don't talk about religion as much as you because we're not so busy sinning, hmmm?

Nah, you're only busy trying to score your next joint or your next hit of crack or your next piece of ass.  Nope, no sinning here, move along...

Ever think of that, you self-righteous assholes? No, you're too busy erecting giant stone tablets of the Ten Commandments in buildings paid for by the fucking Northeast Liberal Elite.

Yeah, it's called the First Amendment, fuckhead.  Try looking it up sometime.  Or better yet, have someone read it to you - might not take as long then.

And who has the highest murder rates in the nation? It ain't us up here in the North, assholes.

That's because we prosecute our  murderers.  You  have them buy off the cops with money from your mob bosses.

Well, in the Northeast, anyway.  You  probably dream of bleating at some poor unsuspecting soul until he/she dies of boredom, then burying him/her in a snowbank next to Lambeau.

Well this gravy train is fucking over. Take your liberal-bashing, federal-tax-leaching, confederate-flag-waving, holier-than-thou, hypocritical bullshit and shove it up your ass.

Come make me, chickenshit.  My address is up there.  Anytime you want the shit knocked out of you, feel free to come try me.

And no, you can't have your fucking convention in New York next time. Fuck off.

We'll have our conventions any-fucking-where we like, and what are you  gonna do about it?

Stupid little bastard...

UPDATE:  Nothing personal, Wisconsin.  It's really just Madison up there that's your real problem, from the horror stories I'm hearing from the Denizens up that way.

Really need to control them, though.  I just heard that your vote reform package just got vetoed by your sorry-assed excuse-for-a-governor, which would likely have led to Wisconsin becoming a red state.  You guys really need to get a handle on Doyle.

Update the 2nd:  Ol' Broken Wind was so busy harping on those nine stripes of his that he conveniently forgot to give credit to Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia for their part in founding the country.  What, Nickie, you dumbass - you think you could've done it all by your little ol' selves, plus the Subarus in Vermont?  You pipsqueaks have enough trouble blowing your fucking nose, wussy, so don't make us laugh, mkay?

Now let's do a spot-check on murder rates and such, since this pansy-ass thinks he & his are sooooooooo  much more moral  than we & ours:

For the year 2000 (last stats available), according to this site, murders were as follows:

New York:  952
Georgia:  653

Looks like the South has a better handle on "thou shalt not kill" than does NY, doesn't it?

Now Texas, for that year, had 1238 - but given that Texas is about four times the size of New York or so, that's still only a little over 300 per mini-state, if you divide it up that way.

Still wanna make the case for moral superiority in the Northeast, Nickie, ol' chap?  Or do you wanna quit while your ugly ass is behind?

(*crickets chirping*)

Yeah, I thought  so...

Posted by sgc284 at 01:34 AM | Comments (15) | TrackBack

April 29, 2005

Various & sundry

Gonna be busy all day long, Denizens.  Just love it when my day's already planned for me. (sigh, groan)

In the meantime, Misha has penned (penned?) the Rant Of The Year™, right here.  This says it far better than I ever could.

You guys have a good day, and I'll talk to you this evening.  There's a "Forsake The Troops"-type site I've come across, and the chickenshit who put it up sounds like he's just spoiling for a fight.

I'll throw the gauntlet down this evening.  See you then.

Posted by sgc284 at 08:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 28, 2005

Why, Paris...what big...um, yeah...right...

Drudge is reporting that the President's news conference was bumped tonight by the start of May sweeps programming.

Above that was a pic of the President next to this person:

Is it just me, or is Paris just a weeeeeeeeeeee  bit bigger up top these days???

Posted by sgc284 at 08:23 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

Breakfast of champions... (urgh), La Parte Segunda...

Breakfast today:  Coffee and Tylenol Sinus™.

Looks like another trip to the doctor is in order.  And those of you who know me should be doing this:    right about now, since you guys know of my abject hatred of doctor visits.

Some background:  I caught this bug at the (shameless plug alert) Texas Blogfest last month, and it has hung on for dear life despite my best efforts.

(Side note to the SpatulaGoddess:  We ever get any more pics developed besides what we have there now?)

Anyway, one round of anti-bi's and antihistimines didn't fully knock it out, so if there's no improvement by next week, back out to the sticks I go to see my doc. (sigh)  In the meantime, it's back to chasing breakfast with a horde of Hall's Mentholyptus™...

Posted by sgc284 at 09:32 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 27, 2005

Oh, just try it, Demoscum...

Denizens, how long have I been telling you that liberals are nothing but big-talking, small-walking chickenshits?  They're reeeeeeeeal big BillyBobBadasses™ when they're hiding behind something - usually either a keyboard or their mommy's hoop-skirted fat ass.  Or maybe when they have someone backing them up.

But get them one-on-one and challenge them and have a mop handy - 'cause they'll be pissing their pants at the prospect.

Well, the ever-increasing failure called Air America has gone and done just that - and quite possibly gotten itself in major domo  hot water as a result.

Drudge is reporting that Airbiscuit America has broadcast an anti-Save Social Security message, complete with a threat against President Bush - one containing gunshots.

The red-hot rhetoric over Social Security on liberal talkradio network AIR AMERICA has caught the attention of the Secret Service, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Government officials are reviewing a skit which aired on the network Monday evening -- a skit featuring an apparent gunshot warning to the president!

The announcer: "A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn't safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here's your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked]."

Y'know, I almost wish they'd try it.  That'd be the start of their so-called revolution, and that'd be the perfect excuse to take those cowardly bastards out.

C'mon, Demoshits, let's see whatcha got!!!

The audio production at the center of the controversy aired during opening minutes of The Randi Rhodes Show.

"What is with all the killing?" Rhodes said, laughing, after the clip aired.

C'mon, Randibitch, go ahead and try it.  We'd make you Target Number One™.

"Even joking about shooting the president is a crime, let alone doing it on national radio... we are taking this very seriously," a government source explained.

An Air America official tells Billboard Radio Monitor that they have no comment and are conducting their own internal investigation.

Yeah, and you just know  what'll come of all this, don't you?

Uh-huh.  That's right.  Abso-fucking-lutely nothing.

Please, you Leftist Limp-Wristed Lunatics™, just once.  Give us the excuse we need to give you the ass-whipping you've been begging for...?


Posted by sgc284 at 03:56 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack

Quit stalling, Frist.

ABC is reporting that Bill Frist and Dingy Harry Reid are in talks at the moment in an attempt to end the supposed impasse between the Republicans employing the "constitutional option" for affirming judges, and the Asses attempting to shut down the Senate if they do.

(Incidentally, Denizens, shutting down the Senate may be the biggest favor Dingy Harry could do for us.  Every day the Senate isn't in session is one more day they can't curtail our freedoms - but that's another post for a different day.)

In private talks with Majority Leader Bill Frist, the Senate's top Democrat has indicated a willingness to allow confirmation of two of President Bush's seven controversial appeals court nominees, but only as part of a broader compromise requiring Republicans to abandon threats to ban judicial filibusters, officials said Monday.

At the same time he floats the possibility of clearing two nominees to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals for approval, officials said Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., wants a third appointee to the same circuit to be replaced by an alternative who is preferred by Michigan's two Democratic senators.

Reid also remains staunchly opposed to four conservative candidates for other appellate circuits, these officials said in reference to Priscilla Owen, Janice Rogers Brown, William G. Myers III and William H. Pryor Jr.

Memo to Bill Frist:  Your Majority Whip, McConnell, has already indicated that the GOP has the votes they need to do this.  We are the majority, Mr. Frist - it's time to start acting  like the majority.

Run over these Demoscummic bastards and inform them, in no uncertain terms, exactly who is in charge of the US Government.  They did the same exact thing to us for those four decades they owned the government - whether you think so or not, it's time for a little payback.

Let them squeal like stuck pigs.  They're going to scream anyway, no matter what we do, so don't let it bother you.

Go out there and give'm Hell™, Bill.  They've asked for it - give it to them in spades.

You have your marching orders from the American people.  Get moving.

Posted by sgc284 at 02:40 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 26, 2005

Think you're golden, Rehnquist?  Think again...

Noel over at Sharp Knife has once again sliced & diced a Barking Bench Moonbat™.

This time, however - that moonbat happens to be one William Rehnquist, Chiefest Moonbat of 'em all (at least, when he sounds like this).

It is well worth your time to read this one.  Go.  Shoo.

Posted by sgc284 at 04:35 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Say buh-bye to the Ft Lauderdale Fairy...

There's one good thing about achieving old age - and I think I've mentioned it before:  The white-hot, nuclear device that is my temper doesn't get set off as much as it used to, nor as quickly.

One good way to piss me off, though, is to harp on the same point, comment after comment after comment, after it's already been debunked about four or five times over.

Let me introduce you, for the last time, to the cowardly little anti-Semitic fuckstick Non-Moron.

You remember Non-Moron, don't you?  The fuckheaded little chickenshit who dared any of us to come say it to his  face?  Then, when I took him up on his offer, went and hid in his mommy's trailer park in Fort Lauderdale?

Yeah.  That  one.

Anyway, in true chickenshit form, the pansy-ass demonstrated his proficiency for crowing like the hot shit he fancies himself - in a thread that most all of us had abandoned.

All of us...except me. (snicker)

Of course the link falls away when I ask a big question.

And of course, you ask the question just as the post is about to fall off the page.

Here's a clue, dumbfuck:  I try to put up at least one or two posts every day (as time allows - remember, unlike you, I have something called a job), and I only keep seven (7) days' worth of posts on the main page at any one time.  IOW, if you want anyone to respond to you, you have roughly 2-3 days to get your comment in before everyone else starts to ignore you.

Not that everyone didn't ignore you before...and not that it's gonna matter anymore to you henceforth... (snicker)

A question whose answer lies at the heart of the BIG LIE everyone is expected to believe, but fewer and fewer believe it each day.

And which premise of yours has been debunked time after time after time after time, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  Does having your ass handed to you stop hurting after awhile? (chuckle)

I suppose it wouldn't be fair to expect an answer now that the link is gone...

Oh, but we do  aim to please around here, seeing as it's your last time around...

Sorry, I'll use the official term "Gulf War Syndrome." But how do you explain 79 deaths DURING the actual war (or 'conflict' or 'intervention' or whatever) somehow becoming 11,000 deaths within the next 14 years? Natural causes?

Chemical attack is the most likely explanation - we know for a fact Hussein had them, and had previously used them; his refusal to account for them gave the US all the rationale it needed, per the 1991 armistice, to go back in and take him out.  You splodeydope sympathizers keep conveniently forgetting that, don't you?

And it does  kinda put the lie to your claims about nuclear, though, doesn't it? (snicker)

And the 600,000 Iraqi dead were not killed by Saddam. Some were, but most were killed by sanctions (~500,000)

Prove it.

and bombing of schools and mosques (oops!)

Well, if that's where your terrorist honeyboys are going to hide, is that supposed to be our  fault???

and of course our current occupation (120,000).

In the first place, we are there at the request of the first legitimate Iraqi government in generations.  Shame that that sticks in your craw like it does - but frankly, fuckwad, it ain't our problem.

Secondly, let's see the names of each and every one of those 120,000.  And remember - you can't count your terrorist butt-buddies, asswipe.

But then again, it isn't fair to tell your blog's readers (insert small readership numbers joke here)

I get roughly 70 a day - not bad, considering I'm the only poster here and I don't post as much as, say, Misha & BC.

And I daresay that it's more readers than your  blog gets, dumbass.  Ain't it?


Yeah, I thought  so...

that you are in Miami, then to wait a few days and tell them how somebody wimped out of a fight. The proper coordinates are blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah...

That's enough, chickenshit.  This is about the sixth or seventh time you've tried that meme, and I'm sick & tired of it.

(click, click) Buh-bye, dicklick.  Spew your bullshit somewhere else.  I'm done with your cowardly skank ass.

Posted by sgc284 at 11:50 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

My influence is spreading again... (grin)

Misha has a wonderful piece today on how the the North Koreans are once again trying to pull yet another tough-guy act.  It's a wonderful read, as usual, and you'd do well to go check it out for yourself.

But that's not why I'm linking to it.

Towards the end of the piece, Misha says this:

The nuclear standoff began on October 2002 when North Korea acknowledged it was enriching uranium, a possible bomb ingredient, in violation of a 1994 international agreement.

Thank you, Kaiser Willie von Slickmeister. Now go bump yourself off in an amusingly grotesque fashion, if you please. Serve your nation, just for once in your useless life.

"Kaiser Willie von Slickmeister"?  Hmmmmmmmmm...where have we heard that  particular term before...?

Oh, well - I've lifted terms like "asshat", "fucknozzle" and "pissweasel" from the Emperor's vocabulary - I suppose I can make my own little contribution in return...heh heh heh...

Posted by sgc284 at 06:54 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 25, 2005

Pardon me while I go throw up...

Awright, this is just flat-out sick.

Hundreds of students and teachers at Endeavour Elementary School in Brevard County are walking on campus Monday for the first time since learning of disturbing allegations against an instructor.

Cocoa police arrested a veteran teacher over the weekend and charged him with molesting a student nearly 100 times.

Daniel Cliatt, 29, is accused of a crime so heinous, for his first appearance deputies dressed him in a bulletproof vest. Wearing the vest with his hands shackled in front of him, Cliatt appeared before a judge for the first time Sunday, when he answered the judge's questions.

Cliatt is accused of raping a 13-year-old repeatedly after school, at school, every day for months.

You'll wanna go read the rest of it.  I'm not able to - can't see past the RCOB.

Posted by sgc284 at 04:54 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Breakfast of champions... (urgh)

My breakfast today:  Coffee & Tylenol™.

Gonna be OneOfThoseDays™...

Posted by sgc284 at 08:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 24, 2005

From the Department of Unintended Benefits

Not everyone is happy that the Minuteman Project is down in Arizona blowing the whistle on the illegal aliens.

(Yeah, LULAC - I said "illegal aliens".  Deal with it.)

Anyway, Amber, one of the commenters at the Rott, reports that one bimbo is conducting a hunger strike until the Minutemen go away:

Minutemen, you guys miiiiiiight wanna stay down there a while.  For her  sake.

Posted by sgc284 at 07:48 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

Jody Dean

Back when I was growing up, radio for me didn't mean the acid-rock or the hard stuff like what you were getting from Foreigner, Foghat, Cheap Trick and Black Sabbath.  Nor was it the sappy stuff that you were getting from the country stations, although I did, even then, have a thing for this one lady name of Parton... ("Duh, Spats!  Really?!?!?")

No, my radio was planted firmly on FM station 103.7, known around these parts as KVIL, and its morning legend, Ron Chapman.  Beginning in 1969, Chapman was a mainstay at KVIL, bringing the morning on for millions of listeners for 30 years there, before moving over to his company's oldies-format outlet, 98.7/KLUV. (We'll ignore, for the moment, the fact that this merely represented a shift back to the stuff he played during his heyday on KVIL. (grin))

For 12 years during the late 70s/early 80s, Chapman had a sidekick on his morning show named Jody Dean.  Many times, when Ron would go on one of his Johnny Carson-like sabbaticals, Dean would run the morning show solo, without missing a beat.  In fact, if one wasn't listening closely, one would've sworn that Chapman was there; they sound very  much alike.  Jody would later move to the local news/talk radio station here, then on to television for our CBS affilate (we're trying not to hold that against him).

Anyway, a few weeks ago, Chapman officially announced his retirement from broadcasting.  This week, he tapped Jody Dean to do what I imagine he'd figured he do at KVIL - replace Chapman at KLUV.

I see fit to blog on it today because Jody Dean's a good conservative who's been deserving for a long time now, not to mention being an all-around good egg.

Congratulations, Jody Dean.  Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Posted by sgc284 at 04:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Lame Stream Media™ sides with the terrorists again

The remaking of Iraq into a country more resembling the US continues unabated.  They're to the point now where their terrorists are being sympathized with and given credibility by Lame Stream Media™-types like Roto-Reuters when roughly treated by US forces.

Just like our criminals here are sympathized with when our cops do scant more than breathe on 'em.

The Dread Pundit Bluto has the details for you in his report.

Posted by sgc284 at 10:49 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 23, 2005

Unhappy anniversary

For a while now, I've been considering putting a blurb on the sidebar that would link to My Eternal Wisdom™ from one year ago.  Probably wouldn't work real well, since I'd generally have to have something to link to every day - and, as we all know, I'm rather infamous for...ah...taking the occasional year month week day off from posting.

But I go to the old digs today to see what I posted one year ago, just for shits and grins, and this jumps out at me.

It's been a year since we lost Pat Tillman.

So much for the shits and grins.

Damn.  Just, damn.

Posted by sgc284 at 09:00 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

The no-legged man, etc...

Okay, so I was slammed at work yesterday, went out for the evening last night, and I'm having to catch up on chores today that force me to leave the house.

This is why My Eternal Wisdom™ isn't reaching your eyes.

Seriously.  I've got lots of things to say - especially some choice nuggets about Cianderella "Pavlov's Dog" Tierney (you'll see why I call him that in comments shortly, assuming I haven't banned his skanky pseudo-Irish Michigan ass and just forgotten about it) - I simply don't have time to write at the moment.

(sigh) I need a vacation...

Posted by sgc284 at 12:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 21, 2005

Teddy defends his honeyboys in black

(No, not that  Teddy.)

Somebody bring Rod Roddy back from the dead.  We have ourselves another contestant in the "Who Can Be The Next GOP'er To Lose His Spine" game.

Today's player is former solicitor general Teddy Olson, courtesy of Drudge:

Former solicitor general Theodore Olson writes in the WALL STREET JOURNAL on Thursday: "A prominent member of the Senate leadership recently described a Supreme Court justice as 'a disgrace.'

That would be Soprano Supreme Soprano Court justice Anthony Kennedy, Teddy, ol' boy - and yes, he is  a fucking disgrace.  How would you  describe a tin-plated judicial dictator who gives a pass to a 17-year-old murderer but allows an innocent Terri Schiavo to die?

(crickets chirping)

What's that, Theodore???   I can't heeeeeeeear  you!!!

An equally prominent member of the leadership of the House of Representatives on the other side of the political aisle has characterized another justice's approach to adjudication as 'incredibly outrageous.'

That would be House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and he was bang-on right-on-the-money right.  When federal judges blatantly ignore Congressional orders to review a life-and-death case de novo,  it ain't exactly tea-and-friggin'-crumpets, Teddy.

But then, I wouldn't expect someone with linguini where his spine should be to have the courage to stand up to judicial tyrants and speak truth to their power.  That would require something you've apparantly lost, Theodore:  Balls.

These excoriations follow other examples of personalized attacks on members of the judiciary by senior political figures.

That's right - and those  followed the same type of personalized attacks by the consitutents those political figures represent.

Try to remember, just once,  who used to pay your salary, will you, Teddy?

So it is time to take a deep breath, step back

Oh, and would you please  spare us the Duchess Hilarious bullshit about "take a deep breath", sir?  It didn't work when she  spewed that line; it's not going to work for you, either.

and inject a little perspective into the recent heated rhetoric about judges and the courts.

Okay, here's some "perspective" for you, Teddy.  These Bastards In Black Robes™ seem to think that they can legislate from the bench, set public policy from the bench, dictate whom and what we must be forced to tolerate from the bench, generally tell us how we can live our lives from the bench and what we can and cannot do from the bench.  They've told the Massachusetts Legislature what laws to write, how to write them and when to write them, and they've made a President and a governor bow before them in supplication.

They set themselves up as the branch of our federal government just a little more "equal" than the other two, and you  want us to put them in "perspective"???

May I kindly invite you to kiss my lily-white cracker ass, Mister  Olsen???

We might start by getting a firm grip on the reality that our independent judiciary is the most respected branch of our government, and the envy of the world.

Uh, not after the Schiavo travesty it isn't, Teddy, you fucking moron.  Not after a convicted murder who bragged that he'd get off because of his age, did exactly that.  And no court system that allows that to happen is deserving of the tiniest smidgen of respect.

We expect dignity, wisdom, decency, civility, integrity and restraint from our judges.

And we haven't gotten it.  We have time and time again received the equivalent of the finger from these Jism-guzzling Jurist Jackals™, and the people are finally starting to have had enough.  And it's been too long in coming, if you ask me.

It is time to exercise those same characteristics in our dealings with, and commentary on, those same judges -- from their appointment and confirmation, to their decision-making once they take office."

Bite me, Olson.  If and when these whoremongers of injustice begin to again demonstrate that they're worthy of my respect, I'll consider throwing some their way.  If and when, but not before.

Until then, they - and you - can go fuck yourselves.

Posted by sgc284 at 05:20 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack


Memo to self:  When composing a really good piece on how John Bolton's being shafted by a known Bush-hating trollop...

...keep the desktop theme changes to a minimum. (sigh)

Oh, well.  Maybe later.

Posted by sgc284 at 03:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Gobbling your data privacy like a hungry Gator

The Department of Foxes Guarding Henhouses chimes in with this blurb, courtesy of one of my co-workers:

The Department of Homeland Security raised some eyebrows last month when it appointed a representative of Claria, a prominent "adware" maker, to a privacy advisory board.

Now we have a chance to see whether the inclusion of Claria/Gator vice president D. Reed Freeman will make a difference in the committee's discussions about privacy and security. The DHS announced this week that the committee's first meeting will be Apr. 6 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC.

So one of the high muckity-mucks of that insipid little software package Gator,  notorious for taking your private information and doing Cthulu knows what with it, is now in charge over at the Data Privacy section of Homeland Security.

Why has my personal Terrorism Alert level just gone up to Red?

Posted by sgc284 at 11:05 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 20, 2005

Getting what she so richly deserves

The Department of What Goes Around, Comes Around lets us have it right between the eyes with this heart-warmer about a Vietnam veteran who let Hanoi Jane Fonda have it...right between the eyes.

(Credit to WorldNetDaily - which reminds me:  There seems to be scuttlebutt on the Rottweiler about how WND's suddenly not a credible source, because supposedly they sometimes leave out details.  Frankly, they don't do anything that most of the Lame Stream Media™ aren't doing, and we never hear the bitching about that  from the Left,  so...)

A Vietnam veteran was arrested in Kansas City yesterday for allegedly spitting on actress Jane Fonda during a book-signing event.

Michael A. Smith, 54, reportedly waited in line for 90 minutes, passed a book to the Academy Award winner, and then spit tobacco juice into her face.

Right about now, there are a few hundred thousand Vietnam veterans giving this man a standing ovation.  I daresay this man will never again have to buy his own beer.

Though he attempted to flee, he was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

See, that's where I might've differed.  I'd likely have stood there and taken on whomever had the balls to try to defend that bitch.  I'm guessing that the only thing the other people in line would've done is wring their limp-wristed hands in limp-wristed angst.

Which would be oh-so-most appropos for them, if you must know.

Fonda declined to prosecute Smith, and issued a statement through her publisher stating: "In spite of the incident, my experience in Kansas City was wonderful and I thank all the warm and supportive people, including so many veterans, who came to welcome me last night."

Smart move on her part.  That's one war she doesn't have a Snowball's Chance In Hell™ of winning.

You wanna talk about packing a courtroom...

Smith told the Kansas City Star that Fonda is a "traitor" who had been spitting at war veterans for years.

"There are a lot of veterans who would love to do what I did," Smith told the paper.

Not to mention one civilian in Dallas who'd love to shake your hand and buy you a beer or twelve.

Molon Labe, sir.  Molon Labe.

Posted by sgc284 at 07:08 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

On the sixteenth edition of Benedict

Misha's taken some time to analyze the new Pope, and gives his unrestricted approval.

That's good enough for me. (grin)

Posted by sgc284 at 06:14 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 19, 2005

Remembering today

Denizens, I know you guys are remembering Oklahoma City today.  I know you're mourning the 168 who lost their lives in that explosion.

As am I.

But I want to remind you, before you go to bed tonight, of the 80 some-odd innocent folks, many of them women & children, who lost their lives a couple years before that.

If you're gonna remember OKC, remember these guys, too.  They didn't deserve their fate, either.

Posted by sgc284 at 08:34 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

Cue the Twilight Zone™ theme...

The Catholic church has selected its new Pope

At the time I accessed this story, the Dullest Moaning Snooze online site had the Dow up - I promise, I'm not making this up - 66.66 points.

Draw your own conclusions.

Posted by sgc284 at 01:23 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 18, 2005

Oh, please  make it an issue, Howeird...

The Republicans keep trying to give control of the government back to the Democrats.  And the Democrats - true to form - keep refusing to take it.

Now here come the Asses and their leader, Dr. YEEEAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!, saying that they're going to use Terri Schiavo as an issue against the Republicans in '06 and '08.

My reaction:  Please? (snicker)

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, who has accused congressional Republicans of "grandstanding" in the Terri Schiavo case, said his party will use it against the GOP in coming elections.

"This is going to be an issue in 2006, and its going to be an issue in 2008 because we're going to have an ad with a picture of (House Majority Leader) Tom DeLay saying, 'Do you want this guy to decide whether you die or not? Or is that going to be up to your loved ones?"' Dean said in West Hollywood, Calif.

Given the choice between Tom DeLay and Howeird Dean, I'd rather take the pro-lifer than the one who says I'm evil.  Wouldn't you? (chortle)

UPDATE:  I mean - really, guys.  How would you like to be the next GOP chaircritter given the privilege of portraying your party as the Party of Life against Dr. YEARGH! and his Party of Death?  How would you  like to get up and say, "Yes, we believe that all life is precious and worthy to be saved - while Dr. Dean, here, believes that there are some who are too inconvenient to keep around"?

Damn,  I wish I were Ken Mehlman right about now!

Dean, answering questions at an Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Equality event on Friday

Why am I not surprised at this?  This should tell you everything you need to know about which way to vote in '06/'08:  Against the Demoscum.

[Dean] went on to say: "The issue is: Are we going to live in a theocracy where the highest powers tell us what to do?

Well, Dr. YEARGH!!!, most of us right-thinkers already place our faith and trust in a God that loves us and knows better than we do about what will keep us safe from harm.

But the real question is this:  Given that every single law passed in this country is a reflection of someone's morality imposed on someone else who might not agree, whose morality is going to reign supreme?  Those of us, who stand for life?  Or those of you, who stand for death?

Seems to me to be a question only a fool could get wrong.  Which is why you're getting it wrong, isn't it?

Or are we going to be allowed to consult our own high powers when we make very difficult decisions?"'

Yeah, Howeird, but how are you gonna get those chakras and crystals to listen? (guffaw)

Karen Finney, Democratic National Committee spokeswoman, defended Dean's comments, saying they were not a reflection of him trying to politicize the issue, but rather he was speaking to "Republican intrusiveness into people's lives."

And to think - she said that with a straight face.  The party that won't let you mow your lawn if there's a puddle in your backyard for fear of "disturbing the wetlands"...the party that wants to regulate what kind of vehicle you can drive by outlawing SUVs...the party that wants to deprive you of your right to homeschool, now bitches at the Republicans for supposedly being "intrusive".

It.  Is.  To.  Laugh.

"This is another example of a Republican party that is overreaching," she said. "Tom Delay and his cronies want to intrude in personal family matters. Democrats believe that individuals and their families should be trusted to make these very personal decisions, not Tom DeLay and not the government.

Yeah, well, Karen - what if Tom DeLay and the goverment want to save your life, and your butt-honey Mikey Schiavo wants to bury your sweet little ass six feet under?

Y'know - like he did Terri?

Or are you and the rest of the Donks that  much in a hurry to die?

Posted by sgc284 at 04:59 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Prayer request

The SpatulaGoddess' grandmother passed away this morning.  She and the rest of her family could use your prayers right about now.  I know they have mine.

That is all.

Posted by sgc284 at 09:11 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

April 17, 2005

On Hanoi Jane & J.Lo...

Sadly for everyone with even so much as an ounce of brains, Hanoi Jane Fonda is back.

Sorta like that touch of bursitis that never quite goes away.

It’s springtime for Jane Fonda. After more than a decade pretty much out of the public eye, the 67-year-old Oscar-winning actress has resurfaced to plug the book and a new movie and is receiving the same mix of adulation and outcry that used to dog every step of her very public life.

Well, there are two reasons for that:  One, she's getting the outcry because she's never apologized or sought anyone's forgiveness for her acts of treason in the 1960s, nor has she ever paid any public price worth noting.  You know - like a prison sentence.  That might have something to do with the outcry.

The adulation is, well, because she's still a moonbat liberal, and she just attracts that from the Mindless, Mikey Moore Dick-Sucking Automatons™ who simply have fecal matter where their gray matter should be and just don't know any better.

Fonda’s autobiography "My Life So Far" describes in blunt and painful detail how she made herself over to please her late father, actor Henry Fonda, and three husbands. She talks of arranging sexual threesomes for her first husband, French director Roger Vadim, of a 20-year battle against bulimia and of a few regrets about her highly publicized trip to Hanoi to oppose the Vietnam war.

Why do I get the feeling that one of those "regrets" was that she didn't succeed in "getting her message out" more effectively?  It's the same thing all the time with America's enemies (and yes, Demoscum, I'm looking at you) - whenever they don't get what they want at the ballot box, it's always because they somehow didn't communicate their message well enough.

Here's a clue, dumbasses:  You've been communicating that for which you stand most effectively.  That's why you keep losing.

As letters to newspapers and calls to radio shows have shown over the past few weeks, Fonda remains a lightning rod for controversy. But she says she now understands and accepts her role as an immutable American icon.

Just so you know, Hanoi Jane - Hitler, Stalin, Lenin and Mao are icons, too.  Being an icon is not necessarily something to which it's always good to aspire.

"I have to take responsibility for the fact that I represent something to people that is beyond me," Fonda told a small group of reporters in an interview to discuss "Monster-in-Law," in which she plays Jennifer Lopez’ fire-breathing mother-in-law.

Yes.  You represent a traitorous fuck who should've been shot on sight the minute you set foot back on US soil after returning from Hanoi.

"I represent a movement. I represent a set of values. I have to own that and I have to live that ... to not disappoint myself. You have to embody your values."

Such as how you hate what America stands for, and how you wanted to see her brought to her knees.  There's a reason  we call you "Hanoi Jane", you stupid trollop.

"I can’t stand complainers," she added.

Yeah, that's why you went to Hanoi in the first place, bitch - to complain about how the United States was trying to fight Communism in Southeast Asia.  Seems that didn't sit too well with you, did it?

"If you commit yourself to being in the public eye with all the perks, the least you can do is take the ups and downs."

"One thing I have learned the hard way is, it ain’t gonna kill you," she added.

That's more of a testament to our respect for the laws against murder than it is about anything you stand for, "Jane, you ignorant slut".

"You just plow ahead, and if you’re a decent person, people will know it."

Oh, we know about you, alright.  "Indeed", as Glenn Reynolds might say.

Oh, and speaking of J.Lo - who, last month in Blender  magazine said "I'm not a walking soap opera..."

(Memo to J.Lo:  Yes, you are.)

...she has once again proven that all her brains are contained in that wonderfully shaped, oversized ass of hers:

For her part, Lopez said she “had a lot of fun” working with Fonda after overcoming initial trepidation.


She said she asked Fonda how to go about becoming involved in politics if the inclination should strike. “She said there is a time and a way to do things,” Lopez said. “She said when you’re ready ... call me and I’ll tell you what’s right and what’s wrong so you don’t get yourself in trouble.”

Oh, that's rich:  J.Lo getting political advice from Hanoi Jane.  A classic case of the blind leading the blind.

Let's hope that the ditch is narrow enough so that her ass can keep her from falling into it, eh?

Posted by sgc284 at 11:23 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

April 16, 2005

Comments, we get comments...well, sort of.

Y'know, I don't want to say that liberalism translates to automatic stupidity - well, yes I do, but work with me here, okay? - but how else can you explain posting a comment on a site that's been all but abandoned, when the poster must  know that just about no one's gonna see it?

That is, unless I bring it out here and ridicule the damnfool about it. (chuckle)

So I'm just piddling around last night, and I stop by my old Haloscan account - the one that was associated with the old Bogsnot site.  It is  true that JBeez, my personal bitchboy, had posted a bit of keyboard-based flatulence there during the Terri Schiavo memorial, but that was quickly disposed of, and the links to the comments on the main page removed.

Anyway, I'm there, and I find some fuckhead has posted something new.  And I don't even know which thread this idiot was commenting on, and I have not the slightest inclination to find out.  Primarily because I don't care.

But if this dumbass, who posted under the name of "Mark", wants his 14.5 minutes in the limelight, who am I to deny him?

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..the leftists always show themselves to be so much more intelligent, educated, informed

That's why you posted to a blog that has been pretty much vacated - right, dumb fuck?  Just like cockroaches that come out into the open in a house that has long since been abandoned.  Quite the comforting parallel, since it describes you morons to a T.

and tolerant than the 51% of the opposite side.

Oh, yes.  "Tolerant".  Just like the five Demoscum who slashed Republican tires on Election Day.  Yeah, that's tolerant, all right, asswipe.

It's encouraging of the idea that this country may yet survive this unpleasant era dominated by idiots' blind faith in leaders motivated by everything but the interest of their sychophantic minions who bend kindly over and say, "more please, sirs, screw me in the kiester all you want, just please don't let my neighbor screw my other neighbor in his hiney, that's all that matters to me, my own butt be damned."

You seem to have an obsession with anal sex.  Bathhouse much, limp-wrist? (snicker)

At any rate, if you want to come call me a "sychophantic minion" to my face, I figure you know where to find me.

That is, if you have balls enough to get your skanky ass handed to you, Marci.  I'm ready when you are.

Posted by sgc284 at 10:46 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 15, 2005

Not quite the reception they were expecting... (snicker)

We're an eccentric lot here in Texas.  Y'see, we don't take kindly to weirdos telling us how to run our lives...especially when it comes to what we eat.

We're meat-and-potatoes, fried chicken-and-hamburgers types down here, and when some tofu-munching, rice-burner-driving asshelmets like PETA try to barge in and tell us that the cow eating the cabbage is sacred and shouldn't be our dinner...well, that doesn't set well with us.

So when *spit* PETA *spit* decided to protest at a KFC in Brownsville, they probably shouldn't have been too surprised at the reception they received...

A trio of protesters with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals didn't find the welcome mat out when they stopped at a KFC in Brownsville on Wednesday. The sprinkler system was on for them, though.

John Olivo, the manager of the fast-food chicken restaurant, turned the system on full blast to soak the curbside protesters. And a man who eats beef followed them around with his stepchildren and a microphone.

"Hey hey, ho ho, PETA fucktards got to go, hey hey, ho ho..."

The PETA protesters, including one in a chicken suit, are participating in PETA's campaign to get KFC to pressure slaughter houses to use more humane methods to kill chickens.

Oh, I can see it now:  Lethal injection for the omelette-makers, ayup...

"They already hit me in McAllen," Olivo said in a story in Thursday's editions of The Brownsville Herald. "I was already waiting for them here in Brownsville."

Hey, if dumbasses were trying to negatively impact your  business, what would you  do?

"You're not going to win. Not in Brownsville," David Ingersoll, of Los Fresnos, shouted through his microphone at the protesters at a busy intersection. His stepchildren passed out anti-PETA pamphlets to stopped drivers.

"I'm waiting for someone to throw a cabrito head at them so they know what part of the country they are in," Ingersoll said, referring to the goat meat that's used in some Mexican dishes.

This is my kind of guy:  Stands up to the morons and let them know that their bitching isn't going to be taken sitting down.  Those stepchil'lun have themselves a good stepdad.

The PETA members didn't give up on their message.

"It hasn't been quite like this in other parts of the state," said Chris Link, PETA's campaign coordinator, who is traveling to protest KFC in 12 Texas cities.

Come to Dallas.  We can fix that...

Link said the group didn't receive harsh treatment earlier in McAllen.

"It's a rarity that we get this," he said after the dousing.

I'd start wearing the raincoats if I were you, fuckhead.

Then again, it's a shame your daddy didn't wear a "raincoat", if you know what I mean...

Posted by sgc284 at 12:11 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Oh, and it's also Buy A Gun day, too...

Oh, that's riiiiiiight  - it's April 15th, isn't it?  Just about slipped my mind - taxes are due today.

'Course, the fact that I e-filed back in January and got my refund around the first of February had something to do with that, I imagine.

Technological savviness.  It's a Good Thing™.  (snicker)

Posted by sgc284 at 08:56 AM | Comments (7) | TrackBack

Act of war from Mejico

Y'know what?  I don't care if they freakin' are  our neighbor.  If they're doing this, we don't just need the Minutemen - we fuckin' need troops down there, fully armed and on full alert.

The Mexican army is escorting those attempting to cross over the U.S. border illegally – including known drug-runners – to areas not patrolled by the Minuteman Project near Naco, Ariz., say Border Patrol sources and other officials including a U.S. congressman.

Excuse me?  People we don't want here, escorted by the Mexican military?

Pardon me for pointing this out - but is that not the very definition of the word "invasion"???

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., chairman of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus, denounced the action by the Mexican military and called on President Bush to do the same.

To Hell™ with that - get a couple divisions down there on the double, at the very least!!!

Border Patrol sources say the Mexican army recently moved about 1,000 troops to the Agua Prieta region, just south of where the Minutemen are. These troops, the sources say, are diverting all of the illegal alien and drug-smuggling traffic away from the Minutemen.

If this isn't an out-and-out act of war, I'm not sure if I know what is.  And the next time little Vinny Fox sets foot in this country, he should be thrown in one of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's tent prisons to rot until he agrees to let us shoot anyone trying to cross.  This is our  country, not theirs, and it's high time they realized it.

Just prior to the launch of the Minuteman Project March 30, Miguel Escobar Valdez, Mexican consul in Douglas, Ariz., said the Mexican military was bracing for possible violence on the border.

"The Mexican army is on alert," Escobar said. "Also, law enforcement will be vigilant because the situation is very volatile. This is because, I have to say it, there are violent and radical elements on both sides of the border."

Bet we can find yours before you find ours, Escobutthead, you hijo de la puta.

Fucking bastards...

UPDATE:  Misha has his own take on the matter, and it's a good read, too.

Posted by sgc284 at 12:01 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

April 14, 2005

Ahmed the Arab

No, I'm not gonna bore you with another verse of The One-Legged Man™ (grin).  I'm just gonna say that things are busy, I love what I'm doing, and leave it at that.

But I may make a little more use of the Grab-Bag™ than I have in the past.

Such as this gem sent to me by the Sibling Unit™ (spew warnings in effect):

Ahmed the Arab came to the United States from the Middle East and he was only here a few months when he became very ill.

He went to doctor after doctor but none of them could help him.

Finally, he went to an Arab doctor who said, "Take dees bucket, go into de odder room, poop in de bucket, pee on de poop and den put your head down over de bucket and breathe in de fumes for ten minutes."

Ahmed took the bucket, went into the other room, pooped in the bucket, peed on the poop, bent over and breathed in the fumes for ten minutes.

Coming back to the doctor he said, "It worked! I feel terrific! What was wrong with me?"

The doctor said, "You were homesick."


Posted by sgc284 at 06:53 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack

April 13, 2005

Tom DeLay:  "Congressman Cave-In"

If there's one thing that pisses me off more than just about anything else, it's someone who takes a stand for what's right in our fucked-up society - and then apologizes for doing so.

The Department of Spineless, Wimp-Assed Bastards has delivered up one such individual on a silver platter - and it's the Congresscritter I just got through defending a couple posts below.

That's right, Denizens.  Tommy-boy DeLay has caved in to whatever pressure was being brought to bear on him for what he said about Terri Schiavo and the out-of-control excuse-for-a-court system.

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay apologized Wednesday for using overheated rhetoric on the day Terri Schiavo died, but refused to say whether he supports impeachment of the judges who ruled in her case.

DeLay backtracked as White House spokesman Scott McClellan said President Bush considers the Texas Republican, who is battling ethics allegations, a friend, but suggested that the majority leader is more of a business associate than a social pal.

"I think there are different levels of friendship with anybody," McClellan said.

There are different levels of cowardice too, McClellan.  Your boss demonstrated the worst kind of same when he bended his knee to the fucking swamp rat George Greer - a level of spinelessness matched only by Shrubya's brother, Jebbie.

Now Tommy-boy DeLay has just about matched that particular brand of wussiness by apologizing for daring to speak the truth the other day about the Backstabbing Bench Bastards™ who helped murder Terri.

At a crowded news conference in his Capitol office, DeLay addressed remarks he made in the hours after the brain-damaged Florida woman died on March 31. "I said something in an inartful way and I shouldn't have said it that way and I apologize for saying it that way," DeLay told reporters.

Shortly after Schiavo's death, Delay said it represented a failure of the legal system. DeLay's statement also said, "The time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior."

If that's the way you feel, Tommy-Boy, then I couldn't give a flying fuck if you should be tossed out of Congress on your yellow can.  We need congressfolk in Washington who aren't afraid to stand up for what's right, even if it doesn't jibe with poll numbers sautéed by the NY Slimes.

And if you don't have the balls to stand up for what's right, perhaps you should step aside for someone who does.

Posted by sgc284 at 09:59 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

The one-legged man...you know the drill...

I don't even have time to tell you I don't even have time. (sigh)

Posted by sgc284 at 12:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 12, 2005

*Boom* (grin)

Okay, now it's the cat bloggers' turn to get pissed off at me.


This is courtesy of one of my co-workers.  Sorta reminds me of one of the Apple penguin games... (grin)

Posted by sgc284 at 02:28 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack

April 11, 2005

The DeLay Affair:  Latest Demoscum temper-tantrum

Ah yes, the Sunday news cycle.  Time for RINOs - Republicans In Name Only - to perform their weekly rim-jobs on their Demoscummic masters in order to get TV time.

This past week, it was Chrith Thhayth Chris Shays (RINO-Kennycut)...

(Quick, Denizens, name the reference?)

...doing his little bit of Donk fellating for the Assphyxiated Piss.

Rep. Christopher Shays said Sunday that fellow Republican Rep. Tom DeLay should step down as House majority leader because his continuing ethics problems are hurting the GOP.

"Tom's conduct is hurting the Republican Party, is hurting this Republican majority and it is hurting any Republican who is up for re-election," Shays told The Associated Press on Sunday.

No, Chrissie boy, what's hurting the Republican Party is milquetoast asshats like you kow-towing to people like Ronnie Earle down here in Texas and like "Breck Girl" Nancy Pelosi and her honeyboy Dingy Harry Reid in Washington.

Whaddya wanna bet that, if you would JUST ONCE stand up to them, they'd ingest a heaping help of STFU?

A moderate Republican from Connecticut who has battled with his party's leadership on a number of issues, Shays said efforts by the House GOP members to change ethics rules to protect DeLay only make the party look bad.

"My party is going to have to decide whether we are going to continue to make excuses for Tom to the detriment of Republicans seeking election," Shays said.

Your  party???  What's this "we", paleface?

The GOP is going to have to decide whether it wants to stand up to a cartel of political thugs and bloody their noses, or make like you and start with the blowjobs.  And may God help us all  if it's the latter.

DeLay's spokesman, Dan Allen, told The Associated Press on Sunday that the congressman "looks forward to the opportunity of sitting down with the ethics committee chairman and ranking member to get the facts out and to dispel the fiction and innuendo that's being launched at him by House Democrats and their liberal allies."

The majority leader was admonished three times last year by that committee. The committee has been in limbo since March, when its five Democrats balked at adopting Republican-developed rules.

Rules, I might add, designed to protect congresscritters, not from legitimate investigations, but from Torquemada-style witch-hunts for which the Demoscum have become so  very well known.

A senior Democratic senator, Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, had this advice for the Republicans who control both the House and Senate: "Be careful about how closely you embrace Mr. DeLay."

Is that a threat, Chriththy-poo?  Are you planning to go all McCarthy-ish on us here?  Is Mr. DeLay going to have to name names  for you, Chriththy dear?

Dodd cited the new rules for the ethics committee that House Republicans rammed through in the wake of DeLay's difficulties. Those rules require a bipartisan vote before an investigation can be launched. DeLay's office also helped mount a counterattack last fall against Rep. Joel Hefley, R-Colo., who was the ethics committee chairman when it came down against DeLay.

"Unfortunately, in his particular case, there's a process that he's tried to change so they could actually reach a determination as to whether or not he's innocent or guilty of the things he's been charged with," Dodd said.

Maybe that's because we're tired of constant carping a la  Watergate about how these Eeeeeeeeevil Republicans are so damned corrupt by a party who had an excuse-for-a-President lie under oath to a Grand Jury!!!

Hypocrisy much, Chriththy?

"But this is not going to go away."

Certainly not as long as you bastards think you can make some political hay with it.  Certainly you want  to make political hay, anyway.

But what's that about "want in one hand, and..."?

Posted by sgc284 at 04:16 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack

Yes, life does begin at 40

Memo to Chris Muir:

Bite me.

Posted by sgc284 at 07:36 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

April 10, 2005

Another travesty averted - for now

It would seem that - for now - we've averted another Terri Schiavo-type murder.

Sherri at Straight Up With Sherri  reports that 81-year-old Mae Magourik, who had been hospitalized with a dissected aorta, then subsequently hospiced and denied food and water at the insistence of her grand-daughter (who, it would seem did not have medical power-of-attorney to have this done), has now been removed from said hospice and transferred to another hospital, fed and re-hydrated.

Yes, I'm keeping an eye on this one - not to mention giving Sherri a higher-than-normal place on the blogroll.

You see, Sherri's a Georgia blogger who actually possesses a clue - unlike some other Georgia blogger we all know...

Posted by sgc284 at 05:56 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

IslamoNazism:  Not the only problem in Spain

Okay, I'm about to offend half my readership, statistically speaking.

If she has the slightest bit of honesty DNA inside that fat ass of hers, Stephanie Dawn Stewart Crager - Her Doublewide Bitchiness - will tell you that the overwhelming majority of housework in that little 1300 square-foot cottage of ours in Forney was done, not by her, but by her long-suffering husband.

Yeah.  Me.

That's right.  The laundry, a good chunk of the vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen - that was the handiwork of yours truly.  Yeah, she did most of the cooking, and she insisted on cleaning the bathroom - but other than that, if there was housework to be done, I was the one doing it.

So you can feel for the poor sap at the Department of What The Hell Are They Smoking Over There™ who brought me this news blurb about the socialist pansy-asses in Spain's parliament.  Damn near tore his head off over this.

It seems that They Who Cower To Islamonazi Pricks Who Bomb Their Trains™ are feeling a mite wimpish these days, and need someone to pick on.  Thus, they're about to pass a law mandating that men...

...are you sitting down?

...do housework.

The draft approved by the Spanish parliament's justice commission says men must "share domestic responsibilities and the care and attention" of children and elderly family members, the London Guardian reported.

The amendment, which has the backing of every Spanish party,

See, that's one of the things that bugs the shit outta me.  Was there not one  party over there who had the balls to stand up and say, "Look, asshats - if there's anything a legislative body shouldn't be micromanaging, it's this.  Housework is an issue to be agreed upon between a husband and a wife - we have no business sticking our ugly noses into this one"???

will be incorporated later this year into the marriage contract at civil wedding ceremonies in a country where it's reported 40 percent of men do no housework at all.

It will be applied in divorce proceedings: Men who don't do their share could be given less time with their children.

Look for an increase in fathers running away with their children if this POS legislation passes.

"The idea of equality within marriage always stumbles over the problem of work in the house and caring for dependent people," said the law's chief sponsor, Margarita Uría, of the Basque Nationalist party.

"This will be a good way of reminding people what their duties are," she said, according to the Guardian. "It is something feminists have been wanting for a long time."

Which is the one reason it should never have passed in the first place.  You don't give a feminist what she wants, hoping that it'll shut her up.  It won't.  All it'll do is make them scream all the louder for more, more, more.  They're like little children this way.  It's uncanny.

And here we were thinking that the only thing wrong with the Spanish people was that they were cowards.  Now we find out that they're pussy-whipped, as well.

Sucks to be them.

What I  wanna know is how are they going to enforce this pisspot law?  How do they propose to measure the amount of housework a man does in his house?  Who's gonna gauge the percentages?  Are they gonna create a Department of Nosy Busybodies or something to come by each dwelling to conduct investigations?  Are men going to have to fill out housework forms (in triplicate, no less) to document what they're doing around the house?

And what's next for the whipped Spanish?  Are they gonna pass a law forcing men to put the toilet seat down?  Forcing them to keep their mouths taped up when their wives are PMSing out the wazoo?  Mandates that these men will  bring roses home, take their wives out to swanky restaurants once a month, treat them to day spas, "visits" from the cabana boy, etc???  Inquiring minds wanna know!

Stupid fuckheads...

Posted by sgc284 at 08:53 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 09, 2005

The faster I go, the behinder I get

First it was a flu bug, caught during the wildly-successful Texas Blogfest 2005, that laid me low.

Then it was the massive increase in my workload brought about by the closing of the warehouse where my Evil Technician's Laboratory™ was located, and my subsequent transfer to my company's business office and call center.

On top of all that, a client of mine (from my Side Business That Loses Money Hand Over Fist™) had her machine go toes up on her.  It's only the heart of her business, you understand, and since several local governments depend on her, and the asshats at the *spit* Environ-loon Prick-sucking Agency *spit* can throw her in the hoosegow without the documentation that was on this box...

The point of all this carping is that, in addition to The Six Or Seven Of You Who Still Read This Blog™, I've promised stuff to a couple others of you that I haven't yet gotten around to delivering.

Your patience thus far is very much appreciated.  Please be a little more patient.  Your stuff's on the way, promise.

Posted by sgc284 at 02:35 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 08, 2005

For the love of Grover...!!!

Just so you know:  I was never that big a fan of Sesame Street.  By the time I became the age of their target demographic, I was already past letters & numbers and was into reading sentences.

Not bad for a two-and-a-half-year old, eh? (grin)

Anyway, I was more into Electric Company  at that tender young age.  However, that's not to say I didn't watch SS at all  - in fact, I had a couple of favorite characters.  One of them was Maria - you remember, Luis' then-girlfriend (now wife, if memory serves)?  Quite the hottie, she.

The other one was the subject of my rant today, that being the googly-eyed blue shag carpet known as the Cookie Monster.  Ate everything in sight - edible or not. (grin)  Known & loved for his trademark signature phrase - "Cooooooooooo-kieeeeeeeeeee"

Well, that bastion of We Know Better What's Best For Your Child Than You Do™, the asshatted liberals at the Corporation for Pubic Public Broadcasting who write Sesame Street,  have unilaterally decided to take our beloved Cookie Monster away and replace him with a lookalike that purports to tell your kids how they should eat - IOW, a further attempt to take your job of parenting your rugrat away from you.  Chelsea Carter of AP reports:

Something must be wrong in the land of Muppets.

Something has been wrong with Public Television™ for a while now, Chel.  You mean you're just now noticiing?

First PBS announced that Sesame Street would kick off its 35th season this week with a multiyear story arc about healthy habits.

Oh, yeah.  A three-year-old is going to listen intently to a message telling him he oughta start eating GrapeNuts©.  YeahRight™.

No problem there; childhood obesity rates are soaring.

Pray tell, Chel - why  would childhood obesity rates be a problem for you, eh?  Are they all your  crumb-crunchers, hmmmmmmmmmm?

Then I learned of changes that turned my Sesame Street world upside-down.

My beloved blue, furry monster – who sang "C is for cookie, that's good enough for me" – is now advocating eating healthy. There's even a new song – "A Cookie Is a Sometimes Food," where Cookie Monster learns there are "anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods.

"Sacrilege!" I cried. "That's akin to Oscar the Grouch being nice and clean." (Co-workers gave me strange looks. But I didn't care.)

Great Honkin' Cthulu™, I thought the exchange system  diet was bad...

People, we're talking about a Muppet here.  Muppets don't go on diets.  They entertain little children (and, on occasion, politically incorrect adults who don't have their knickers twisted).  Making sure the kiddos eat right is the job of the parents.


Being a journalist, I did the only thing I knew how to do. I investigated why Sesame Street gave Cookie Monster a health makeover.

The answer would lead me into a world where television producers worked with health experts and politicians

Translated, a place where micromanaging busybody dumbasses are convinced that they Do Not Have Enough To Do™.  The most dangerous place for these snotwits to possibly be.

Feel free to go read the rest of the article.  Just make sure you haven't eaten anything beforehand, lest you...(pun intended)...toss your cookies.

Posted by sgc284 at 02:23 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Nice life, if you can get it...

Since I knoweth not whether I'll be able to rant & rave like I want to today, we'll start out with something from the all-but-forgotten Grab Bag™.

This is courtesy of my sibling unit, who got it from a friend, who got it from a friend, who... (grin)

If you can start the day without caffeine,

If you can get going without pep pills,

If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,

If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles,

If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it,

If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time,

If you can take criticism and blame without resentment

If you can ignore a friend's limited education and never correct him,

If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend,

If you can conquer tension without medical help,

If you can relax without liquor,

If you can sleep without the aid of drugs,

...Then You Are Probably The Family Dog!


Posted by sgc284 at 08:32 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

The one-legged man, yet another chapter, yadda yadda yadda...

Sorry, guys - yesterday was a beast as far as workload went.

Today doesn't look all that much better, either. (sigh)

And on top of it all - Comcast threw up again  last night, leaving me with bupkis in the way of a connection.  I'm really starting to develop an unhealthy dislike for those people... (grrrrr)

Posted by sgc284 at 06:40 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 07, 2005

Credit Where Credit's Due, or, Okay - I Lied

One last thing...

That link below on the newest poll suggesting Americans didn't  want Terri starved to death?

Hat tip on that to His Dreaded Punditness, Bluto. (Sorry for the belatedness on that, guy.)

Posted by sgc284 at 06:19 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

April 06, 2005

Final thoughts on Terri

The SpatulaGoddess has a wonderful article here about not harboring hatred for any or all of the Unholy Schiavo Trinity™ - Mikey Shitstain, Fellatios the Almighty Channeler Of Old Ladies He Wishes Would Hurry Up And Die™ and Georgie-Porgy the Flamingo-Felching Dolphin Humper™.

(Can you tell I haven't quite gotten to that point yet?)

And I understand about Romans 12:19 and 14:10 and 14:12.  I understand that the Lord will repay these three murdering sons-of-bitches royally for killing an innocent woman.

That doesn't stop me from desperately wishing that I could the the instrument of that vengeance.

I'm not condemning those who are filled with indignation, righteous or otherwise, toward this whole mess. Like I said before, there is plenty of blame to go around. But, now, she's gone. Will throwing more mud bring her back?

Obviously, of course not.  But if nothing is done - if we go back to our fascination with Michael!!!!  and whether or not he fondled those little kids, or the latest dirt about Brad & Jen, or J.Lo, or Oprah, or this or that - that will be exponentially worse.

To sit there in a spirit of blah  is unacceptable.  This would send the message that "oh, well, we'll point our nose toward the sky and sniff our disapproval - but really, boys, you do what you want to do, we'd rather not get our hands dirty".  That  attitude not only encourages more of the same (or worse), it all but guarantees  it.

(Oh, and I fully realize that's not what the SpatulaGoddess is advocating.  The rest of our "society" - if you want to call us that any longer - long ago attained "comfortably numb" status, resulting in our sense of morality lapsing into a deep coma.)

The question is therefore raised:  How much more are we willing to tolerate?

Some are now talking vengence, not only against Michael Schiavo, but against the judges and the politicians who let her down. No matter how much I long for justice, I can't go there.

Indeed, we are talking vengeance - because that is precisely what that Unholy Trinity™ royally deserves.

And no person in any position of authority - from that sick swamp fuck George-Porgy Greer to the supposed  leader of the free world who bowed his knee to him - deserves to be returned to that place of power from this point forward.  Whether removed by ballot - or by other means - every single asshole who voted to have Terri killed deserves nothing short of being run out of town on rails.

And then having those rails turned sideways and shoved squarely up their candy-asses.

Go here and read what this nurse has to say about the whole thing.  She covers every point I ever could make about Terri Schiavo far better than I ever could.

We failed her.  We could have should have saved her life - but we turned our backs on her.

That's  why, today, I'm ashamed of this country.

Posted by sgc284 at 12:01 AM | Comments (5) | TrackBack